The problem with premades in pvp

This is inaccurate.

Lol. More incoherent drivel.

He is right

That I am trying to Solo rank for free gear? What? I have almost the best available gear presently.

You two are unhinged.

Not a defence.

You want easy solo experience in mmo game

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Pugging is not a solo experience though.


Its called revenge for all the alliance premades that horde had to suffer through.

Most of the time when horde makes a premade and tries to PvP, the alliance premade just leaves the BG because they cant win against horde premades. Ive seen this happen so many times. They only pvp against pugs.

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Pro tip, horde premades are just as actively avoiding alliance premades.

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yes, it is

pro tip, trade chat premades are same crap as pugs

Yeah, its the random trade chat premades that just bend over to other premades

Real premades will play hard, and if the game is dragging on not particularly in their favor they wont “give up” they will just farm kills while ignoring the objective

… are you so stupid to realize that THATS the entire point. If they can’t get quick honor they stop cheesing and solo queue like 4/5 of everyone else.

What point are you even trying to make?

This sounds terrible because solo queuing even in pug vs pug games sucks almost all the time and is no fun.

This sounds great for people who like to bot and AFK though I guess.

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If the meta is shifted to solo queue only, half of the games will just start getting filled with afkers

If all those people are horde … that works for me… #justkidding

I want to be able to play casual battlegrounds and actually enjoy pvp after work.

Apparently that equates to “I want free ****.”

I could care less about honor, it’s not relevant.

So the 14 other players in AB, the 39 others in AV, are just figments of my imagination.

You really are unhinged

Pug vs pug is the best pvp in classic (and vanilla)… Other than the occasional good world pvp stuff.