The problem with premades in pvp

Dude, just stop

Your “logic” is just so…not there

/shrug you are the one defending premades avoiding other premades.

Cause that’s how people behave.


They aren’t though. People willing to commit to joining a team and grinding with them for hours on end will naturally be better players especially when it comes to playing off of eachother.

In a pug game half the team just throws and does whatever they want with little to no coordination. Let’s not forget about the amount of consumes you’ll be using in premade vs premade compared to pug games.

Yeah premades avoid other premades to get better honor per hour

Do you know what premades would do if they were forced to only queue against other premades? They wouldn’t play in premades

Except they won’t be better players inherently.

See the guy below you.

Yeah premades avoid other premades to get better honor per hour

These are people actively avoiding challenging matches that would force them to get better.

Pugs by their very nature cannot avoid those matches. So ask yourself real hard who is asking for easy mode honor.

Yes that’s the current meta. Get the best HPH possible.
What you’re asking for though is to split the game into two brackets. This would kill premade vs premade almost instantly because the HPH would be trash.

This is why premade vs premade needs to be heavily rewarded to keep that side competitive. Just like they do in Cata. Reward people for putting in the effort for forming a group.

Jesus you are stupid

People ranking in premades care about 1 thing, honor per hour, of course they don’t want to go up against another tryhard team compared to a pug, they are chasing the REWARDS of the honor system, it has nothing to do with how good or bad they are, they could be godlike pvpers, but they don’t care to prove their skill to some random premade in wsg if it means they have to stay up grinding another hour because they are behind on honor per hour

Why would the HPH for premades be any worse? Pug vs Pug games aren’t any faster especially when neither side cough premades cough as he just admitted can’t fish for easy games.

Once again completely glossing over the fact that premade vs premade queue times would be DRAMATICALLY longer than solo queues

Not to mention ive never been in a wsg pug vs pug that lasted 40 mins because both teams had perfect comps with coms and consumables, but ive been in quite a few premade games like that

I guess you don’t understand the difference for competitive games vs pugs.

But you’ve got the guy above you pointing out that premades are actively avoiding competitive games. All they care about is HPH. Which premade vs premade wouldn’t give them a disadvantage in vs pugs. It would just require them to put in the same effort as pugs.

Yes right now they are because of HPH.

If you force the brackets to be split then you have to reward people who Premade Vs Premade because they are the ones putting in effort to get a competitive group going.

Shocking, someone who doesn’t pug doesn’t know how pug vs pug games play out.

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Why? Premade vs premade would give the same HPH as pug vs pug as neither side would be able to game the system like premades are currently doing.

It would still be a time played system not a skill based competitive system. And if premades really only care about HPH and they don’t care about actually premading shouldn’t they be happy they have a second option?

Competitive games by nature will last longer then pugs if the rewards are there to encourage winning.

Once again what you’re asking for is the complete destruction of premades which you already view as the majority in favor of your minority pug v pug games.

But the rewards for pugs to win are the same for premades to win, which is why pug vs pug games can end up lasting just as long as premade vs premade.

Premade players would not get some huge advantage switching to pugs in general or specifically HPH. As they would now have to deal with all the RNG pugs deal with.

And if people are only premading for HPH and would choose not to given an equivalent alternative? That says more about why premades vs premades and pug vs pug should be a thing than that premades are good.

You’ve obviously never played in a competitive premade vs premade game

The difference between some stubborn pugs not coordinating a push and taking awhile to secure a flag is nothing compared to being in a game where both teams have pro druid flag carriers with hunters mages and priests on defense while people are popping faps on cooldown and constantly communicating about each other’s positions

The fact that you can say pug vs pug games and premade vs premade games would have similar honor per hour is just laughable and shows exactly how uninformed you are, which isn’t surprising, most of the anti premade people have never set foot in an actual competitive game


I’ve explained this all in threads before. I mostly don’t bother to waste my energy anymore on people like this guy who will never agree, but I understanding wanting to. I’ll explain it to other posters though depending on if they’re new and what they say.

Rankers will chase the best HPH, it’s just like that. If the best HPH is solo or a small group queueing and going off and killing at a GY or on the road even if it means losing games that’s what they’ll do. HPH is key.

I’ve also explained that this was already proven as at the start of BGs there were full WSG teams that split up and did AV solo horde side because the HPH was better, despite almost everyone hating it - and I also knew multiple rankers who flat out quit PVPIng or even quit WoW Classic period because they hated the AV solo queue meta.

But yeah according to some posters lets just split the queues - it’s simple - even though it’s taking the groups out of a MMORPG. That would be better for people who can’t premade for whatever reason they come up with right?

No compromise is every good enough either to some of these hill to die on posters. Whenever different tiers of rewards or honor point changes are made these ideas are either ignored or disregarded. The whole thing is pretty ridiculous really.

You do know it’s not gaming the system right? You’re in Classic wow where raids were allowed to queue up together. They reduced it to 5 mans in later expansions, however.

None is as terrible as classic.
Like not even close, i can actually have fun if i solo queue rn in a BG at retail. In classic? No lol.