The problem with premades in pvp

So if all you want to do is have fun, then you wouldn’t have an issue if solo only queue had severely nerfed honor gain or just outright didn’t award honor at all like wargames.

Thats the only way it wouldn’t effect the way the honor system works

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Yes, it does

A lot of this is personal preference though. Pug vs pug where you have half the team at the starting area AFK is really not that fun, and that happens a lot. It’s also not fun when people spend the entire time trash talking each other in BG chat, and that also happens a lot. If your pug team mates are actually playing then yes it can be fun.

Obviously personal preference is important too, and some people really like the pug environment and that is totally fine. Having people who want team play feel like they are forced to play in pugs, especially with the above being a part of those games, isn’t a good thing IMO.


Bro, there is no scouting anymore. They literally fixed that over like 2 phases ago.

Premades are there for easy wins. Hence why they premade. Dont wanna be an easy win? Just get good and join a team in a team game.

The thing that ruined all of this was voice comms. I mean, you had ventrillo back in the day, but you had to pay for that, if I remember so not everyone had it. Now every tom dick and harry has their own discord server and everyone has access to voice comms.

I mean you can make a discord and link it in your pug games for an advantage, these tools are available to every player, just like making a premade.

I wouldn’t want to be in comms the though with the filth that plagues pug BGs. I’m looking at you dad gamers who remote queue from work and afk every game

How many nights are you pvping? Can you not try and make friends each night to queue with?

Hell half the playerbase doesn’t care, which is sad.

I care to keep it unchanged. :man_shrugging: Not only did I know what to expect coming into Classic, it was one of the incentives of doing so.

lol you’re still trolling away here on your anonymous retail alt? Takes a special kind of scared to try to hide one’s internet identity

Did you ask why I don’t post on my rank 14 vanilla char? Probably because I don’t want to bother installing retail which I’ll never play just to prove a point. How about I post on that char, take whatever picture proof you want, and then you post on your terribad classic char. You wouldn’t. You’re too scared to post on your classic char even if someone offered to pay you lol

Do you really think there was another rank 14 hunter with my same stupid non-fantasy name who’s pvp video I would post? Do you think that I am just a hotshot video editor who can completely fake a pvp video without ever actually recording pvp? Give me a job at blizzard if I can pull that off

Glad I noticed this thread again to read that response. That definitely got a laugh out of me

pre mades are a legit complaint. it does kind of suck to be a pug vs a pre-made. But that’s part of the 15 year old game problem. But part of Classic being a version of a 15 year old game makes raiding face roll. And people love it that way. If Raiding was much more time consuming, you’d hear complaints about that also. So in short, you have some good things about a 15 year old game and some bad things.

Can’t have your cake and eat it too. Take Classic for what it is. You win some and lose some. Unfortunately, PvP suffers to some extent. Altough, you could argue pre-made vs pre-made for those not grinding honor per hour, is more fun.


So turns out I can post on my vanilla char without having to install retail. He should still be in his 2k+ rating required arena epics

I quit in wotlk, so he’s 80. Want me to install retail and take a pic of my gladiator mount, you know, that thing you never got nor will ever get in classic TBC?

How about before my classic sub expires, I xfer to your server and set up either a duel, 2v2, or 3v3 where you or I delete our char if we lose? Since my better gaming days are behind me, as you put it (and I wouldn’t disagree lol), it should be easy for you to win. We can even make it a series to keep it fair

How is splitting queues “taking the groups out” of an MMO? DELETING the group queue option would be taking the groups out of an MMO. Not splitting the queues. If no one wanted to do premades anymore because with split queues pugs became better HPH, that might take the grouping out of an MMO, but that would be a player decision, not blizzard’s. And we know the way to fix that would be to create an incentive to premade queue such as more honor/win and honor/loss

“We knew how the pvp system would be before we started. We came to classic wow because it was the same systems that we remember from vanilla”

I hear this a lot. Sure, we knew how the ranking system worked. Did we know about how the “premade only” meta would develop? Because I remember I was reading these classic WoW forums CONSTANTLY on release, and I never once heard anyone say “I bet BG’s are 90% premades in classic and eventually almost no one will solo queue. This is going to be very different than your experience in vanilla battlegrounds. There’s gonna be way more premades here than there was in vanilla, guys”

  • I personally never heard that predicted once. If you want to show me where people did, I will gladly say I missed it. If you publicly predicted at the start of classic, that there would be a “premade only” classic BG meta, go to your post history ok the classic forums and show me where. I personally (along with many others) predicted the bracket system, because we had the very same thing on our server in vanilla. But not this “premade only” meta essentially bullying all the solo casuals to quit BG’s. Had this meta ACTUALLY been predicted, myself and a lot of other people like friends of mine who have since quit, probably wouldn’t have wasted their time with classic wow (although I did still find the leveling process enjoyable nostalgia). I say wasted time because my plan with classic had always been to get some raid gear casually, then do casual solo BG’s for fun

You wouldn’t need 2 separate tiers of gear rewards

If blizz split the queues, all they would need to do is award more honor/kill and create new separate BG reward tokens for premade BG’s that award more honor turn in. So if turning in 3 pug BG Tokens awarded 398 honor, turning in 3 premade BG tokens would award 1k honor. And instead of a kill on a rank 10 player awarding 100 honor in a pug, in a premade it would award 200 honor

Keep all pvp rewards the same. Now would premades be the absolute fastest or slowest way to farm honor in that system? Nope. That would depend entirely on the skill of your premade, as it should be

The ONLY possible critique to that change would be that it would open up more nagging for other quality of life changes, and then renew a #nochanges battle. But not any critique of the actual system being somehow unfair

Does blizz read this? Nope? Will this change ever happen? Nope. Will BG’s ever get better for a solo queuer? Nope. That’s why I cancelled my sub. I bought a block of months so still have some time left, but yah, I have already written off classic in my mind

OP, i pug-ed to r10 and ive had weekends in AB where ive won 3 or 4 games only, roughly 1 win per 10 hrs of play in AB.#puglife :rofl:

Yes. Transfer to Whitemane then lol. But here’s what’s gonna happen “Waaah” I have blues and agreens!!!" once you lose. So I know you already have your excuse set up.

Do it. I highly doubt you will. You’re literally BEGGING for free wins so you’re pretty much a free win. LOL. Talk about playing tough guy on the internet.

If you truly think you can muster a good team sure go ahead. But the fact that you’re on the forums BEGGING for free wins and whining about premades shows you cant.

So yeah. step up. Bring you and 2 of your friends and we’ll do it.

Lol this is easy

I can go through the forums and even reddit pretty easily, but if you had ANY different idea of what the PVP meta would be like, you really don’t belong in Classic.
Even in Vanilla patch 1.8+ the pvp premades started ramping way up. Did YOU rank then? I don’t know what server you played on, but even in my low pop low tier server there were premades majority of the time. Except that it’s actually BETTER now since people know how to stack brackets and premades dont actually play 24/7 anymore.

If you think that PLAYER VS PLAYER with REWARDS isnt going to be try hard, you have a lack of world knowledge and you’re straight up naive. Your clue shouldve been the fact that Rag was down week 1 of classic. You really think that players arent going to min-max a 15 yr old game? You really think people aren gonig to look up guides and strategies to win?? And thats just PVE killong mobs with the same scripted AI. you really dont think that pvp players wont stack even more advantages when the stakes are just as high but now there’s even more competition??

LMAO if you honestly didnt think that premade meta wasn’t going to be in this game. Even if you didnt play Vanilla, we have years worth of private servers to go by.

Retail is that way. You complain about “no changes” and try to use “player behavior meta change” as a reason to try to change the exact same game and system from 15 yrs ago. maybe YOU should step up and play the same way you did in Vanilla then if you dont like it. Round up that same awesome team you had 15 yrs ago and play the exact same way. Try it.