The problem with premades in pvp

The entire honor system is ONLY about who gets the most honor each week, thats it

The system does not care who had the most “fun”, it doesn’t care who had the best games, or even who had the most wins. all it measures is who has the most honor

That is vanilla wows pvp system

Dont like it? Dont participate

We knew exactly what we were getting with classic

Matching premades vs premades and pugs vs pugs would not change that the honor system would still reward time played over skill in terms of honor.

All it would do is provide more options for how to do so. And since ultimately games are supposed to be fun that’s a good thing especially as it has no impact on the metric used for rank.

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Are you REALLY that stupid to not realize that making premades have their own separate queue would COMPLETELY kill their viability for being a path to ranking?

How do you not realize it wouldn’t.

All it would do is remove their free honor for pug stomping. At worst they would be in the same situation honor wise as pugs. Without having to deal with the RNG of pugging.


Bro, this is why you’re not in charge at blizzard

Premades would have to wait WAY longer in queue because they woulf have to match against another full premade, once matched they would be up against another team of sweaty tryhards, their games on average would be WAY longer than normal pug games because they would both be a properly structured team trying hard to win, thus their honor per hour would plummet compared to players solo queueing in instant queue games that end quickly, as a result the meta would shift to being solo queue only which would in turn make the queue times for premade vs premade games EVEN LONGER creating a negative feedback loop which would further discourage premadeing while encouraging solo queue as the only viable way to rank

Do you even think about these things?

If you want that matchmaking system then go to retail.

One of the least thought through statements of all time. Go back to arguing with misadventure about av lol you are dumb.

Sounds like someone is upset about having to actually work in a premade if they can’t pug stomp.


Not at all. You silly puggers complain about playing only premades so what do think premades q into most of time? And I could not care less my team farms other premades just like pugs and we haven’t lost in two weeks. You clearly don’t like classic though and should find another game instead of campaigning for something that would take a complete overhaul of the honor system. This isn’t meant to be classic + and was never advertised as such.

If premades are primarily queuing into premades anyways then there should be no problem for them right? But that other guy seems super salty at the idea of losing his pug stomps so it’s clearly a significant portion of his play as opposed to playing other premades.

As I explained premades right now are encitvized to actively avoid fighting other premades.

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No separate tiers of gear rewards no split BGs.
What you’re asking for doesn’t happen until Cata with RBGS and for good reason.

Cata RBG’s have a ranking system based on win rates like arena not times played(HPH) like classic so it’s not comparable.

Doesn’t matter.
Full 100% Premade vs Premade will always be harder then Pug v Pug because of team coordination and time. They need to be rewarded heavier.

This is why you won’t ever see a split. Blizzard is not putting in work to create two separate gear rewards.

Except your team will also be more coordinated in premade vs premade. So it evens out.

And you continue to be oblivious to the fact that queue times and match times have the biggest effect on honor per hour than anything else, and your “bright idea” to have a separate solo queue and premade queue would make premade honor per hour absolute garbage regardless of how good your premade is

I get what you’re trying to imply but if you think a pug game is more coordinated than a premade why can’t you beat the premades?

That was hardly what I was implying, premade vs premade is fighting equivalent teams, pug vs pug is fighting equivalent teams. Hence the matches are relatively even.

They aren’t though and I shouldn’t have to explain why.

You’ve made it pretty obvious you have ZERO clue how other people behave in games and how metas work

You’re the one that actually thought/ thinks that horde players would just “stop” defending towers in AV because of long queue times as if they would just willingly get less honor from a match in hopes that alliance would play AV more for those tower honor scraps so the queue times would go down,

You’re completely delusional about how actual people behave

But they when you consider that the average player is the same.

Premades just avoid two RNG checks that pugs have. So in the end the matches end up being the same difficulty for either team, pugs simply have different hurdles.