The problem with premades in pvp

This is one of the greatest travesties in all wow classic.

You’re entitled to your opinion, however wrong it may be.

Wrong, but most of your posts are completely incoherent and illogical. And Based on my experience on 3 different servers.

Relatively small sample, but most who actually pvped heavily back then will tell you the same. It was 1/4 or less, now it’s 3/4 or greater.

No, my posts are legit and very coherent. you Just disagree because you’re biased. Even my small low pop server had days where id get the same 3 premades over and over again.

The only person that can make that statement with certainty is blizzard. and I dont think they even have stats from way back then.

So if anything, youre the one pulling stuff out of your azz

Nice try bud

I unsubbed back in February I think, I literally went 5 weeks without an AV win. Nomatter how hard I tried, Horde would win over and over and over. I would do 10-15 AVs a day and lose everyone of them, this was before AB/WSG was released. I made Knight Cpt. mostly from my honor pre AV when the entire server was ganking each other.

I came back started leveling a Mage for fun, we’ll see how BGs are when I get there.

Team format requires team work.

AV’s still just as bad, sad to say.

And that point is you should try joining a team if you want to win a team Battle Ground.

If cross server bgs weren’t released you’d still hit the same premades. And if pugs stopped Qing no one would care because that means they aren’t gaining honor and the premade teams would be sitting at the top where want to be. They have the time to just sit in que and wait. That said, i pug wsg pretty regularly on alliance and I don’t have many issues other than having to carry most teams because 90% of pugs are terrible.

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Says the obvious baddie who wants to solo and AFK his way to AQ 40 lvl gear

you don’t even post under a classic toon… troll elsewhere jerk.


How is it you people still dont comprehend that a matchmaking rating system is completely incompatible with the vanilla honor system

And just saying “well the honor system sucks” is irrelevant

We know its bad, but this is how it was in vanilla so this is how it will stay in classic

What is so hard to understand about that?

They aren’t going to overhaul the honor system, get over it

Imagine ranking past phase 2/3 lol, lil late for the party kid

Classic already has a match making system, the issue is not adding one, it’s merely including premades as part of it’s criteria.

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Making premades only play premades and pugs only play pugs is NOT COMPATIBLE with how the honor system works in vanilla

How is it you fail over and over to understand this simple fact.

Premades facing other premades would then almost always have longer harder games and the queue times wouldbe significantly longer, thus they would be TERRIBLE for honor per hour, then because of this players will only solo queue, at that point the honor grind becomes entirely based on time played combined with matchmaking RNG., not to mention it would encourage only playing selfishly to farm the most honor in a bg rather than play the objective, things like flag carriers and base defenders would not exist

Making premades and solo queues separate completely goes against the way pvp in vanilla works, it would DISCOURAGE group play and make solo queueing afk bots the meta

Sure it is, quite easily, it would just mean premades would consistently have the same odds going into matches pugs do without being able to fish for easy wins.

What’s far worse is the current situation that rewards premades for easy wins vs pugs.

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You’re obviously incapable of thinking about the bigger picture of how things work, all you do is look at things from the most basic surface level and spout nonsense

There’s nothing deeper to look at. Right now premades are able to get welfare honor stomping pugs.

That’s bad for the over all system. Matching premades vs premades and pugs vs pugs would allow everyone to choose the style they prefer.


No its how the entire system is designed to work

The teams that are more organized win games, people solo queueing are MEANT to be at a disadvantage compared to people actually teaming up

Welcome to old school MMO game design

There would be no “style” to pick from, there would only be the path of least resistance

You continue to fail to realize how the actual playerbase would interact with such a change

Except it’s not how the system is designed to work unless you think the system was purely designed to maximize HPH as opposed to actually encourage and provide a fun pvp environment.

All the current system does is encourage premades to avoid other premades so they can pug stomp. While encouraging pugs to afk in games vs premades as those games are simply not fun. Neither of those are good.

Matching premades vs premades and pugs vs pugs on the other had would allow people to play what they want with no bias.

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