The problem with premades in pvp

That wouldnt make sense in the current honor system. It essentially punishes players for being good by reducing their HPH; they’d have a smaller pool to fight against increasing their queue times. It essentially means that no one would be able to actually rank up to high ranks

you can thank the cross realm Bg idiocy for this. Usually servers only had a few prems and a lot of pugs. If the prem meta got out of control pugs would just stop queuing and nobody gained honor, all balancing it out in itself. This ofc came with increased queue times but also smaller honor bracket pools. As we have cross bgs there is just non stop actions and a surplus of prems have literally no natural counterbalance.

So ye, blizz screwed up. Nothing new

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The current honor system makes no sense, that’s a big part of the problem.

Well yeah of course. But that’s the vanilla system for ya. Thats why it was changed since it made you compete against your own faction

It rewards cheese play, hence the changes they made in retail… but I just can’t play retail currently.


How do you propose you implement matchmaking without skill ratings? The ranking system is built around increasing your honor over others.

I believe it’s the arena matchmaking that is built around player-visible ratings. The battleground matchmaking uses its own, hidden rating system. Just use that system.

I’m pretty certain it’s a cruder system than the arena rating and matchmaking system but any bit of matchmaking would help.

I’m not for playing retail myself but Classic has gotten so degenerate lately that it’s not much better. I’d love a game somewhere in-between the two.

And will higher rating provide higher honor?

As far as I know the battleground matchmaking is just to promote more even fights. However, killing higher-ranked opponents does give more honor so that might be a natural result of it.

A well organised team doesn’t necessarily have to be higher ranked. Some rank 13 teams lose to a good pug.

Very true. So this would promote more organized teams getting higher ranks.

It’s really not.

Check your reading comprehension. I called it a crutch. Relying on a premade to win in PVP is a crutch. It is not at all comparable to me, alone, being an orc and PVPing. I’m not all surprised you’re hiding behind an alt character to post with. Go be daft somewhere else.

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A “crutch” to you is someone else’s advantage.

You “crutch” on having a weapon. How about you use some real skill and try to win a fight using a lvl 1 dagger?

See how silly that logic is? IF you think the basic act of grouping in an MMO isa crutch, then you must’ve “crutched” your way through the entire game then.

Lots of things don’t make sense in classic. Take the warlock class for example, the class designer at the time must’ve been a masochist.

I rarely pvp anymore unless Monday or Sunday, not because I Don’t want to, but because it’s a 75%+ chance it’s a premade and a complete waste of time

And blizzard is being stubborn to prove a point.

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Vanilla was not remotely close to what we’re seeing today.

Not by miles and miles


The point being they want to make money without doing work.

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Based on what? Every server was different and depending on the patch, it is very different too. Once patch 1.12 came around, there were many servers that had the premade meta already in full swing. The only times when you saw swaths of pugs was when people were bad and havent learned the game yet.
I feel like the only people that say “they werent soooo many premades back then!” are the type of people that arent’ complaining about how ez content.

Let’s make it so that only 1% of people can see raid content since in Vanilla, only 1% of people cleared Cthun or whatever