The problem with premades in pvp

Well, is there anything else worth doing in life if in the end we all die anyways?

Bro. It’s PVP. You’re not being a “hero” by losing. I’m almost starting to think you’re actually bad and you’re using this as a cover up. People expect to lose and die in PVP

I was rank 14 in vanilla, NOT classic. I am NOT rank 14 now. How fast do you rush to the reply button without reading? Is it like 1 second, or do you like to read the first few words then stop and hit reply?

I wouldn’t go for rank 14 now because 1.) I have a job and 2.) I don’t want to F people over for pixels nowadays

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You’re right, I’m not being a hero by losing. I’m just not screwing other people, Including making some quit the game, so I can get some shiny purples

That’s enough for me

Punish people for playing together in a mmo??

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The opposite is the better approach

Give premades MORE honor per kill and per match

Then separate the queues. Problem solved. For literally everyone


yeah i agree. Hope my post didnt need the /s

MMOs are meant to be played together. A game should never punish players for it

I meant to type Vanilla. But that would only help your point more anyways, it was harder to rank in Vanilla.

Can you explain how 're “f’ing over” people over? You’re ina PVP game; people expect to get stomped and rolled. So you’re not screwing anyone over since they’re literally consenting to PVP which means they’re accepting the possibility of losing or dying.

I almost feel like you’re excuse of “not making people quit” is just an excuse to be bad. You’re literally trying to imply that anyone who tries to win is trying to screw people over. What do you think of the people trying to kill you? are they trying to screw you over and make you quit? lol cmon man.

You think me losing in a pug to a premade is me being bad? Are you proud of beating pugs with your premade? With your supreme skill?

When I was playing in vanilla, I had a premade that went undefeated against more than a hundred other server’s premades. Not only did we not lose, but we were only ever capped on once. 99.9% of matches ended in a 3-0 win, and 97% or so of them couldn’t even survive past 12 minutes

And this is including the ACTUAL challenge of team vs team play, which are ARRANGED games. Meaning you get a server’s best 10 man team they can put together, get in voice chat and continue to queue and drop queue until we both have the same BG #. We set up about 10 or so of those matches, and won every one, as a 3-0 (one serve capped 1 time). We eventually lost once, to the other best team in the battlegroup

So spare me talk of “skill” involved in farming pugs

Again, you’re bias is showing. I literally admit the entire point of premades is to farm pugs. No one is saying its because of solely skill (though I highly doubt much pugs are better than premades). Again, imaginary arguments in your head. The reason why I call you bad is that the whole “im just a lil hunter who dont wanna hurt nobody” is such a load of BS. If you dont want to “screw people over”, then dont PVP. the very premise of PVP is you trying to kill someone and send em to the graveyard. So that’s clearly not the reason.

Back then, we exclusively queued to play other premades, for the competition. If we weren’t getting other full teams and instead getting mostly pugs, we lost interest and stopped queueing for the day

And the only thing we are in agreement on, is that this sort of “only for the competition” is a lost meta. It might exist on classic, but it is secondary to the goal of farming honor. And if it wasn’t, than the team would have no problem conceding every game vs a PuG, or stopping queueing like we did if all they are getting is matched vs pugs. But they don’t, because they want to screw over some puggers for ez free honor

And arranged matches aren’t even possible anymore due to not being able to see the BG#. So there goes another way to compete purely for the sake of competition. Gone

And you are wrong. Almost never do pugs lose to other pugs (5-0) as badly or as quick as pugs lose to premades. And yes, when it happens where we are crushing pugs in a pug, I sometimes become suicidal and either run in and /dance or try to pull off 1v4’s or more just to help them get some kills because I feel bad for them. Usually their gear is complete crap when this is happening

I guess it’s just me growing older. But I take o pleasure from matches with no competition. Nor will I contribute to a busted meta. This is NOT how it was in vanilla

Actually, this was how it was like in Vanilla. maybe not early but where did you think the whole scouting thing came from? Premades doing the exact thing. Same with bracket stacking. This is VERY vanilla.

But speaking of competition, it is literally NOT ac competition if you give each other wins. thats called win trading

There was about 1/10th the amount of premades in vanilla compared to now. So scouting, while it did occur, didn’t have nearly the same impact as having 10 times the amount of premades queueing

I think I would know, I did quite a lot of pvp both team and solo in vanilla

And you are right, there should be no competition between a pug and a premade. Those games shouldn’t even exist. So what blizz SHOULD DO, is separate the queues and then award more honor per kill and per loss/win for premades to keep that meta alive and well (because once solo queuers played only solo queuers there would be LOTS more people wanting to solo queue, so there would need to be an incentive to do premades at that point)

There is next to nothing wrong with this system. It benefits everyone of every pvp play style. The only reason it’s not done is #nochanges, which has become a stupid excuse after the amount of changes that already had to occur in classic

But nah, let’s just have some of the solo players add to the growing snowball of premades farming pugs while the rest just quit BG’s or the game. That is better

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This makes no sense. You’re complaining that this game isnt like vanilla because of the amount of premades. But then you want changes? what?

Anyways, do you know why the game as more premades now? Because players are smarter than before. Blizzard can’t patch stupid into people. Should Blizzard also make Rag invulnerable until submerge since people always had a submerge phase in vanilla?

It’s like complaining about not seeing submerge. It has nothing to do with the game and everything with the players.
People quit all the time for whatever reason. If they decide to quit the game because they dont like classic, then they still have retail to go to. Maybe people will quit because of the change you suggest too? Who knows. Blizzard advertises that classic is a recreation of vanilla. And one of the most famous and infamous thing was the really bad honor system. However, maybe there are people that want to do that just to experience it. If you dont want it, then there’s literally a better system in retail and you dont even have to pay an extra sub fee

“Smarter”, see lazier

And yes, they should change it up, as private servers did. Hence why the idea of classic+ continues to grow in popularity and why 1/2 the threads on this forum are about TBC because probably more than half the population plans to bail on classic for it

What? I dont know what you’re even trying to say.

Yes. The reason why people want TBC is because TBC is a superior game to those people at least. Duh. But then there are also people that also want there to still be classic even when TBC comes out. Retail is also a better game than both (Well, Blizzard’s opinion actually) What’s your point? That classic sucks? Well then dont play it lol? Seriously if you’re quitting over the bad honor system in classic then thats okay. Just realize that classic really wasnt for you and enjoy retail or something. I “quit” retail YEARs ago because it wasnt vanilla like. Dont try to ruin other’s people game when in reality that game isnt just the right one for you.

Why do you think speed run, parsing, and doing MC/Onyxia with as few people as possible challenges sprang up? Because people had to create artificial challenges to stay interested due to blizzard’s mistake of listening to the #nochanges crowd

I hope TBC is a separate server from classic so classic can turn into the ghost town it’s destined to be

Whereas had blizz actually been willing to fix parts of classic it may have forever vied with TBC in popularity

What mistake was that? Alot of people play this game still if your basing this on sub numbers? Whatever loss would jsut be the natural attrition of a FIFTEEN YEAR OLD game.
And no. You dont know that. You’re not a dev, part of marketing, or part of product development. You’re just a terribad loser who’s best days are behind him. Maybe all YOUR fixes arent my desired ones and you actually lose numbers. And let’s talk this whole “vie for TBC” in popularity. Why would blizzard change classic to try and get a more “retail” audience when they literally have retail product for them? Do they want to cannibalize their own sales? All they’d do with that is just risk alienating classic players and worst, and at best you’d wouldnt NO NEW SUB NUMBERS BECAUSE YOU GET BOTH ALREADY.

Comprende? You understand how business works?

EDIT: And absolutely lol if you think people are coming to classic because they think the honor system was superior. In fact, I’d wager it’s the exact opposite

Lol I now own my own home and earn a very comfortable living in my career while being in the absolute best shape of my life

The fact you attribute success in a 15 year old game as the only sort of success that matters shows who the real loser is

Thanks though, I appreciate the validation for every way I am not like you

You can angry edit 50 times as I watch it happen, I didn’t read past the trite insult

later chaampion

Lol buddy boy, I guess I own more than you if you only have one property.

Im probably younger than you too. Im just also better at you in this game too. Know why you only own one home making only a “comfortable” living. Because you dont understand business! Quite clearly anyways.

Okay. Let’s play a game. Blizzard changes the honor system. They risk alienating playerbase, destroying their brand value, and risk having to hire developers to make the inevitable further changes everyone’s going to ask for.
What’s the upside again? So you yourself can just enjoy your own iteration of wow?
Do you know what killed Vanilla? TBC releasing because all Vanilla servers became TBC servers. So if Classic servers become a ghost town as you say, then it’s not much different than how it was in 2007 TBC was it since “VAnilla” ceased to exist.