The problem with premades in pvp

Yeah I keep saying that premades fight other premades all the time too.

I’ve pugged and premaded extensively on both sides (although as horde the pugging was awhile ago). It does not bother me if I’m in a pug and get stomped by a premade. It did bother me when horde queue times were up to 30 minutes and I’d sit and wait for 30 minutes and get stomped in 5 minutes.

I do get why people get annoyed after facing multiple premades in a row though as a pug. If there are no changes, for the people who do not want to premade, the best solution is to queue when the premades don’t (and that includes Sundays & Mondays as well as certain times in the morning). That or just stop all together.


Queue up, have 1 person go in. Is it a pug or a premade? It’s a premade? Ok drop queue, rotate out that scout. Queue again

Some premades do this. Not all but some

And if super serious premade vs premade competition and not farming pugs is your ultimate goal, then how about you let all pugs you get matched against 5cap you so they can get some honor for a change? See how well that idea goes over with your fellow sweaties

You can’t do this anymore Plopss, the list doesn’t show until all 10/15/40 are in the BG. It’s not possible at all in WSG and although it would is technically possible in AB with hunters/shaman and the farsight/eagle eye abilities I don’t personally know of a single premade that does it.

Yes, it was very prevalent in Vanilla, and from what I’ve heard on private servers. Yes, people would still do it today if they easily could which is why the ability to see the names was changed in January.

That isn’t a thing that anyone does lol. That’s some Alex Jones level conspiracy nonsense. It was done initially in the AV premade days but other than that it’s not a thing buddy.

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Ah k. I heard about it in passing and it happened in vanilla

It still stands that anyone who says their goal is serious fair competition against other fellow premades and not farming pugs should be ok with letting pugs 3cap them in wsg and 5cap them in AB, so that PuGs can get some honor and the SERIOUS COMPETITION premade can more quickly move on to ideally another premade matchup

Of course this would never happen because almost no premade in classic wow is playing for pure competition and not farming pugs for honor

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And before anyone says no that’s win trading, I imagine that stuff happens all the time with sweaty rankers where they realize they are not going to beat the premade they are against so they let them end the match as quickly as possible

please don’t sully up my post troll ok? thanks.

Not truer words

Wait, isnt this the same thing that pugs do? So if a premade is clearly outmatched, why slog through it if pugs can and are doing the same thing? If a Pug is clearly outmatched (which they usually are), the default strategy is to either farm kills or just sit in GY

And no. No one is going to let others farm them just cuz you place an artificial restriction on yourself and then complain about it

I think you are not understanding. A PuG has usually close to zero chance of beating a premade. They are going to be usually 5 capped whether they want to or not. And they will be usually gy farmed whether they want to or not. So what pugs will do after they get 5 capped is cancel the rez at the gy in order to prevent the premade from getting additional kills on them. They could choose to rez at the gy and immediately die again, but it is completely worthless to do so

My stance on premades in classic is that they MAINLY exist so their sweaty rankers can farm pugs for honor. I hear people on forums say “no, my premade only exists to play other premades in a test of skill”. So to anyone claiming this, I propose a suggestion: since farming pugs for honor is not your goal, then let pugs win, and win quickly, so that you can move on to playing against other premades

“But that’s win trading” someone might say, and my comeback to that is that win trading already happens, constantly, whenever a premade decides they have no chance vs another premade, and therefore lets them end the match quickly so that they can move on to farming pugs for honor, which will always be the best honor per hour in WoW. And premades farming pugs for honor is also the thing that has ruined battlegrounds for anyone not wanting to queue with 9-14 other people

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That does suck, but you can play WSG or world PVP. =)

True, when i premade the crazy honor boys just want easy pugs with 5 min win, they dont want to face another premade

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The gap between some premades and some other premades can almost be as big as pugs and some premades. Some premades do really get farmed by other ones.

And no, its not win trading. That’s called giving up. A pug giving up would also be win trading in that sense. Of course theyre giving up for honor per hour. What do you think pugs are doing when they give up and want to move on to the next game.

Essentially, all the “ebil pwemades” do the exact same stuff as pugs do. They just do it better. And you got to be dumb if you really believe premades aren’t salivating over pugs. EVERYONE wants to fight a pug, even other pugs. No one wants to fight a premade, even other premades. Why? Because pugs are an easy win regardless of who you are.
And yet, knowing this, you CHOOSE to solo queue. That’s entirely on you. Why you dont form a premade is beyond me, but even having a couple healers and communication is all you need to beat at least half the premades. It’s not hard. You’re legit mad that other people are trying to get an advantage on you in a PVP setting. Well duh its a pvp game; I dont get PVP gear or consumables to NOT get an advantage. People dont play boring-Holy paladin or FC druid for a reason.

Nobody is legit saying “we play premades for a test of skill”. That’s an imaginary argument you’ve made in your head. But the argument is that premades put forth the social and logistical effort to forma group. Therefore, they get better rewards no different than why UBRS gives better loot than LBRS. Their reward in this case is being able to beat YOU

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[quote=“Zejung-wildhammer, post:33, topic:637325, full:true”] No one wants to fight a premade, even other premades. Why? Because pugs are an easy win regardless of who you are

And yet, knowing this, you CHOOSE to solo queue. That’s entirely on you. Why you dont form a premade is beyond me [/quote]

Why I don’t join with all the other premades who are exploiting pugs for honor per hour, causing lots of players to not only quit BG’s completely, but also quit WoW is beyond you?

Maybe because I don’t want to ruin other people’s pvp experience and destroy a function of this game (solo queue) for pixels? I was rank 14 in vanilla back when I was unemployed, I have no desire to walk that plank again. And I won’t contribute to something that is literally driving people away from BG’s and sometimes the game

If I could guarantee that premades only played other premades (aka blizz separate the queues) I would play in one. But I have no desire to step on other people in my pursuit of purples. If everyone in my city was stealing from stores and getting away with it, that isn’t going to cause me to steal along with them because it’s easy free sh**. I guess that’s how we are different

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Yes. And this attitude is a loser’s attitude. It’s PVP. There has to be a winner and there has to be a loser. You choose to lose. Which is fine of course, but then dont complain.
You’re playing Classic, a recreation of Vanilla. Blizzard literally said that they’re using the same PVP system as Vanilla. What you choose to do with this information is up to you. It’s not a surprise of what the meta was going to be either.

You know in prisoner’s dilemma where there might be people stupid enough to choose the null hypothesis? That’s you.

Ah, you’re half right

People do say it on forums. I’ve read it. I just know that for most, it’s bs. It might be true for them, but it certainly isn’t true for everyone in their sweaty premade

If they actually tried my suggestion, here’s how that conversation would go:

“Hey guys, since we are really just wanting good competitive matches with other premades, how about we do some pugs a favor and let them win a few matches. How bout it?”

“F U, I need to make 500,000 honor this week”

That’s how that conversation would go. So yes, you are half right. Some pretend they are in it for the competition. And maybe some are. But their group isn’t

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An unfortunate answer, all because blizzard wants to prove themselves right.

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Not even close. Pug vs pug is the best pvp in wow classic, and vanilla.

It also makes more sense, the lack of comms.

Yeah, the same system, with worse people. You’re right, I’m older now. More mature. I don’t need to screw other people over in pursuit of purples that will be completely irrelevant once TBC comes out

Call it whatever you will. No skin off my back

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What? Why would you let PUGS win? It would hurt your honor per hour and that’s a waste of 9 people’s time. Of course you’d shoot that idea down; it’s stupid. Since you claim to be rank 14, you know that you’re already playing hardcore. Why would you want to extend it?

So yes, that suggestion is inconsiderate to your team and their time.
I’d be pretty upset if my guild leader were to give some rando pug good gear from BWL “just cuz” without going through the normal loot rule process. Why would I do the same thing in PVP?