"The Problem" With Coming Back to WoW

I resubbed to test the PTR and offer feedback on the PTR forums in hopes that WoW would be enjoyable again some day. We all want a great MMO again even though it’s very far away from being there. With that said I haven’t logged onto Live servers and have no excitement for playing because of “The Problem”

If I log into Live right now, I know before I start having fun I will be met with a mind field of chores, convoluted systems and fiery hoops that I have to jump through for a long period of time before the fun actually starts. Many of the times my friends and myself quit is because the fun never happened. The burden of convoluted systems, resource grinds and RNG were to great. We couldn’t push through to get to where the fun starts.

“The Problem” is well despite the long breaks from World of Warcraft I’m still burnt out from years of bad philosophies time-gating fun. The last few expansions have given us PTSD and forever burnout. Which is why player retention is just so very very low. Insert Greenmile meme “I’m real tired Boss”

I’m making this thread because I’m frustrated, my friends are frustrated, we just want to log into WoW and have fun but…“The Problem” is very real. It’s cumulative. We are tired from the last couple years and burnt out before the Devs even unveil what journey we need to go on next for 9.2.

Years ago I sucked it up and powered through the pain and suffering with BFA systems/gearing because I saw a place where the game could eventually be fun. I had a lot of fun in 8.3 BFA after I paid my dues in blood, sweat and tears. However I beg Blizzard and the Devs to listen that the reason I couldn’t suck it up (and millions of others) in SL is because we can only take so much. We are tired! Each expansion and patch we can’t continue to endure tremendous suffering before the fun starts.

This is why most people play WoW for 1-3 months. “The Problem” needs to be addressed and new gaming philosophies put in place. However fixing this issue now, won’t be easy because everyone is forever burnout. We are more fragile than we were years ago and it takes very little to break the camel’s back now.

I want to be as constructive as I can even though this game gets all the hate it deserves. Lets be honest though

  • gearing sucks
  • getting renown sucks
  • getting conduits sucks
  • getting sockets sucks
  • getting legendaries sucks
  • getting the weekly vault done sucks
  • getting torghast done sucks
  • getting korthia done sucks

The list can go on and this is “The problem”… When does the fun start? “The Problem” is the Devs think they are designing something fun for us to do. When in reality they are designing something that is “In The Way” of what we want to do.

I really am pulling for WoW, I truly mean that as I pour frustrations and sadness out on my keyboard. As of now 9.2 won’t address “The Problem” The game is fundamentally flawed and players are just burnout and won’t be able to jump through the Hoops, Resource grinds and systems anymore. Players just can’t suck it up year after year because the cumulative effect of your bad systems and chores have taken their toll.

The game should be fun on release soon as you start playing. The gearing paths should be clear and quickly attainable. There should be no weekly toxic vaults, RNG and months of resource grinds to attain something you should of had to begin with. I’m rambling on because of 15 years of playing WoW and over 20 years of Blizzard games and I’m just sad there seems to be no real fixes in sight for “The Problem”

It doesn’t have to be this way! Just pull every ripcord, remove all RNG for awhile so players can recover from years of abuse. Let people have fun. Remove Rating requirements on gear (especially in PvP). Seriously there should be a Valor and Conquest vendor where you can just buy BiS gear with no rating needed. Please put every Conduit and Legendary at a Vendor. Stop making us grind for sockets! Vendors should replace the Vault. Get that weekly RNG system out of the game! Anyways I digress.

Looks like not much will change and if you do come back for 9.2 “The Problem” will get you sooner or latter. Then you will unsub again.

PS- Remove Secondary DR’s you added in SL. No reason to constrict player choice and remove even more fun from making cool builds.


A lot of great points in your post and not sure if I completely agree on all of them but this right here stands out for me. If there is a long laundry list of things I need to do daily/weekly that is in the way of my fun, how long is it before I quit? I’ve quit the game in the past because I figured out that 30 hours a week of my play time was doing things I didn’t want to do and only 5 hours were things I wanted.

The Devs need to do a better job of getting players into doing the activities they want. Instead of designing things in the way.



I am not sure how Blizz fixes this problem internally, unless they change leadership or hire new talent with a better vision for the game.


Do you honestly believe that this melodramatic nonsense is useful?

The “chores” are the same as they’ve always been: dailies. Pretty much (if not literally) every major patch comes with a new set of dailies, some new rep to farm up, and some new currencies to go along with it. It’s been this way since…TBC?

If you don’t like that playstyle, fine. But leave the “abuse” garbage in your blog.


You never defined “fun” in your post. You said you have to jump through hoops before the “fun” begins but I don’t know what you are referring to. To a lot of people, storylines, Korthia, and grinding are the fun. So, what is the fun to you, OP?


I’m guessing he’s just upset that his proclamation that New World was going to be some great wow killing game didn’t come to pass.


Not sure how it isn’t useful. I highlighted in many ways why it’s tough to come back to WoW because of “The Problem” and how no fixes are in sight. Why people Quit usually quickly after they come back or don’t come back at all. This covers the psychology of the gamer and right now we are tired and hope that some day again WoW will be playable and maybe even enjoyed without the burdens you have to pay first.

No they haven’t… BFA is when they got really bad. This is a recent new philosophy of Blizz that has taken it’s toll and why WoW and the company is in it’s downward spiral.

Calling it for what it is sometimes hurts. Suffering through the bad in hopes to find good is what is WoW has been all about the last few years. I won’t leave abuse out of it because it’s true. The Devs have designed abusive systems and the players feel abused.

I like grinding too. However what you grind should be a choice. Taking something away from players then having them grind it back isn’t fun nor do I want to waste my time doing that. There shouldn’t be a socket grind or new socket grind each patch for example.

I said it in the post.

I’m upset because WoW isn’t a good game and it killed itself. I hope that it is salvaged at some point and playable or even enjoyable again. That much should be obvious from my post. I don’t want WoW to be dead, I want it to be good!



Classic Abom troll post.

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Just re-read it, and I still don’t know what you’re referring to. You keep saying the fun but I don’t know what specific activity you think is fun. Is it arenas? Keys? Solo content? Collecting? Define. This will determine what I comment, because I don’t want to assume what you do.

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It depends on what level you’re going to play. Koritha surpsingly is fast. Renown comes with just about everything. Torghast is meh. But korthia will get you to 220 easily.

My rogue came in with almost nothing

Objectively the entire post was great and I’m confused on what is trolling in it? You might not agree with some of his points, which is fine but I don’t see trolling at all. I just see another very disappointed gamer who wishes his favorite game wasn’t terrible. I think we all have been there over the last 2 expansions which is why I only play now a few months a year.


That’s forum culture. If you post something people don’t agree with, you’re trolling. Lol


I never troll though. I don’t get it. I just want WoW to be good again :sob:

No, subjectively to you the post may have been great. Try not to confuse objective, and subjective. There’s a world of difference.

I just saw the same long-winded whining about the game Abom has always gone off on. It’s a big troll because they’re bored, and nothing all that fluff says amounts to much of anything. Like calling the Great Vault toxic? Lolwat. That’s some next tier level of hyperbole meant to get kneejerk reactions. There’s nothing to back a statement like that up, it’s just gunning for reactions, which is one of the main definitions of trolling.

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It is a choice. You’re only doing it because you want power.

Which was when, exactly?

Be precise, please.

Oh look!

Another toon who hates the game, but feels compelled to play it.

If you don’t like the game, here’s a tip. DON’T PLAY IT.

Don’t tell anyone I told you, though. It’s a secret.


The game has definitely changed over the years. I have been adamant in the past about M+ NOT being content and have a highly like thread here that might help some. The focus and design of the game is lost and very far from what it used to be.

With that said I’d like to have better Questing, story, solo content, Gearing/Progression and also team progression. I don’t mind doing a dungeon but once I’ve completed it I’d like to be done with it for the expansion so now I can move onto the next thing.

I used to be a completionist and enjoyed completing zones and achievements but that died when Blizz shifted to a time-played metric and started gating everything behind chores I didn’t want to do. Which then never allowed me to EVER complete a character again. Feeling hollow and empty inside I was forever grinding what Blizz wanted instead of completing what I wanted. This took place from WoD to now and has left myself and friends never achieving their goals and satisfaction.

The fun starts for me, when I have completed a build. When I have Min/Max and tweaked something fun and now can fully enjoy it. Then I can go ahead and do it all over again and make another build because I completed that one. I used to make WoW guides and Youtube videos in WoD because back in WoD I used to be able to complete builds because gearing was easy and achievable.

Now I can’t ever complete any builds and never attempt some of them due to the MASSIVE gearing issues from RNG, to content I hate to do but am forced to do, Required rating in content I hate. I’d love to make multiple builds for specs and have an Alt but I can’t even make an Alt because I can’t complete even one build (without great sufferings to complete it)

In a perfect world you know what would be fun. If I could get BiS gear and complete a build without jumping through the mind field of chores and hoops to do it. My favorite content will always be PvP and I’d love to just farm HK’s and BG, RBG, WPvP all day. However I can’t. Heck I can’t even complete a build or get to the point where I’m doing that.

I got to do M+, Korthia, Raid, Resource Grind, RNG drops, Torghast, Maw, then get Rating in M+ and PvP, Renown to complete a build to start having fun. You know what would be fun if I could just take my Conquest and buy a BiS item at the Vendor. You know what would be fun? If I could just take my Valor and buy a BiS Mythic item at the vendor.

You know what would be great, if gearing and systems were simple and players could just complete builds and enjoy the game then have “FREE TIME” again to do Old content, work on Old achievements etc. However I haven’t worked on ANY of that in many expansions cause I’m bogged down with chores.

Like I said, I sucked it up in BFA. I did ALL the chores I hated like a good lil boy, I grinded ALL the painful systems and completed them, then after 3 months of playing through the pain…I completed my build and had fun. Then they released a corruption vendor and I could buy what I wanted and could make other builds and had more fun.

I also competed at a very high level with these builds too. I just don’t want to have to do that long tedious painful stuff every patch or expansion again for months before the fun starts. It doesn’t have to be like this and we can just focus on making the game fun and getting people into the content they enjoy without that 3 month period of pain first.

“The Problem” is the core design philosophy of the game and forced content/chores. The Devs forcing players to play how they want instead of making a great game for players to choose to play how they want!


This is an mmorpg, you shouldn’t be able to hop right in and be on equal footing with the people who have been steady playing. This isn’t Fortnite.

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Well he’s the same mate who thinks M+ isn’t content and thinks 9.1.5 is done out of fear from Blizzard. :point_down: