I resubbed to test the PTR and offer feedback on the PTR forums in hopes that WoW would be enjoyable again some day. We all want a great MMO again even though it’s very far away from being there. With that said I haven’t logged onto Live servers and have no excitement for playing because of “The Problem”
If I log into Live right now, I know before I start having fun I will be met with a mind field of chores, convoluted systems and fiery hoops that I have to jump through for a long period of time before the fun actually starts. Many of the times my friends and myself quit is because the fun never happened. The burden of convoluted systems, resource grinds and RNG were to great. We couldn’t push through to get to where the fun starts.
“The Problem” is well despite the long breaks from World of Warcraft I’m still burnt out from years of bad philosophies time-gating fun. The last few expansions have given us PTSD and forever burnout. Which is why player retention is just so very very low. Insert Greenmile meme “I’m real tired Boss”
I’m making this thread because I’m frustrated, my friends are frustrated, we just want to log into WoW and have fun but…“The Problem” is very real. It’s cumulative. We are tired from the last couple years and burnt out before the Devs even unveil what journey we need to go on next for 9.2.
Years ago I sucked it up and powered through the pain and suffering with BFA systems/gearing because I saw a place where the game could eventually be fun. I had a lot of fun in 8.3 BFA after I paid my dues in blood, sweat and tears. However I beg Blizzard and the Devs to listen that the reason I couldn’t suck it up (and millions of others) in SL is because we can only take so much. We are tired! Each expansion and patch we can’t continue to endure tremendous suffering before the fun starts.
This is why most people play WoW for 1-3 months. “The Problem” needs to be addressed and new gaming philosophies put in place. However fixing this issue now, won’t be easy because everyone is forever burnout. We are more fragile than we were years ago and it takes very little to break the camel’s back now.
I want to be as constructive as I can even though this game gets all the hate it deserves. Lets be honest though
- gearing sucks
- getting renown sucks
- getting conduits sucks
- getting sockets sucks
- getting legendaries sucks
- getting the weekly vault done sucks
- getting torghast done sucks
- getting korthia done sucks
The list can go on and this is “The problem”… When does the fun start? “The Problem” is the Devs think they are designing something fun for us to do. When in reality they are designing something that is “In The Way” of what we want to do.
I really am pulling for WoW, I truly mean that as I pour frustrations and sadness out on my keyboard. As of now 9.2 won’t address “The Problem” The game is fundamentally flawed and players are just burnout and won’t be able to jump through the Hoops, Resource grinds and systems anymore. Players just can’t suck it up year after year because the cumulative effect of your bad systems and chores have taken their toll.
The game should be fun on release soon as you start playing. The gearing paths should be clear and quickly attainable. There should be no weekly toxic vaults, RNG and months of resource grinds to attain something you should of had to begin with. I’m rambling on because of 15 years of playing WoW and over 20 years of Blizzard games and I’m just sad there seems to be no real fixes in sight for “The Problem”
It doesn’t have to be this way! Just pull every ripcord, remove all RNG for awhile so players can recover from years of abuse. Let people have fun. Remove Rating requirements on gear (especially in PvP). Seriously there should be a Valor and Conquest vendor where you can just buy BiS gear with no rating needed. Please put every Conduit and Legendary at a Vendor. Stop making us grind for sockets! Vendors should replace the Vault. Get that weekly RNG system out of the game! Anyways I digress.
Looks like not much will change and if you do come back for 9.2 “The Problem” will get you sooner or latter. Then you will unsub again.
PS- Remove Secondary DR’s you added in SL. No reason to constrict player choice and remove even more fun from making cool builds.