9.1.5 Changes Happened Because You are Scared NOT Because You Care

The current changes ONLY happened because Blizz is genuinely scared. The drop in active players was far larger then they expected. Lost Ark just posted massive active players, New World is coming out and FF has a massive expansion coming. There has never been so many great MMOs or games to log into instead of WoW.

Since Blizz is late to catch on to what the players are thinking let me spell it out for you. Making changes because you are scared isn’t the same as making changes because you care about the players.

If Blizz actually cared about it’s players they wouldn’t belittle them at every turn and ignore the most constructive feed back for months!!! I think your changes aren’t going to deliver the results you are looking for until you actually apologize to the players.

I’m sure there will be more changes, but why are you making them all of a sudden in a panic? Are you making them because you realize now you have too, or making them because you want us to have fun. I think we all know it’s not the latter.


Blizzard’s cicle of mediocrity:

  • add a system on ptr
  • players test it and give constructive feedback
  • blizzard ignores the feedback and say that everything will work
  • the system is crap and players leave the game
  • a year later: OK WE HEARED YOUR FEEDBACK

Bye amd i hope you enjoy your next mmo :+1:


Pretty much :joy:

They obviously need to realize this has to stop. The first step would be to apologize then lead by action and listen to the community and show that they will in the future. If a highly voted thread about a change is on the forum a Blue post should be all over it. If the players say a system is bad on the PTR they need to get rid of the system.


Good changes are good, I don’t care why they made them.


New World is garbage.


Been maining other MMO’s since 2016 so I have been. Now looking forward to New World while friends are really excited about Lost Ark. The MMO industry is thriving and that is a good thing. I just wonder if WoW will ever step up again and make a good game.

The point of this thread is Blizz doesn’t have a choice anymore. They made SL bad because they thought they could get away with it. They never cared about the players. However they now learned that players actually enjoy other MMO’s more now. Hence the changes.

Imagine someone’s now being nice to their partner because they cheated on them and now feel bad. So you are saying it doesn’t matter why they are being nice?

It always matters “WHY” the changes happen. Always!!

If the changes are selfish in nature, it matters.


Wait, I thought you were ignoring me :face_with_raised_eyebrow:


They are now learning that their customers are smarter than they think.


Proof this community will never be happy and always find something to complain about.


I think Abomination is a friggin’ idiot, but seriously, 9.1.5 reeks of lovebombing. It gives players almost everything they want…except for an apology.

So come 10.0, we’re going to go through the same old crap of not listening during the alpha, not listening during the beta, and once we complain about it, someone’s going bring this up as proof that the devs aren’t really toxic, they just need time.


If they’ve decided to be a better person due to learning from their mistakes, that’s called growth actually.


Wrong, we will be happy when Blizz starts doing what was outlined in the OP. When they actually change their ways. Then… ONLY then, will the community be happy.


Who cares what the reason is?


The Legion cycle continues


I actually :man_facepalming:

They didn’t decide to be a better person! They just did something nice because they are selfish and feel guilt. Holy cow :joy:


Or better yet…they SHOULD have the foresight to know and see that a proposed system will not work before they spend so much time developing it to the point they are stuck with it and thus WE are stuck with it.

Any successful business I know of MUST have leadership and development that has foresight to predict and foresee all possible outcomes and to predict and avert any potential issues that may arise from a direction they decide to go in

Blizz is highly reactive and not very proactive


WHO HURT YOU DUDE??? just be happy changes are happening


Yo, Blizz, while you’re at it can you make it to where perma-ignoring someone stops their topics from being seen as well? Please and thank you!


I wish to know where you developed these mind reading powers