The Problem is Contamination

Maybe initially but I would imagine a UI overhaul could square away the problem of inventory bloat.

Exactly this.

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I suppose that’s true, but then I’d need to wait for an addon maker to make the gear loadout UI actually palatable, lol.

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:rofl: I feel that. But hey you know once TukUI get their hands on it, it’ll look very nice!

For me, I don’t mind the pvp vendors and the extra set. I think that pvp gearing is pretty awesome because of it, this is what I wish SL pvp gearing was.


lolol good read.

All gear should work in open world lol.

Thanks bud.

Many things “can” be done.
Not all are easy, practical or feasible to do.

Yes we “can” send a toddler into space alone.
I doubt it will ever happen.

If it is an easy fix sure, sure make it so.
But if there are things tied to things, that affect other things, and if you change one small part, it messes up 10 other things that then need to be fixed, and that now affects 400 other things that now need to be tweaked and that now affects …

You have got to be kidding.

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“a ton of stuff to do that would benefit your account” translated to like 90% “do the raid” and 10% “romp through dungeons you literally outgear by 100 ilvl for free badge gear”.

That’s probably part of the issue.

I think pretty much everyone agrees that “raid or die” was bad. But nonetheless, long-time raiders are used to being able to progress through the raid almost solely by… raiding.

Now it’s completely flipped and an aggressive player will be in 80% M+ gear pretty much every time, even if they’re raiding every week. It’s not that you can’t raid like people used to and progress that way, but that’s artificially forcing yourself into a several-month gearing cycle when the rest of the game has moved on to like a 4 week gearing cycle. So it becomes a matter of holding your team back, which feels good for nobody.

Just for reference, it’s basically what I did in 9.1. I did not touch M+ that season. But I ended up in a raid group kind of on accident. I was perpetually 10-12 ilvl and several renown levels behind everyone else the whole time. I got a 100th percentile parse once (no, that doesn’t make sense, but its how the website displayed it) and that was like, mid pack on the meters in that group.

I got away with it because I was playing well enough to keep up, but if I were doing the M+ and world content grinds? I would’ve been contributing significantly more. Plenty of people will just cave and push that content they don’t enjoy to make sure they’re not the one holding anyone back.


Those folks will do just fine sticking to what they like, as long as they temper their expectations to match. If they can’t possibly survive without doing content they hate for the rewards then either the reward at the end is worth it or they should probably take a break and reevaluate why they’re playing.

If Blizz out a god-tier shield behind 1400 PvP rating I’d still never get it, and I’m ok with that.

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True, but power rewards are generally a lot better encouragement.

I’m what most of this forum would consider a “filthy casual”.

I have been playing for about six years now (1 year off at the end of SL) and this is the first expansion that I do NOT feel compelled to do M+ or normal+ raids. With time and patience, my character(s) can take on open world lvl72 rares solo.

It is awesome that I can; so I love DF and hope that in the future this continues to be so.

They have their hands tied to some extent.

What should they do? Do like PVP and War Mode and make you have a buff of ILVL for doing that content but reduce it in Overworld? That may work.

They could make all Overworld WQ type gear drop at Rare Quality.

I dunno what the big issue is with Raid and M+. It seems to me that it would be Pretty easy for a Moderate to Heavy Raider with a solid Group to blast thru Keys. The Gear upgrades and they would not need to push hard on keys to get the valor to upgrade to the point they need.

If they want to look down on me for being a Filthy casual for getting a 405 ilvl here or there and rocking 392 in all the other slots. I can look down on the Elitist crying that they have to do M+ to get slot filled to push Raids.

The raid, even on heroic, is overwhelmingly mechanics done correctly yield success at a higher rate than ilvl. People cleared it week 1, pre nerfs. We know that to be the case.

The m+ grind for raiders is only required for the most hardcore, you don’t need full 415 to clear heroic. It helps when you’re pushing mythic though. For the mythic raiders, you previously blew through heroic and then just beat your head against the wall for 1-2 weeks per boss after while the guild slowly geared up. 4-5 hours of completed content on a weekly basis and then 10+ hours of boss attempts is not going to keep that crowd happy.

M+ Itself rewards properly executed mechanics more than gear score. I’d rather have a 40k dps mage that doses all mechanics and isn’t burdening my healer than a yolo DH zipping through whatever BS is on the ground and dying 3-4 times a run. Sure dude may be higher during good pulls, but that doesn’t always yield a successful run.

There was no need for you to expose my whole gimmick to the entire community.

I was forced to play in crappy levels because lots of people have volitites. It will never change.

You have dozens of videos as to why people went to classic, and one of the reasons in many of them is the bad design made so flight could move to the old World. (People also think they can call “vanilla” about flying when they most likely joined in Cata and dont know how flying was before that).

Some stuff will never change. A lot of customization options means crappy character rigs, a lot of color options means shallower color depth post effects. So on and so forth.

Nothing will ever be good when it is “for a lot of different and incompatible tastes”, that is why wow was better when it had less players, and having all the players it had ruined it.

Should reach out to the proper authorities for that.

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You know what would solve this problem? Deleting the trinket slot. But that’s not going to happen.,

Being forced to do things is a fact of life. If you play WoW you were forced a lot of things.

Nahh I hit the big ol’ X many times.
Everything is a choice, even went to max level with out killing a single mob.

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