What does RDF have to do with ICC? About as much as the Kalu’ak fishing derby, which is nothing.
“To be completely honest, [the Looking For Group tool] is a feature I wanted in the game when we launched the game. I was really unhappy when we didn’t have it when we first shipped, so it’s been 5 years coming. Maybe it wasn’t the number one thing I wanted in, but it’s definitely one of the top 5 things that I wanted in the game. It’s actually our third try at a proper LFG tool, and this one gets it right. With the Meeting Stones, we didn’t put enough attention into it, we just tried to jam it in, and people didn’t use it. The second tool, it ended up being compromised feature – we tried to cater to too many different audiences.”
–Rob Pardo, lead designer of WoW
It’s part of the game dude. If you don’t like it, play on a PVE server.
I’m all for no changes on this btw - bring in RDF on the same schedule as it came in originally.
But I do see the OPs point - xrealm RDF kills world PVP, and world PVP is a big part of the game that many people enjoy.
Irrespective - this is meant to be a “Classic” game - that implies a degree of faithfulness to the original. It was in the original game and it should also find it’s way into the classic version at some point.
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RDF was in wrath.
RDF should be in classic.
We’re done here.
This thread had nearly died until someone resurrected it 10 days ago. Can’t you people just let it go away?
several things here. i notice for one that you didnt deny ganking people 50 levels lower than you. so its in the game sure but doesnt make it right and CERTAINLY doesnt make you look like a decent person.
if they bring in rdf on the same schedule and keep no changes… thay have to dial back all the other things they already put in game out of order… which we all know they wont do to keep it no changes.
xrealm doesnt kill world pvp, world pvp doesnt exist on more than half the servers because they are normal. so the real solution is put all pvp realms in a single battlegroup with NO rdf. put all normal servers in a different battlegroup WITH RDF. everyone wins.
“classic” should be a restoration of it to the original form, not the bastardization of it to wrath reforged. but brian and his elitist jerks seem to think their littl pvp bubble should get to decide how the entire population of the game realms should play.
Worse, I actually like leveling my alts in a world full of risk. Some of them unfair. Games which throw way over level elites into lowby zones for instance. The risk of being ganked by someone with overwhelming odds and finding crafty ways of hiding, running away, getting groups of allies to come to your aid and start a war of sorts … Is part of the fun. Everything being completely even and fair all the time is boring to me.
So, in game like WoW which has that risky environment as an option I think it’s great. I choose that option. And I hate when people who like a safer environment choose my more dangerous option too then get annoyed about it and campaign to change it. Play on a pve server if you want safe and fair PvP.
Do I like ganking others? A bit but not much. I generally go for similar level folks. When I do gank it’s when that person has ganked one of my alts - that’s fair game. The best way to manage an ahole is to spank them. Not get Blizzard to change the rules.
you did lol it was 4 days hidden until then
not trying to change the rules, trying to get them to create an option where you can have your world of gankers that you choose to play in and enjoy, AND those that dont want to play the same way you do can have their game and enjoy it. not trying to force you to play the safe way and not trying to force anyone to play in your world of risk that you like.
hence why i said this.
cherry picking one statement and laying out 3 paragraphs of why youre okay with jerks hanging out in starter zones to ruin your day doesnt provide any sort of solution or constructive compromise. it does tell me you like, good for you. the fairness im looking for is giving everyone a fair choice when choosing a style of play.
This thread has received a lot of attention, however I don’t think the debate has concluded.
Round 12!
RDF vs LFG round…?
Who is destroying the community. That is the question on peoples minds.
LFG is retail, RDF was wrath. Only a complete idiot would make a ridiculous argument about it. The no changes camp is classic and the some changes crowd is retail is exactly what it is . Stupid condescending remarks get you nowhere.
If you or someone else could elaborate on all that it would be really helpful
To throw my 2 cents in at the people saying there’s no social experience with or without RDF…
If you aren’t chatting to the people in your groups, that’s on you. I’ve added several people to friends, and recognise names, purely from my dungeon experience. I talk to people in my dungeons, because they’re easy enough that you have time to. I have a great time in 5mans despite overgearing them to hell and back.
And if you’re having trouble finding groups, instead of just spamming the channel with LFG messages, consider forming your own groups. It’s 10x faster and doesn’t really require that much work.
I will grant, at least, that finding groups for vanilla/bc levelling dungeons is hard, and personally, wouldn’t necessarily be opposed to a RDF system specifically for those. But there is very much a social experience involved in making and running groups for dungeons at end game, as long as you’re willing to put a bare minimum of effort in.
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i disagree about the social experience in end game. social experiences are either in guild or in your own guild discord these days. there is zero social experience to be had in forming a dungeon run. raids, sure maybe there is, but dungeon runs? nope.
Agreed. Although we still had plenty of people crying for dual spec. I remember 100s of dual spec threads rofl.
When people talk classic, you are talking pre-cata… so yea, whether you like it or not… WOTLK is classic and yes it’s WORLDS better than anything TBC and Vanilla
could ever muster.
I mean unchanged I’d agree but WotLK is the culmination of both TBC and Vanilla.
TBC and Vanilla walked so that WotLK could run.
Oh you aren’t wrong… I just remember playing Vanilla and being like, I can see the potential in it, but my god it is hands down the most abysmal leveling experience I’ve ever had, it’s what ruined it for me.
I’m glad they existed so WOTLK could learn what not to do and be better.
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You see dog poop on the side of the road, you stop, yell at it, get down on all four and roll around in it. Then you complain to everyone that you smell like poop. Nice. Big brain play.
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heres a great idea. just scroll past them or dont bother to come into the forums for awhile. so sad that you feel so offended by peoples right to speak and provide feedback.