now now, hear me out before you flame me, classic community. I’m not saying WOTLK isnt classic. I’m just saying… we had the term “wrath baby” for a reason.
We didn’t have all these people from retail in TBC or Classic vanilla. It just wasn’t retail enough for them yet.
They’re here because WOTLK is “retail” enough to pull them away from shadowlands, but something is missing… just that little extra pizzazz that is retail… They are missing RDF.
They want to use WOTLK as a dragonflight waiting room and they want their QOL experience. And if you mention “RDF was only in the last patch of wrath” they will cover their ears and act like they didn’t hear you.
They don’t want to WPVP, they don’t like the fact that BRM is active with players during the brewfest event because of 0 RDF portal, they want to queue up and do a dungeon with 4 other randoms without saying a word the entire dungeon… just like retail.
Then, when dragonflight launches, they will leave WOTLK behind with the same “theme park” mentality that drove them to play it in the first place.
Thank you for coming to my Ted Talk.
When they’re not queuing, they’re Q Qing
You are about to get flamed by the pro rdf crowd. Good luck.
Hey look thread number 100 about the same topic.
Another trash rdf thread. Blizzard moderators, combine this with the 2000 other threads about this trash.
Lions don’t lose sleep over the opinion of sheep.
I vote we all just start flagging them as inappropriate as they violate the forum code of conduct.
Maybe if enough people get a forum silence for making duplicate threads they may get the idea.
RDF was in half of Wrath. It belongs in Wrath Classic.
The rest of your post means nothing.
But seriously. Blizz removes the authentic RDF from Wrath, and replaces it with the cobjob Retail LFG tool, and then adds Mythic type dungeons from Retail.
So if you want to talk about Retail, the fact is Blizz is turning Wrath into Retail with these changes.
Troll harder.
Wow has been, and always will be the Casual Friendly MMO. Anyone whom thinks it shouldn’t be casual friendly is deluding themselves and should go play games that don’t cater to casuals.
Go play everquest, where you have to group for everything and if you die you drop all your stuff and can lose it all forever.
Why are you playing Wow if you think things being casual friendly is such a bad thing?
You’ll be right there next to all of them playing wrath too.
I just got a crazy idea. INSANE in fact. They should add something in the forums.
Wrath of the Lich King Classic general discussion
Wrath of the Lich King RDF discussion
I’m really tired of these threads and this way I wouldn’t even have to keep seeing them
Where is all your anti RDF speech with the BG queue? It allows you to queue and teleport from ANYWHERE. But people are fine with that one. There’s also no pushback for the cross realm teleport that’s coming for wintergasp. These are all the same thing. There should be no cherry picking. If it’s ok to do it for those, then there’s no justification for torching dungeons.
Blizzard: “We’re going to remove LFD for the socialization of the game… but leave it on BGs and actually add it to WG. Everything we said about socialization applies to dungeons but not these other things.”
Players: “That makes sense to us. Please sir, may we have some more.”
"RDF has 0 impact on the socialization of the game so I dont know how this even came to be a talking point. "
-That’s what we been trying to tell Blizzard. They are the ones that made that excuse. They seem to think that players sitting around spamming “LF TANK” is meaningful socialization.
Because I like WPVP and lively zones. If there was RDF, BRM would be a ghost town right now.
Because there is no RDF, I get to death grip people into the lava all day.
See how easy that answer was?
RDF makes the world a ghost town, then I don’t get to pull you into the lava.
Did you seriously start this thread just to pick a fight on the forums?
Spamming or Trolling
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- Creating threads for the sole purpose of causing unrest on the forums
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No, I complained about that one too actually.
I’m a day 1 Classic player, and I want RDF.
Isn’t a fight, wasn’t my intention.
Take me out of context if you want.
I’m just bringing to light the reason the vocal minority is SPAMMING pro RDF posts. I’m going to put my straw in the hat to show blizzard not everyone is for RDF.
Not going to let your side keep the illusion up without putting my two cents in.
Sorry, we don’t like RDF. We’re here. We exist.
Oh, I see the problem.
You want to be able to gank people, thus you don’t like the idea of people being able to completely avoid you ganking them.
I can’t say I’m surprised, I always assumed most of the anti-RDF people are the ganking types, that or the gatekeeper types that will smuggly demand people be sunwell geared to do Urtgarde keep tomorrow.z
Also we’re not the minority, you are. Lol
Blizzard even admitted so, your only lying to yourself.
I don’t think that is the case at all. But i fully understand why some people are mad at these changes.
I’m not a supporter of heroic+. But I’m not going to claim it’s changing wrath into retail… that’s not true. It’s a weird addition of a catch up mechanic that we didn’t need.
Most definitely thats a reason.
For sure.
It’s why I rolled on a PVP server… You know retail has 0 pvp servers and horde and alliance can play together right?
No, but that is what the thread is all about. Trying to pick a fight to cause more drama within the forums.