The "pro RDF" crowd is proof WOTLK isn't Classic

So? If someone strikes up a conversation I’ll probably engage them. If not, I don’t care. FTR I’ve had more conversations in random BG’s than any 10 heroics with randoms.

Who cares? I don’t really care to make friends or even chat with everyone I’m grouped with. Very few people do. So why all the fuss about not including RDF?


People that started in vanilla and tbc, got labeled " wrath babies" just because they LIKED changes. It was more inclusive, most of them. Those were the people benefited from FORCING others to have to be in thier guild, so they could hook up the gear (we help get them) to thier BFFs.

The “social” is just code for…gatekeeping.


you sound like a noob who doesn’t respect your time or anyone elses. let people play how they want. you can still form your own groups


RDF was part of the final phase of wrath. Perhaps they are fans of the original in that state. Nintendo kept a lot of their advances when they did their classic iteration. The complete intention of the original is important to adhere to. Sometimes technical issues make it impossible at first for example

Your delusional, This isn’t vanilla this is not your cringy private server vanilla community that’s toxic and annoying.

this is Wotlk, 2009-2010 WOTLK had RDF for a reason…i bet 90% of you on this forum never played any retail 2009 and just all weird zoomer private server andy’s.

There is no community all of you buy gold than buy items via GDKP. get over yourselves.


I played “retail” Wrath and quit. RDF was a strong component as to why. You can say anything you like, but my personal experience is that it was a cesspool of toxic garbage.

This is an instance where then is appropriate.

Also, 2 month old thread gg.

First time I see that thread, not sure how I missed it.

OP nailed it PERFECTLY and you can tell he’s 100% right with how many reply this has LOL. Stay mad pro RDF crowd.

But the player base ran away. That is the problem.

After RDF wow lost 10 million subscribers. It was 11 million and now it sits around 1 mil.

RDF is not the reason WoW lost subs, WoW lost subs because Cataclysm had hard dungeons, raids and because of the world breaking.