The "pro RDF" crowd is proof WOTLK isn't Classic

This only really applied first weeks. Once the time locks on content cleared you could run the story “one shot” for the 197 rewards.

first weeks heroics were for gear. I will grant that. but that was because we got new story, hence new pieces of covenant gear, weekly. once all the story out you could anima farm full 197 off covenant readily enough to not need heroic for gear.

By 9.1 this was not even a thing really. 9.1 then also saw the recipes for 200+ gear. make it or buy it.

Even borethia was giving the good stuff well enough. RNG as hell but it was there. I had a mm hunter get 2 handers for days. But I also had my sub rogue get her 2 daggers in less than 20 minutes. RNG is RNG lol.

By 9.2…you could mindlessly follow the zerg if you truly had no clue about pvp and be head to toe pvp gear greater than heroic drops on an alt. this would be not even a full week with a 50% loss rate even.

also your luck must have been better than mine. SL was the expac that had me go more full bore pvp. 10 heroics, 3 drops, 2 of them doubles.

hahahaha, no. PVP was a go. I wanted its determinism.

why? only because they brought back tier otherwise its the same/same

As a hunter my best weapon after the sylvannus bow was the gun from, crap cant remember his name, but there was another in spires that at mythic levels was better.
There was a trinket in grim rail I think that was better.
There was a couple more exceptions but I CBF right now.

This right here.

This is not a good thing… see my pervious post above.

You’re not understanding, it gives entry level Mythic gear, which is the first few bosses. The better gear comes from the later bosses, which is why you would mythic raid over doing +20s for gear to be able to DO high level m+

For instance, weapons like Jaithys + Gavel are from later bosses and are like a 50% upgrade over anything from M+. This translates to like a 3k dps increase, even though the Gavel and the mythic + weapon are the same ilvl.

Not everything that makes it to alpha or beta, makes it to the live game, as there is always last minute hidden changes. You can never expect Blizzard to not do it.

Yes, the beginning of removal of personal loot is a good change. I hated personal loot right from the beginning.
Yes, the idea of revamping the talents to try and bring back some of the class identity is a good change. But still needs to go further.
And I can’t say much about the content, but the content needs to be really engaging in order to wanting to play the game. Not a boring unrewarding slog.

Yes, levelling a toon from 1 to 80 in Wrath Classic is a boring slog, but it is quite rewarding, because the character progression you get from levelling. Imagine the devs decided to prune our abilities in Wrath and add World Level Scaling. Then that would be a boring unrewarding slog.

But as of right now, I have every single right to be hopeful for DF considering everything on the beta is pretty much what we’ve been asking for, for a whole expansion. There’s world content, good changes for gearing paths, I can be skeptically hopeful.

They even nerfed down how tier sets work, so people who have 3 set and not 4 don’t feel useless even though there’s going to be a creation catalyst.

Oh, there does appear to be good changes, don’t get me wrong. But you can never really call it a good change until it actually makes it to the live game. Because as mentioned, devs do make last minute hidden changes and ruin the whole hype.


I am understanding just fine, just obviously not getting my point across.
Wasn’t talking about mythic raids, I haven’t done that in a while and it’s still not a very high completion rate, most raids are in heroic, and again why when you can get loot that’s the same in mplus, at mythic level even if its low is far more that you will ever need, anyway as I said that my opinion, and you are not likely to change it, and it is after all why I am waiting, you go play if that what you want to do that’s great.

As I said earlier, IMO the game wasn’t giving me the urge to log on, or “fun” Wrath does that.

Yes you do, and I have the right to be skeptical, let’s just hope you are correct lol

kinda pointless to explain this but m+ drops 288 gear at a +15 like without upgrades, heroic gear is 298. the only reason why people were 300 ilvl so quick this season is because there was no valor cap. This whole argument gets broken down when you mention the uncapped valor and the actual items that you get from heroic raiding.

Heroic gear from raid is 100% better if you’re talking about trinkets / weapons. It’s like not even close. I’m telling u this from a perspective of someone who does both, and sims every single item I get from both.

Actually, my 304 staff was only a sidegrade to the antumbra at 298 I have.

I second this injunction.

So. Lemme see…DragonFright, er, um, Flight, premieres in one month and 15 days from today.

Cheer up! We who just want to play Classic, in this case Classic WotLK have less than two moons before the RDF admirers can go play with themselves in Retail.

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Well 18 days ago when I said that. 19 out of 20 post were RDF

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Yeah, I was called that when I first started playing.

It was ignorant then and it’s ignorant now. There’s nothing wrong with cutting out things that are purely there to waste time.

Flying to an instance isn’t fun and it adds nothing to the gameplay. Tell me one thing that it ACTUALLY adds because social interaction isn’t one of them.

Wrath baby…sheesh man, I thought I’d never hear that crap again. It’s just so dumb

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lol OP, but even without RDF, the current wotlkc is not classic, it’s something else…

then you would be just as wrong as the OP is.

It’s mind boggling people who think RDF is bad even played WoW in the first place. A game that since day one of vanilla advertised itself as being about QoL and cutting out pointless BS. And will also hypocritically defend CRBG’s(a vanilla feature) even though those have every single made up problem they whine about for RDF.

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The fact is they created RDF to combat some of the very same problems we’re having now.

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Hey, do you notice how ICC isn’t out yet? It’s almost like you can’t read.

Played Vanilla from 2004, have not played retail since MoP, want RDF… point invalid.

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I started mid Wrath when we had Dungeon finder and all these other nice things, but still had an actual MMO with talent trees and stuff. I was like 19 at the time, you must have been like 30, which means now you’re retired most likely while the rest of us are mid-career. You’re a boomer OP, according to the meme. Try touching grass and actually enjoying life for a change, and stop gatekeeping the rest of us who hate you.