I guess. I just think it’s more of a timing thing. The content is quite stale in retail right now. Rehashing the raids will only get you so far, etc. They launched wrath at a solid time.
Blizzard knows what the hell they are doing. They’ll have their hardcore classic players. But the bump they see now will disappear in 6 weeks as it shifts to retail launch.
Just look at how fast many have eaten up the content already. All the raids are cleared (as expected). And people having fun will continue to do so. But those just looking to do it once, got their fix, and they’ll log till the next one, like me.
I suppose. but the OP’s logic is frightfully flawed. I for one haven’t touch retail in 4 years, yet I would love to have RDF.
Why? Because I am an adult casual player with a full time job and a social life, so I am not powering through content, right now finding groups for anything under level 80 is a non-starter. RDF solves that for me. I can enjoy the game at my pace without being punished for it.
I haven’t really played modern WoW expansions since Cata made me quit and I would also like RDF. Why? Because this is Wrath, not Vanilla.
If anything the anti-RDF crowd is proof this isn’t Wrath. This is the same as retail where players complaining is enough to have Blizzard change the game to their whims. Their whims having no specific rhyme or reason just whatever they want at any time. This is how we end up with Heroic+ and no RDF which makes no sense in any reality of WoW design philosophy.
I waited through Classic Vanilla and TBC for something I really liked, never asking for it earlier then Wrath. Then RDF is taken away. And so you know, in my experience no one talks in pugs formed by the LFG tool. Although I do report everyone I see using the LFG channel for anything other than group forming as that is what Blizz said to do
I dislike retail and absolutely want RDF. Wrath is my favorite version of the game and 3.3.5, is the patch I want to play with RDF. You eff’ing act like QoL things are bad. If you don’t like them don’t use them.
Don’t like duel spec? Don’t use it.
Don’t like flying? Don’t fly.
Don’t like free loot boxes after quests? Don’t open them.
Don’t like an aspect of the game? Don’t engage with it.
Staying on the RDF topic - if you hate RDF and hate anyone who uses it, create a guild that excludes these people and only queue content with your guild. Problem solved.
Find someone who is duel spec? Put them in the n ignore and never speak to them. Problem solved.
Someone using a flying mount? Put them on ignore and never speak to them. Problem solved.
People not playing the game specifically how you demand they play, put them on ignore, and your problem is solved. You can find people who will behave exactly as you demand they do, you just have to put the social effort into it.
I was in TBC both original and this one but only because I was preparing for wrath, and the reason I am here is zero of your attempts to put people in a box and label them, its because wrath was/is an awesome expac and I wanted to play it again how it was supposed to be.
SFA to do with it
Nope I am considering no playing DF
RDF was in for a little over 48% of wraths life. Anti LFD people don’t want to hear that
Yup this one is correct for me, but that why I rolled on a PVE server, I prefer to PVP when I want rather than when I am trying to do something else, and Yez I had toons on the old PVP servers some at max, just got over it.
Again I am seriously considering not playing DF, too many bad decisions and hype we have all heard before.
No Worries, though maybe next time try not to make your own mistaken assumptions sound as though they were fact.
And its levelling that needs it badly here, but you are not quite true.
I used it at max to get my heroics done, before moving on to Mythics.
Normal mythic could easily be added to the finder, and MPlus can DIAF for all I care.
wait a minute… from a pve standpoint DF has shown nothing but positives, if you’re seriously saying that DF doesn’t look strong for PvE, you have to be just trying to be obtuse
Almost every single thing happening in DF with PvE is what we wanted, loot changes for m+, heroic raid ilvl changes, easier loot systems to deal with.
Hmm re-reads post. nope I said nothing like that, if you read it that way that’s on you lol.
I simply meant we have all seen hype for new expacs go beyond the actual experiences and the bad decisions that allowed what 3 in a row?
I played the beta and it did nothing for me, wasn’t excited to log on at all, one of the main issues with the last few expacs has been that they just are not fun, I’ll wait this time around, dragon riding is interesting, but I feel it’s going to get old fast, the rest seems to be same old to me, but I haven’t looked at it in a couple of weeks.
Who is “we” IMO mythic should have a completely different loot system to raids, why would anyone do a heroic raid when they can just get the same loot from a 15, its almost like its easier for them to make Mplus so they are steering people away from raids (IMO).
Because this is NOT how m+ works. Or raiding, even currently.
The gear you get from m+ is bad, raid loot is good.
You’re not winning this one with me.
Look at my gear - you see how it’s all upgraded m+ gear? That’s because there was no valor cap this season because it was a “for fun season” where everyone had fully upgraded m+ gear. Which is equivalent to heroic loot ilvl.
The best weapons and trinkets are from the raid, like by a mile these pieces are better than your m+ gear.
BfA looked good from when it was announced, turned out to be a disappointment.
SL looked good from when it was announced, turned out to be a disappointment.
What makes you think DF would be any different?
I’m going purely off of the beta, which has addressed issues that we had this whole expac.
The gearing path with M+ / raiding, loot issues with personal loot, these are HUGE changes that people won’t understand unless they play a lot of retail to be able to notice these changes.
Being able to trade loot, being able to get mythic equivalent gear from +20s in m+, like these changes are the size of the moon.