Retail players are bottom of the barrel due to the only ones being left after being beat like a stray dog by blizzard through terrible game design and microtransactions.
The simple reality is the no one seems to use the LFG tool as intended. I have created three groups myself, and joined three, and in every case it was done exactly the same way as it was in TBC Classic – people advertised in the LFG channel, people responded in a whisper, and you selected a group from the responses.
Is this better than the RDF tool from OG Wrath? Well, advertising in the LFG channel for Northrend dungeons seems to be working just fine for now. But we are at the beginning of the xpac, so that’s only to be expected. I cannot comment on how easy it is to form low level dungeons, because I’m not trying to form or join any at the moment. I have seven level 70 characters over two servers, and am solidly focused on levelling them through Northrend. And I suspect most other players are in the same boat.
But I expect things to go the same way they did in TBC Classic and OG Wrath. Because levelling through questing is quicker than dungeon spamming, I expect it to become almost impossible to find or form groups for levelling dungeons, including Wrath normal dungeons. Wrath heroic dungeons, however, may have a greater longevity this time, because of the changes Blizz have made in Wrath Classic.
However, the changes may cause their own problems. If you can get gear of ilvl equivalent to the previous raiding tier from heroic+ dungeons, the incentive to actually run those raids drops. Whereas in OG Wrath, people were still running the old raids well into the expansion (as happened in TBC Classic, too – many people continued to run old raids for gearing, and fun, even after new raid tiers came out).
Anyway, we’ll see how things pan out in reality. It’s pretty clear Blizz aren’t backing down. I think it’s a mistake, but for now it doesn’t seem to be a massive problem. The only issue is that the LFG tool seems unnecessary and unneeded. It’s just an annoyance, rather than a useful tool.
and in original tbc we had the term ‘bc baby’.
almost like the previous expansion’s players will find any way they can to make themselves feel superior to the ‘noobs’.
Well said.
Give me a dungeon tool that reaches across realm to group and do dungeons with. I don’t care if it automatically puts me in the instance or not. Low pop servers need the bodies for dungeons. And nobody is leaving the megaservers for low pop pastures.
Besides, dungeons are not quite end game content. If people were hollering for raid finder. I’d be on the front lines with a pitch fork wanting to stick it to them.
Wrath was a two year expansion and RDF was added dead center of that expansion so it was there for one WHOLE year. You’re the one covering your ears to that fact.
I’m also finding it somewhat hilarious that blizzard is making changes like adding heroic+. I’ve seen the anti RDF people say NOTHING about this whatsoever but they have some huge problem adding RDF because it wasn’t in WOTLK? Even though it was?
So contradictory it almost hurts.
I also bet these same people have no problem using the Battleground finder.
I played Original Wrath, this is not Wrath Classic. This is 100% Retail Wrath, When I can pull half the dungeon in garbage gear and not die, seems a lot more like retail to me. The same dungeons on the same character in better gear when this actually game out I would die if people didn’t kick the casters from pulling one pack. The min max timed runs are annoying as well. I run dungeons for stone keepers shards for pvp and guess what these Retail players skip all the bosses. what a joke.
I love no RDF, I get to keep all the plate wearers out of my group!
Seriously people. This thread is four days old. There are already enough posts about RDF to talk on. Can’t you discuss those?
It’s not that hard to Google small things. It was not added in the middle of Wrath. It was released with ICC, roughly.
What does math have to do with experience and simple research? Reee.
Which was around the middle of Wrath. Wrath was released in Nov, 2008. Patch 3.3.0 which included RDF was released in Dec, 2009. Cata was released in Dec, 2010
you should know that zaalg unsubbed and left. he is keeping an eye out to see if the devs listen to the overwhelming cries for rdf to be put back in or if they keep ignoring them.
Simple research shows it came in the middle of Wrath. Maybe you should try Google next time? Sorry that time does not work in a way that suits your agenda, but I am sure you will manage to get over it.
Yet here you are. Don’t read them if they bother you.
This has to be one of the laziest, no thought put into it, excuses of a reason I have ever seen. If this is the level of “proof/reasons” the anti-RDF crowd has, no reason your arguments are torn down like tissue paper.
It’s hollow, it’s a talking point or propaganda. Just more vague hand-wavery to try and insight argument, but adds no substance to the conversation.
I want RDF, I an not a Wrath baby. Fact is there are some things from retail we would all love. Transmog, Reforge, RDF. Not everything about retail is bad, just 95% of it.
Also if they are going to add things they want that were not there then the least they can do is add the things we want that were there.
Yes it came later, But who cares? Honestly I think everyone is over worked up from both sides. Those calling for it to never come don’t want the TRUE classic feel either then right? You can say the same about those that want it now. Fact of the matter is, it needs to come, it is not 2007-2009 anymore. Not enough people wanna spam trade or LFG for a hour for a dungone when there are much better and faster ways. It also helps leveling so its not so boring.
RDF will come, save this if you want. Its just a matter of when will it come. On time or in Blizz fashion will it come 3 months too late. I know what one I am betting on.
They aren’t 100% wrong though. Me - I’ll raid log wotlk classic. And play the crap out of retail when dragonflight hits. I won’t be the only one. They’ll take a huge hit in server pop all over when that day comes. They can be stuck in time all they want, I don’t mind nostalgia every now and then. But I’m not going to regrind 12 year old content the way I did then. Just get geared enough for the next patch, log. And prep right before. Rinse - repeat.
All in preperation for ICC. Fun times. They should add RDF with ICC. Just makes sense, and opened up the game so much when it was released for alts - gearing, etc.

They aren’t 100% wrong though
But it’s not a reason, it’s a symptom. What I am saying is that just throwing out “It’s a waiting room” as if that explains something is lazy.

im pretty sure that a good majority of anti-RDF and pro-RDF players would find a good compromise between just having a better LFG tool
I’ve said this all along if we had Retail’s version of LFG I would be more than happy to accept no RDF.