The "pro RDF" crowd is proof WOTLK isn't Classic

This is so true…

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No but you said wotlk development style led to retail wow, to which I disargreed with that cata and future expansions they made the game considerably easier and dumb down a lot of systems for more accessibility. your class should feel good to play, why would you want your class to feel bad to play?

What are you talking about, Cata dungeons were way harder than wrath. The amount of whining that ensued because of that is what caused a lot of needs in Cata

The Anti-RDF crowd is just as annoying as the pro-RDF crowd.

Everyone is crying hard on both sides of this argument.

It’s just a game and a husk of a former one. The company as a whole is just Bobby Koticks piggy bank. Be happy and buy him another Yacht.

As much as I love WOTLK, I feel getting to this point in classic was a mistake. It was the beginning of the end for retail, not Cataclysm like most people claim.

This is true. They had to nerf Cata dungeons quite a bit in the beginning due to them being overtuned.

Ive haf several totally innocuous posts removed for trolling hecause the pro RDF crowd are hyper online and spm report them lol. Its pretty funny to come back to the forums after a week or two and see the little green notification that I broke somebody’s heart.

The people who are hardcore anti-rdf have never tried to form a group for a low level dungeon when theyre on the less active faction or on a lesser populated server. I have waited hours to run shadowfang keep only to be met with disappointment of never running it. I still havent ran it and im way past it in terms of my level. Every time im in a group (and this is no exaggeration) trying to run a dungeon from vanilla on an alt, i ask the others if they want RDF back after an hour of waiting for a group and its always been yes. Every. Single. Time.

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You did not. If you had several posts removed it’s because you were trolling hard. People always claim total innocence when their posts get removed or they get a suspension but 99% of the time they know exactly why the post was removed.

You can say it if you want to but all the polls and the evidence from these forums suggest otherwise. Last poll I looked at was 69.9 Pro RDF - 30.1 Anti - Fun (RDF).

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Meh either or, doesn’t really matter. the important thing is that pro RDF posters went reeeeeeeee.

Tldr; OP wants to camp and gank people on the way to stones and this is why he’s anti-RDF.

Not sure if you knew but you’re more likely to gank because people will just quest and wait for the queues and not sit staring at LFG lol?

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I had a post removed too. I know why. I violated the tos. Of course I could lie about it like you did and whine that the anti-rdfers went reeeeee.

good morning and cool story

one of the dumbest TED talks of all time, pretty sure Trump could put a better one on and that’s saying something

I gank people at stones all the time, I’ve played since vanilla in 2005 and loved vanilla WoW more than any expansion. I love open world content and open world PvP. I still 100% believe RDF belongs in wrath and would only improve the game. RDF saves time, it makes leveling more fun, it gives people more options for how they want to play the game and expands the amount of people they would encounter and play with.


Vanilla had massive and challenging instances.
Places that needed proper team composition to clear and took hours.
They had very specific pieces of loot people needed from them too.
Player made groups just make sense, you want a group that is tailored to deal with those challenges and to optimize who gets the loot.

WOTLK instances are completely different, they are very easy and short maybe 30 minutes at most and the gear doesn’t really matter all that much, people do them for the currency they get. Being able to make groups as fast as possible is the most effective way to deal with them.

Two completely different types of dungeons, two different ways of forming groups.

Lol your game? Mfer i pay for it to so its my game aswell get over your sad troll self.

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Did Blizz say RDF was coming in the last patch?

Subs beg to differ, there was a huge climb after RDF was added, it didn’t have massive drops till later in Cata

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