The "pro RDF" crowd is proof WOTLK isn't Classic

I stopped reading after you said ‘wrath baby’ because it just proves you aren’t taking seriously. You’d rather put a label on somebody rather than consider their opinion.

what a :clown_face: comment

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what community? the community that spams nothing but GDKP runs and ‘all worthwhile loot HR’ runs into trade and LFG chat just like the good old days? the psuedo-elitist parsers who are minmaxing an ABC level difficulty game?

this is not classic, there is no community, the mega servers are toxic and layered to where you will not see anyone in anything other than an endgame zone of high interest. all the other realms are dead because we’ve meta-gamed the system to all congregate on one big NYC mega server like the scum we all are.

RDF was literally in wrath and not including RDF was one of the many many many changes blizz forced in to make this game a mutant of what it was supposed to be

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Nah you have server pops, you didn’t do your research as a customer. That is YOUR problem, NOT Blizzards.

I am having a GREAT time on my Mega Server.

RDF is NOT needed.

It’s just Reality, enjoy having ZERO queues because there will be NO RDF.

Classic Wrath is NOT the same as Retail Wrath, we will NOT have RDF. If you want Retail Wrath features you go play Timewalking on Retail.

My Mega Server has a FANTASTIC Community and we will NOT tolerate RDF.

How enjoyable do you and other RDF queuers find the gameplay if you can’t be bothered to form a group to run it?

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Honestly, he is just a troll, but I finished levelling first aid (last task I wanted to finish before launch) and now I am bored.

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You go on a quiet server, or play on the opposing faction of a faction heavy server, then make that comment again.


Did the OP really need his own thread just to spew self-aggrandizement? We get it, dude, you play WoW Classic, nobody cares.

another funny thing i see is anti-RDF people saying “just go back to retail if you want RDF lol” when current retail and classic wrath is miles apart in terms of gameplay.

the same can be said that if you don’t want RDF you can go back to classic vanilla servers, neither is a viable option

this is simply “our idea vs your idea” and there’s no other way to cut it


Im still waiting for zaalg and his buddies to put speak with there wallet and unsub.

But like most, they will not and they will keep paying blizz to make them angry and miserable. Sad really.

Exactly why I argue that RDF should only be added for old content. Add in RDF for 1-70 content when wotlk releases. 70-80 normal dungeons added in at first raid tier. Etc, etc. There is a compromise here for sure.

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RDF for 1-70 and x-realm tool for 70-80 imho. I know people will moan about xrealm anything, but something has to be done about lower pop/imbalanced factions. This would fix it since Blizzard won’t do anything real to fix it.

im pretty sure that a good majority of anti-RDF and pro-RDF players would find a good compromise between just having a better LFG tool

have the tool match the group together but you still have to run to the dungeon, that would be enough for most people

And how does RDF stop us from enjoying that gameplay?

The gameplay I enjoy is the dungeon, not getting to the dungeon. Wrath had a tool to make those dungeons actually relevant. It worked fine. You can still go see the entrance with that tool. Crazy!


*That was added near the end of Wrath. There. Fixed it for you and your incompetence

The middle isn’t near the end. People are really bad at math.

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When heroic + comes I can extend the olive branch.

Heroic + No RDF. this is LFG only.

normal and regular heroic…RDF.

now the “real” content is LFG only like mythic in retail. since not many “real player” mythic runners give a rat’s butt what us pug scrubs do. they swing by for callings really.

even if low gears/baddies in the crew, the dungeons get done quick. its pug for crying outloud. 100% perfect is an unrealistic expectation. want that…hit up your guild peeps really. which they get soon™ with heroic +.

I’d rather just have harder 5 man content that I could queue into. There’s no higher effort, higher commitment, or higher intrinsic value in TBCC 5 Mans. Still waiting for this pay off where I’m suppose to be making friends in dungeons. No one talks, 3/5 of the party waits for summons, people just want their badges for the daily heroic and don’t want to see you again.