The player character is an individual, not the borg

He’s not wrong we are the product of our home and culture,if we made a deter on that path the whole of society would vanish in the dust of time. Is that what we truly want?



Do you really want civilizations to vanish with no history? no record? Be the dracrtyh with no story of their loss? You might as well just wipe us all off and start a new game because it’s heading that way.

so humans gonna disappear cuz they have locks? what about dks?

Our human history as of now is mess up any way,regardless of class ,we don’t even know the full truth in it.

your argument is, because we are getting to customize our characters fully, selecting our preferred class is going to ruin the game?

LOL,in the long run it would because play a flavor never pans out for long,but we do want to destroy history to rewrite it ,right.

i’ll have you know that i am a mighty warrior in another timeline. i can wield weapons, 3 times my size, and wear metal armor that weighs 3 times my weight. my shields are typically as big as i am. and i manipulate matter to allow my staves to intersect and penetrate solid surfaces. i’m amazing. keepin’ it real.


And still die from a simple bug sting,lol.

What about Mechagnomes?

How do they factor in this?


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Right, but the Borg are what decide whether or not you’re part of their society.

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Tell that to DK’s and DH when they first walk into SW.

Until someone is able to give a valid reason why a mag’har/draenei/lightforged couldn’t just decide to be “loli’mevilnow” like ALMOST EVERY OTHER CHARACTER IN THIS STUPID GAME, I’d just write off anyone who thinks this is a lore problem as clueless.

Because as we all know, Warlocks definitely adhere to cultural norms, thats why the original warlock races sans forsaken hid from the public in fear of persecution.

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i still get eviction notice when i go in sw cathedral, even if i’m playing a priest! lol i had to do a double take last time this happened because i’m not thinking race, i’m thinking class., and they are like, Get out void creature! (paraphrased)

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That is true, DK’s were the anti-paladin class and was either hated (mostly by paladins) and loved by trolls( like most new classes).

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Exactly. Every group is going to have its disenfranchised few seeking power to right some ill-defined wrong done to them and binding demons to one’s will, while not the easiest, is by far the quickest path to that power.

“But mag’har orcs as warlocks would be green” is one you hear a lot.

No, unless they drank the demon blood or did something really dumb, they wouldn’t. Not for awhile. By that same logic, every race would mutate in some evil over the top fashion.

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It’s always been my head cannon that my warlock over time has developed a slight scent of brimstone as she gained levels due to becoming more in tune with the fel.