The player character is an individual, not the borg

There. All the lore reason for why the race/class restrictions aren’t needed or shouldn’t exist.


I have less of a “problem” with people playing whatever they want but I do want consequences thereof. So, if you were to roll a nightelf warlock then most people would look at you with suspicion but fellow nightleves would spit at you. Imagine rolling a nightelf that start out as “disliked” by the Darnassus faction.


We are Borg! You will be assimilated!


That’s… the case with all warlocks save for probably blood elves, undead, dark iron and goblins.

Like orc warlocks have been playable since vanilla and half of them got massacred at the end of MoP.


The Highborne from Dire Maul (Shen’dralar) can already resolve that considering they summoned demons. As long as the dev team remembers that.


Those highborne should have been allied race for horde… but somehow they got added to alliance during cataclysm.

I am going to make a Lightforged Warlock. :dracthyr_love_animated: :dracthyr_blob_dance_animated:


And contradictory themes are fun! Like my destro warlock, named a priest name and wearing a priest outfit.

Like a questionable inquisitor.


We all know that’s not going to happen, we’re not NPCs, player character is the savior of Azeroth and they will support you no matter what class you are.

Probably won’t happen either.

Me too, or maybe a kul’tiran, not sure yet!


To be fair, I understand where the naysayers are coming from since I used to be one of them. Some race/class combos really don’t make sense and just saying “they’re not borg” doesn’t explain it.

For eredar, if they wanted to use the fel, they could have and they wouldn’t have been chased. There was no reason for the fel users to get on the ship with Velen.

Orcs do turn green when they are exposed to high levels of fel magic. Is being a warlock enough to turn a Mag’har green? Yes? Maybe?

The other races don’t have a connection to the Emerald Dream nor do they have any druidy history.

If a high elf wanted to use the Light, channel the Light, which ever way you want to say it, then they wouldn’t have been kicked out of Silvermoon or had a reason to follow Umbric. They fact that they use Light means they have no interest in the study of the Void :rofl: :rofl:

DH were created along time ago and Illidan only had elves. The player wasn’t even born or knew about illidan when all this happened.

Having said that, the anger is pointless. The naysayers should have seen this coming along time ago. It’s time to either deal with it or quit. Blizzard isn’t changing their minds and these lore-breaking race/class combos are coming down the pipe.


But then people change over time. And for the lightforged there were probably a fair amount of them that got some respite after Argus and have since checked out different stuff. Even if taboo.


To me classes revolve around either a belief (priest,pally or druid) or a learned skill.

Anyone can chose a belief or learn a skill.


Except Blizzard told us back in Legion that’s wrong and we’re a product of our home cities and cultures and we follow those paths.

People can say whatever they want to justify it however they want. It’s useless and irrelevant. Some will like it, others won’t. It is what it is.


And blizzard have never contradicted themselves.

Either way, Warlock have always been an individualistic class hated by nearly everyone. Even back in MoP most orc warlocks in the horde were straight up executed.

And in BFA Zandalari were suppose to get warlocks, and why not curses and hexes is literally a hobby for them so affliction would be a perfect spec for a troll… But no, because reason (meanwhile a certain port in vol’dun).


I prefer the positive reinforcement approach. If you want to promote certain class-race combos as being culturally significant, reward them with extra heritage-style questlines.

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Legion should also have given us Night Elf Paladins according to their own logic with the inclusion of Delias Moonfang to their ranks.

And legion was the same expansion that gave gnome hunter because one npc wanted to be a hunter.


Perhaps try reading:

Another troll thread on the topic to get people riled up isn’t going to change how people feel. It’s just going to start more fights. :woman_shrugging:t4:


Get you and all your buddies together and you can RP that all you want.


Trolling implies i want to harass people…

I do not, merely trying to talk some logic into the piles of rocks residing in this forum.

Rogue order hall says “how about no?”. We pretty much have no issue whatsoever to kill our own faction leader if its for the good of azeroth.

The only “culture” part that would apply to the rogues is that everyone does what benefits them most personally. Something pointed out during the order hall as well with every shadowblade having different goals aside from saving Azeroth.