The player character is an individual, not the borg

like the spider cave in the nelf starting zone. oh makes me think of faldorei. lol

the reactions people are having remind me of all those self-absorbed righteous posts about how to roleplay a race/class “correctly” that everyone hated

people act like we’re still in burning crusade or wotlk era it’s wild

They need to just go out and say PC isn’t canon.

Trying to include PC is disastrous for any fictional setting.

Shaming super special awesome TRP characters should be encouraged

Just roll on an RP server and instead of having programmed prejudice you can deal with in-character (or out of character for the really aggressive lore purists) prejudice thrown at you from other players.

well i’m an old everquester, so i know all about lore, rep, race, class and all that entails, but i point to prior decisions blizzard has made to argue in favor of the player character’s big choice being what class they play, rather than what race they are. and for that to be possible, the importance of their race should take the passenger seat, since the class determines the rest of your time in game. and lets face it, the lore is there to support the game, not the game to support the lore.

I do love how when a group of players want more choices in gameplay it’s lauded and applauded but when a group of players want that to fit with the lore to make sense it’s considered self-absorbed and righteous.

Heaven forbid we can’t just work with both aspects of the game instead of crapping on one to suit the other.


you don’t have to play one, and you could even avoid grouping with them if you lead your own groups. RP is completely opt-in, too, so you don’t even have to rp with em!

Oh, no, I will.

But probably not in a way that those players want to be interacted with. But a way that would be faithful to my character.

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and that’s totally fine I think. They might not like it but I think it makes sense for your character to interact with others in a reasonable and lore-entrenched way. I’m choosing to see the new race/class combos as outliers. and I just don’t like the guides that tell people that they have to rp a certain way is all

well i’m a mog fanatic, so i’m relishing the idea of races having access to new mogs lol belf druids, gnome and mechagnome druids is exciting. i realize thats a wee bit selfish :sweat_smile:

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Which is not a problem until you get people crying to others about how “this player is a xenophobe who won’t play with me because I play outside of this norm”.

I’ve seen blacklists in TRP with my name on it and have even been attacked in-character for out-of-character decisions and in-character actions.

eek life is complicated enough. reminds me of when asmongold, who i actually like otherwise, decided it would be a good idea to encourage his fans to spit on people who bought game store mogs/mounts. i couldnt resist the new faery mog and before i could even enjoy wearing it in game, i had to consider how i would respond to people spitting on my character while wearing it or any part of it. lol not exactly my idea of having fun.

I think thats about all people want. Nothing better to argue about so why not stir up something.

Interesting take ,in reverse logic.

I am Zandalari.

I am not Darkspear.

By the logic of this topic I shouldn’t care that I am Zandalari since both races are Trolls.

I find this offensive.

the fact you have enough presence of mind to declare something offensive, while another zandalari may not find it offensive, is evidence that you are an individual and not borg.

No Zandalari would dare spit upon our values or our Queen.

They are purged for being heretics - as is the way.

soon you will be able to access another school of magic. and presumably, your queen will be happy, since a kingdom without locks, is mechanically doomed to fear spam

and that’s exactly how the stories of draenei locks will unfold for those with enough creativity and intelligence. not everything has to be so black and white, there can exist nuance and complexity.

my draenei warlock’s story will be that she tried doing thing’s the draenei way. the “velen” way. and look where that got her? where that got her family and loved ones?

being born into a culture and/or religion doesn’t mean you walk the straight and narrow path of that culture. it’s a living breathing world. :woman_facepalming:t3: