The player character is an individual, not the borg

Technological/genetic infusion? Gnomes are certainly capable of both.

Again, I’m not arguing that a random night elf can’t pick up a demonic spellbook and say, “hey what’s this about?” I’m saying that they are not going to waltz into Stormwind flanked by a wrathguard and a succubus and expect the other night elves to readily engage in small talk with her.

Consequence of choice.

player character isn’t real nor canon


doesnt say that though. their racials are mostly related to intellect classes or rogues. dwarves have good defensive racials for tanking. gnomes not so much. presumably, races in game should be able to play any class, provided they’re not concerned about min-maxing.

So what you’re saying is that if they are concerned about min/maxing, then it’s an issue?

So you’re not obliterating the proverbial goalpost, you’re just shifting it to fit your standard for what’s acceptable.

well the racial leaders accept locks into their faction. night elves form groups with locks, do quests with locks, run dungeons and raids with locks, and the quest givers, even night elf and lfd, give quests to locks, give locks gold, loot and rep. so why would they suddenly go EGADS! A WARLOCK!

You have your borg metaphor backwards. But I suppose it sounded cool in your head.

You’re arguing from a gameplay perspective. I know it’s hard to differentiate the two.

The in-game lore of the universe hasn’t made that establishment that the people interacting with warlocks have accepted them into society.

Even this incoming questline isn’t doing that, just making the gameplay option available.

Yeah, I know you don’t get it.

Unless you actually believe every quest giver is making hundreds of adventurers slaughter boars in the woods or whatever, and that they’re hoarding rooms full of loot in some back room somewhere.

Actual logistics of that happening are impossible.

I liked WAR’s idea of having each class be race-specific. And while I don’t personally care for XIV allowing anyone to be anything, with mighty Lalafell warriors fighting alongside shirtless male Roegadyn dancers, I can see why its popular.

WoW takes a position between these extremes which is very weird given how the RTSes were very specific with what military job opportunities existed for a member of a given race.

thats my brain on tilt.
is there established lore for night elves where a famous lock forms a pact with a famous night elf, for the purposes of winning a war? surely theres a precedent. i know the priests/pallies in sw cath are not fans of velfs and ask us to leave the cathedral no matter what class we are playing. so i see the barrier as faction and race, rather than class.

I haven’t found one. You’re welcome to look. Medivh, maybe? But even Medivh is given the bombastic side eye by many people around him.

well there we go. nelf locks, bombastic side eye or the velf treatment. we have werewolves in the alliance and guess who embraced them and gave them a home…night elves. and some of 'em were werewolf locks. hehe.

Well to be fair, night elves were responsible for worgens in the first place, thanks to the Scythe of Elune. So yeah, we took them in because it was our responsibility to do so.

But can you give me an example of a situation where night elves took a worgen warlock and put them into a position of esteem? I think you’ll be hard-pressed to find that.

Old lore doesn’t matter anymore. We’re forging new Warcraft lore ever since Legion. Fall of Sargeras and the Burning Legion. Fall of Undercity. No more Horde Warchief. Etc. These are historic times for exploring places Warcraft has never been and our characters get to be part of the blank pages. Let go of the past and be part of untested waters or don’t. It’s all about how stubborn you want to be.

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and it’s been just so great! people have been really happy on a large scale with the new writing!

since legion!

well why havent they? they accept their support and give them housing. this is a good question. are locks not trustworthy? this is a grey area and as such leaves wiggle room for every race to have locks. now argue this on velf pallies and you have a point - that will require some effort to make possible

this will not happen… why? because its the same thing for humans.
At best you will have your warlock trainers on a very secretive place, like its hidden from everyone.

This is where I have a problem with you. The player character is not part of established lore, according to most people. I ask you to provide an example of lore where this has happened and your answer amounts to little more than, “Well, they should be doing it!”

Why should they? Tell me why. As a player, yes, you can do everything you said. You can accept quests as a warlock, you can raise rep as a warlock. Because the gameplay dictates that you can. The gameplay is there so that you can experience the world of Azeroth, but ultimately, you don’t affect it.

This is not established in lore. You’re a nameless, faceless entity as far as the lore is concerned. Blizzard doesn’t have a wiki page dedicated to your character or their actions. So no, you didn’t actually kill Deathwing or Arthas. And no, warlocks are not actually accepted in all societies. Many of them are still underground or in hiding because their use of demons deviates from the norm.

And it sucks that I have to spell this out.