The player character is an individual, not the borg

Oh no, people who have choices don’t want to work off the consequences of their choice.

That reasoning is another reason why I despise this idea.

answer is: they agree on everything else, like dks, for instance.

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That also happened after the King had to make a statement to accept them into the fold, it didn’t just happen.

Turalyon doesn’t seem like the type of King who’s going to look at someone wielding Fel and saying “Oh yeah, these guys? Totally cool.”

In fact, what was the first thing he did when Illidan blew up Xe’ra? Drew his sword.

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For godsakes who cares? Either play the game or don’t. Some people like the accessibility and yes it’s dumb with the lightforge but come on, we all knew they were going to make classes nore accessible at one point and everyone wanted it. You can’t complain about something you people wanted.


does the DK questline still have everyone spitting on you and hurling rotten fruit and death threats when you enter Stormwind/Orgimmar for the first time?

Why don’t you ask Humans and Orcs? Human and Orc Warlocks can run around their city’s without guards attacking them, so what makes Night Elves and Draenei special?

I think you’re projecting a little too hard on the ‘cultural appropriation’ front.

yeah, but you notice him evicting all controversial classes from sw? dks killed lots of alliance and horde before they had a change of heart. void elves are former blood elves who could go bonkers at any moment from the void. consequences for lfd locks is they couldnt start on the vindicaar, i guess. though the lfd leadership accepts lfd dks.

yeah i think so.

points at his void-infused significant other

I think he’s more flexible than you give him credit for.

my gosh there’s a lightforged dreadlord on the vindicaar

Not all of them turn green from drinking the blood. Thrall was affected by the fell of the Dark Portal when Draka passed through it while pregnant with him .

I think some are just stuck in WC1-3 +Vanilla lore not realizing as more expansions are made the lore grows and adapts creating new lore.

People don’t want it to happen but it is Blizz’s story to tell and if they want to make certain races be class in old lore they couldn’t they’re going to do it whether people like it or not.

That aside, there’s nothing in the Lore that would prevent Light-forged from becoming Warlocks or Death Knights.

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Now hold on. Because haven’t people been arguing that everyone’s got a choice as an individual?

I’m exercising my choice as an individual. I never said anyone had to agree with me. And if you can show me where as an individual I asked for this to happen, I will gladly stop.

But you won’t find it, because I didn’t ask. Just because a majority of the player base asked doesn’t mean they are exempt when the minority finally speaks their mind.

I’ll allow that it’s more acceptable in Orc society because they’re more geared towards the primal and morally questionable side of things, but that is not the case with humans, otherwise the cloyster beneath the Slaughtered Lamb would probably have been moved to a place that is more accessible.

To be fair, the Void is still unknown and she’s currently researching its properties.

I don’t see Turalyon pushing the fel agenda as of yet. It’ll be interesting to see his reaction, but until I do, I go by what’s already established in-game.

Yeah, we have no idea what he’s doing or what his intents are. Placeholder example at best.


of course not. never has been barriers other than special use cases such as void elf paladins.

I had this thought driving home from work just a few minutes ago. Forumites seem to think that player characters represent every single character, playable or not, in World of Warcraft when in lore there would only be twenty to thirty player characters per faction (so forty to sixty total) during any single world ending event. Even the World of Warcraft: Chronicle books mention handfuls of heroes defeating the different raids like Molten Core and Naxxramas. So less than one hundred player characters in universe, not of all which would be “unorthodox”, compared to the thousands to tens of thousands of each playable race’s population…

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think they mentioned em in some books during shadowlands saying he infiltrated the army of the light or something.

or am thinkin of somethin else.

point is, your race shouldnt be a barrier for class, otherwise explain gnome warriors. they’re brainacs, tech people, they dont have brawn, they have intellect, but from day 1 vanilla, you could be a gnome warrior lol

There was a book in Revendreth basically mentioning him and saying his loyalty may not necessarily be with the Light.

Seeing as the Nethrezim went to follow Denathrius, I wouldn’t be surprised if Lothraxion was taking up with him as well.

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Anduin : Father why does step mom have dragon breath


I feel like the people whining about lore stopped paying attention to anything past Wrath.

Player characters are prodigies and are too powerful to be restrained by race.