The player character is an individual, not the borg

However the use of poisons and dirty tactics were beneath him as seen in cataclysm…

And then he tries to off Vol’Jin with poison in MoP…

What? You mean carrying on like a child and contradicting yourself aren’t admirable qualities and might make people hate you instead?

Well, shoot. Can’t think of any examples where that’s a contradictory mindset.

Let’s ask the Kor’kron how they’re doing as individuals after supporting Garrosh.

None of what you said here makes sense, and you have zero understanding of the lore behind any of this. It shows.

The Draenei that stayed in Outland became Broken. They are a different line of Eredar from Draenei now.

Returning to the the Eredar (in the case of Socrethar) makes them Man’ari, which are also a different line of Eredar from Draenei. Technically speaking, Draenei are the only “true” Eredar now.

Doesn’t matter in the case of Warlocks in WoW though. You’re using other games lore to justify your explanation here. Warlocks in WoW utilize Fel magic, which is what turns Eredar into Man’ari (just as it turns Orcs green). To be correct to lore, Draenei (Eredar) cannot use Fel magic. Period. Full stop. There is no grey area there.

However, because people are saying “I want what I want” and Blizzard caves to people and breaks their own rules to give them what they want, now we end up with Draenei Warlocks anyway.

I mean, at the very least, they could have made “Redeemed” Man’ari, made them Horde, turned them red (or left them red, to be precise), and gave THEM Warlocks, then that would have made SOME sense.

Activates “A collection of Me” toy “We are Herne, resistance is futile, you will be assimilated!”

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Love that mog it sells the borg image :ok_hand:


That be so cool to get that as a warlock pet

Go play classic.

I think I know A LOT more than you if you think this is the case throughout. Not all that stayed on outland became broken. You want to sit here and tell me they all left and then they all went back to Auchindoun and became mad? You really need to read more.

And shadow, and fire, and soul. Fel litterally makes up a small subset. Go ahead and look into their spells.

in everquest, if you were from the good faction and rolled a gnome necromancer, the gnome warrior guild would kill you on sight, right in your home city. and faerie npcs, who were normally neutral, would also kill necromancers on sight. necros had to work extra hard to get good rep.

Oh, I didn’t think of that!

-tries to access Dragonflight: Classic-

Oh wait.

the concept of races who have reason not to do something, doing it anyway, is standard issue for sentient beings capable of independent thought. for example, not all party members of a political party will be in full agreement with their elected officials. there are outliers everywhere, even in nature, variants, mutations.

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Void elf paladin when! With blood elf hairstyles plz. I like teh cross factionne guild but not being able to use trade chat is kinda a deal breaker, or do timewlakers with my guildlies.

Never said DF classic so that’s your mistake.

You missed the point. You can’t play classic with the modern lore.

Some people are literally just upset about THIS change.

Your “solution” invalidates everything they enjoyed between Wrath and now. How’s that fair?

This would be about weaving lore into the story. If you start out disliked by your own faction, you better start rep grinding to get them to like you better. It would be about proving yourself.

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Ooh, yeah, I like this approach.

Reputation based gameplay which changes based upon your choices as an individual. Let’s start asking for this.

Blizzard’s already been trying to push player choice over the past few expansions. Let’s implement and expand upon this.

Wanna roll a night elf warlock? Get used to Sentinels attacking you on sight.

Some of you already like harrassing the NPCs as it is. May as well make more NPCs to fight off.

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Some actual RP elements? Nonsense.

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Why though? Why are people connecting dots that don’t exist and calling it lore?

Because why would those who accept the cultural norm not attack those who follow a lifestyle that has wrecked their cultural norm four times over?

Does common sense just not exist to you?

Warlocks are outliers of society. They are not walking around the city streets with their demons running around and playing red rover in the glen nearby. If they operate in the city at all they are hiding because they. would. be. killed. otherwise.

I’m just worried that adding any quirk to the renegade combos risks making those combos more appealing to players than the “culturally appropriate” options.

Admittedly, your idea of just using different rep starting points based on cultural appropriateness seems unlikely to lead people to leap for the longer grind.