The player character is an individual, not the borg

As long as you don’t get ash all over the throne, sure.

Oh no. I’m getting whatever i want on the throne. I’m the Queen of Stormwind. I can do it because I said so.

…Do I really need to explain why that doesn’t make sense? Or do I have to start demanding that everyone bow down to me for it to sink in?


You have the freedom to RP that. There are addons that can help you do it.

I would be blacklisted so fast, and you know that.

The stance that majority are seeming to make here is that I’m supposed to be arguing for people not to do so.

Guys. I think she might be Onyxia!


By whom and how?

By people who actually respect that Anduin is the King.

As for how? People wouldn’t interact with me at events and such in the way I want them to.

I don’t think those two people matter, though.

By “The Greater Good Order of Lore Enthusiasts”!

There isn’t a blacklist. And I think there are a lot more that wish Varian was still king. You are good, lol.

At this point I’d take Lady Katrana Prestor for ruler of Stormwind.

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It surely would have kept there politics in the lore more interesting.

Arguably one of wows biggest fault lorewise, their political writing is non-existent.


I mean, shoot, I wish Varian was still king. But Blizzard killed him and Anduin became King.
And the story went on. But Blizzard didn’t have to reinvent the wheel for Anduin becoming the King to make sense. He even still had to prove himself as a viable leader, and even faced pushback from Tyrande for it.

This is entirely not the same situation. Night Elves, Draenei, Lightforged, and Mag’har ALL have viable reasons and examples of why using fel magic is not a good idea. And yet individuals are trying to be like, “Well, Elune didn’t work either, so why not”.

It’s like that saying… “those who don’t learn from history are doomed to repeat it”…

I didn’t say it was the same situation. I said you can RP what you like and likely no one will care. Most people are too worried about what they are doing. And unless you are someone notable or popular, they won’t care. They probably won’t even then.

Most are playing current content and could care less what’s going on otherwise.

Yet at the same time, blizzard was very eager to screw over and corrupt plenty other lore figures just to elevate Varian. Most notables were in MoP with Garrosh going full genocidal nutcase, Jaina turned into a warmonger and Tyrande the TEN THOUSAND YEARS old warlord priestess being somehow incapable of guerilla tactics…

I think your example is just bad. You can be the queen of whatever you want. Stormwind is already taken though. You didn’t break lore, you just put yourself somewhere that you don’t belong.

I’m not sure what you were trying to lampshade with it though.

And it’s also possible even amongst these groups there are individuals looking for power the easiest way possible turning to the fel. I’ll give you Lightforged seems a little forced with the whole light and fel not exactly complimenting each other, though.

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We love your rule!!!

To be fair Garrosh has been a poorly written character from pretty much day one. His story was never going to have a satisfying conclusion.

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