The player character is an individual, not the borg

Which means that they’re supposed to represent the values of their race.

The Warlock quest could have at least tried to justify it. But it didn’t. It read like bad fanfiction by someone who couldn’t even be bothered to read a wiki about the races in it.

The quest doesn’t even have a Mag’har Orc or Tauren in it.

That tells me that they were last second additions for the On switch.


Agreed. This is why one of my Nightborne elves is a warlock as in my head canon the legion invasion was horrifyingly traumatic and she’s now determined to understand the power they used and to master it so she can face them should they show up again. Her “adventuring” is about gaining knowledge and skill in using the fel magic.


I have a Nightborne Warlock too. She looks great!


… what ??

Precisely their usage of the Light makes perfect sense to study the Light’s main weakness. How does that not make sense? You want to study your weaknesses in order to counter your enemies.

No. That’s not what that means. Not at all. We don’t even represent our own races. We are literally a faceless, unidentified person as far as any lore is concerned. The only time the PCs are mentioned in lore is as a “group of heroes/champions” or “a group [faction] heroes.” We are literal blank stand-ins.

Yes, it does.

It has been the way since classic.

Listen here. Many that are dissatisfied by this wouldn’t be if Blizzard actually put effort into it.

Blizzard didn’t.

The new Warlock quest made to justify it is like poorly written fanfiction. Clearly written by a Zoomer that couldn’t be bothered to even read the Lore first and try to write within its rules to justify this.

The quest doesn’t even feature a Tauren or a Mag’har Orc in it.

The Lightforged is the only survivor because he didn’t commit to being a Warlock.

The worse part is that Blizzard, if they cared and weren’t lazy, have ways to make this work.

We know demons can be Lightforged and are allies of the Lightforged Draenei

There’s the Sha for Pandaren.

They could have used Gul’dan’s research being found to justify desperate Mag’har turning to it to survive against Yrel.

Night Elves abandoned by Elune could have turned to it.

And ect.

What fans want is to SEE this, not just HEAR about it then a switch is flipped On.


No. No it does not. Did you not read what i typed. PCs represent nothing. Absolutely nothing. Not no one, not no class, not any values, nor any race. PCs are as blank as a fresh sheet of printer paper.

You clearly aren’t reading anything. Just like with the lore and quest text.

I read plenty. I just know the PCs’ place in lore. Which is a blank slate that can be swapped out with anyone and any group. Or do you need reminding that a few kills that the PCs got were given to specific characters?

Everything is eventual. Even Vulpera DHs. Murloc Paladins. I’ve seen things inside Bronze dragonflight portals that cannot be unseen.

:dragon: :ocean: :dragon: :ocean:

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I see it more as a vessel, a link to the game. Literally like Link from Zelda since we technically don’t exist in the lore outside “random adventurer” and nothing we ever do matters unless we’re chaperoned by actual real characters.

Also NPCs clearly speak to us the player and not our characters, example Wrathion talking about our past experience with him even if you character is for example, a Dracthyr, that didn’t even exist then.

I don’t personally like that form of characterization very much but it works for other people.

None of these arguments hold weight when scrutinized.

Not all draenei got in the ship with Valen. Many stayed on outland. Many on outland gave into the tempation to return to the Eradar. Exarch Othaar/Socrethar being the most obvious one.
secondly draenei have a history of being mages. Warlocks as a whole are a byproduct of any society with a mage background as searching for hidden knowledge or lusting for more power is an easy trap to fall into.

Orcs turned green from drinking the blood of Mannoroths and their other color changes are never explained. Why does Killrog not turn green? Why if you drink even more fel they turn red? You would also be hard pressed to come up with actual lore examples that warlocks automatically = corruption. Guldan is really the only one to suffer from any and it seems like he had a certain taste for going too far. None of the other warlocks in history seem to have any negative side effects of any kind unless they go too far.

Druids do not need a connection to the emerald dream. The drust have a completely separate druidism source. trolls only have a side connection through Loa, many of who have zero concern for the dream, and before shadowlands could be argued to have zero connection.

Your void/light tangent makes no sense. Doctors want to heal. Why would they have zero interest in studying disease?..

DH were accredited to Illidan, but (legion retcons asside…) hunting demons is something many people of many races have done. The Illidari faction is only one small subset of this, you can see pro-demon hunters all over elf lands and see a probably chain evolution from it. Prince Tortheldrin uses two glaives and does a variety of magical attacks and counterspells, Lady Velandras Ravencrest follows the same vein, as well as Spellblade Aluriel and possible the blood elf spellbreaker. It is a very old discipline that was only co-opted by Illidan and the Illidari. Besides that, if you conceibly come up with a way for other races to learn the abilities I don’t know what to say. Illidan taught all the illidari in the span of like 5 years between the end of wc3 and the beginning of TBC.

To me it seems the people who find class/race impossible just lack the writing ability to justify it. None of them are lore breaking.
You want human demon hunters? There is a demon hunter in Diablo right now who would be a very good candidate for new lore that does not piggy back off elves.

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Show me in the paladin book where a void spell is. I’ll wait.

I’m not making an argument, I’m explaining why I understand the reason some people are upset. I said this at the end of my post:

There’s no reason to try to convince me or argue with me on anything.

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They earned this reputation.

That would be sooo cool as an RPG minor reaction by NPC or events!! I love that so much!

I know I was spring boarding off your post to dispel the perceived arguments that come up.

There’s no anger from me, only disappointment. Yes, they have been slowly chipping away at “lore” for a while now, so “Warlocks” for everyone is obviously inevitable.

That doesn’t mean I’m not still going to point out where the lore mistakes are.

Resistance is futile!

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So I can play as the Queen of Stormwind now without people laughing at me, right?

The worgen is not a real player character and shouldnt be taken seriously. Its literally a meme race.