The player character is an individual, not the borg

No. Trolling is not harassment. It’s just hot button that gets people riled up. Let’s not conflate things. Have a good day. I’m just muting this one along with all the others.

I’m going to file this with the “Asmongold told me to spit on people who buy store mounts” episode.

That’s the sort of thing bullies say in real life. Seriously, the word “trolling” means different things to different people, and the line between “trolling”, “harassment” and “game disruption” is not the same to those who are doing it as their targets/victims.


Thou art a depressed lizard.

It is for Blizzard. They deem it an subtype of harassment.

Yeah, pretty much most trolling now-days are either misnamed propaganda (news channels love to do this) or just straight up harassment.

Quite frankly hit a point where i just wish obvious trolls were banned asap.

There still needs to be a good reason to get away from what was once a hugely important Lore reason why certain things were considered taboo to that race.

The new Warlock quest did a horrid job of justifying it. It’s pure laziness.


In warlocks’s case. It has always been taboo, even back in vanilla.

There is a reason all the trainers are tucked away in a questionable location.


I see. You didn’t like the Lore. It explains why you don’t understand why a Lightforged just randomly using Fel wasn’t a thing for over 10,000 years.

Then out of nowhere a poorly written and short one off quest just handwaves that with a poorly written OC who only survives BECAUSE he didn’t commit to being a Warlock.


As i’ve mentioned earlier in multiple threads, i think.

The lightforged that have joined up with the Alliance have been given respite from their now ended age-old war.

They are also no longer being influenced or probed by questionable wind-chime.

Which gives them room to check out other stuff, good, bad. Doesn’t really matter too much.

Like lorewise it’s more likely to have a lighforged join the twilight than check out warlock stuff.

But the one that do, that one… can be the player character!

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People don’t just change that quickly. Especially not after spending over 10,000 years fighting against Fel and demons like it was their last day, every day.

You also don’t seem to understand what the Lightforging process is.

No surprise, considering your disdain for Lore.


Classic realms have been growing because of a certain “hard core” (die and delete) addon popularized by certain streamers I have never actually heard of, and because a lot of people who are bored with retail have decided to go back to classic in general. The RP realm I always played on in Classic is now full.

There is a discord group of griefers who carry out organized attacks against players, exploiting game mechanics that no longer exist in retail, which were removed for just that reason. They kill massive numbers of players daily doing things like kiting enemy guards or elites into quest hubs. No zone is safe from them. On the classic forums you see players claiming that “they’re just trolling”. They stream themselves wiping out levelers.

Then Asmongold showed up to try out hardcore. All the griefers converged on his location, and finally Blizzard had to do something about it and banned some.


True, lots of people get stuck in a sunken cost fallacy even when the truth have been revealed to them.

But that’s the gist. You just need one to make the lore fit.

Like Illidan should have been a poster child for warlock anything.

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I expect Blizzard to try. Not just write a poorly written one-off quest where the characters act OOC and it takes a dump over the Races entire lore and backstory.


Again, the wind-chime is dead which already makes the lightforged more susceptible for other stuff.

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It’s sad that you have such low standards of Blizzard and don’t expect them to at least try.

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Heh… I wonder how many times the dev team has turned over since 2004. Many times I’d imagine.

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No amount of “learned belief/skill” will stop a void elf/undead paladin from blowing up or turning to ash, respectively. Or stop a maghar orc from turning green and therefore…no longer maghar.


A class is not something you just pick up on a whim. We’re all adults and presumably been working at the basics of our class over a period of years by the time we, the player, start playing the character.

As usual, the number 1 MMO on the market, FFXIV, has the better idea here. In FFXIV, you start off a fledgling adventurer and you actually go and sign up and become a rookie in your respective class hall and go and grow from there.

A lightforged warlock literally is an oxymoron. It even goes beyond a simple change in faith/belief. Your entire being is coursing with light-based magic/energy that the introduction of fel or void magic isn’t going to be just blindly accepted. Heck them even being DKs doesn’t make any real sense.

It’s just obvious WoW is taking one massive step towards just being more focused and concerned on being the esport/MMO hybrid they want themselves to be with no real care or concern with how the actual RPG aspects they founded themselves on and where does it stop? The answer really is nowhere. Why not just make us amorphous blobs at this point with a basic attack, defend, and heal button so everyone can be perfectly balanced at all times?


The player characters are glorified stand-ins for whatever hero or faction they want to claim credit for something. Non descript, faceless, and with an unknown quantity.


They can’t spit at you anymore. Just in a general direction. But in that case, just laugh at them, because they are miserable while you are playing the character you love.