For the record, this is an absolutely TERRIBLE reason to buff tanks or to keep tanks strong.
I think the MoP Remix complaints show that most people don’t want someone to carry them through content. I certainly don’t. Dungeons are a team activity, and it should take the whole team to get through them (at least at the beginning of the expansion before gear scores get too inflated).
The few players that are just looking for a hard carry will simply have to be disappointed, as will those dps players that queue as a tank for short queue times.
This is going to wind up against bad DPS whose bad play was covered up by tanks able to bail them out of everything dumb they do.
They are going to be dying from the healer prioritizing the tank over them and their constant pulling extra mobs will no longer be tolerated in the slightest.
Damage profiles have changed a loooooot since vanilla. It’s not gonna be a good time when everyone is getting chunked for 1/2 their healthbar every couple seconds, now including the tank.
Yet it is what attitudes like “the customer is always right” can lead to. People keep complaining about tanks doing these things yet don’t stop to think what it takes, or what content, that tank is doing such in.
It is almost like tank should be able to stand on their own if healer need to focus on DPS or whatever, yet not be this unkillable machine that can wade through masses of mobs with nary a scratch.
i would rather have bad tanks weeded out and are not in top content because they can just survive. i’m for the tanks getting less sustain keeping them at demigod levels so its boring and making us forced to deal dmg because we are sitting there on our hands.
and fyi i’m a main healer, and i’m looking forward to this
We understand it just fine. The truth of it is though, a healer can get carried through M+ more easily than other roles… meaning as a healer I have been able to clear dungeons that I really don’t have the skill to clear, which means generally people really don’t care if I’m a good healer or not because it doesn’t affect the outcome much.
It sucks to feel like being a good healer doesn’t matter, people only judge us by our DPS not our HPS… it will be nice to be able to be recognized for what we’re supposed to be doing.
And I get the DPS of a healer will still matter, but anything that shifts the balance toward more healing is A+ in my book.
Sadly, I don’t have to imagine it, I’ve experienced it more times that I care to count. The fun part is when you also get blamed for the wipe because "wtf healer?11!?
Play better, the average tank skill took a nose dive in df. Alsooo tanks are doing fine rn other then like prot pally, if they hadnt nerfed things like bdk bear and all them they litterally would be breaking the game rn.
Especially bdk that junk was becoming incredibly brain dead and spammy. Bdk went from an interesting tank with a good amount of skill expression too spamming up bloodshield.
Thats a good thing, more players will have too play better.
I dont see how forcing players too play properly and atleast somewhat intelligently is a bad thing.
The people that suck will either get better or they will stop doing keys and wasting peoples time.
This isn’t something new. I was healing way back when tanks weren’t invincible, and healing was more fun, groups were more fun, the game was more fun. All of your arguments for invincible tanks are wrong.