THE PALADIN Guild - Welcome

Thanks!! I’ll mark the date.

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What realm should I sign my character up for?


Love this! What guild name would I be looking for?

On a side note, if this does happen to be on an RP server, would you be willing to allow for some priests and warriors? Lore wise all paladins were once warriors or priests. Uther was a priest first and Arthas was a warrior. I only ask this because my leveling partner is planning on leveling a warrior with my pally.

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Hi Armand, I main Ret Pally in Retail and also play Holy. Which realm will the Guild be located?

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The issue is they will never make the enrage timers on current progression raids.

The positive thing is their members will do such low dps that even a paladin tank can hold aggro.

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Lets go!!!

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Our Paladin Guild, Paladin Police Force, will be formed on Faerlina. There is a large community of Paladins amassing on this Realm. All Paladins of all specs are welcomed in our Paladin Guild.

We will primarily be a PvP Guild.

We will attempt raid bosses more than likely picking up other classes to assist in DPS.

Thanks for your response. When fully launched, I’ll look for you and the Guild!

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I am Mccdowwell on Faerlina. We will have plenty of High Lords (Officers) that will be able to invite you aswell.

Thanks for your response.

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Is this on classic? If so what server?

my bad didn’t read the most recent posts. I’d like to join this but I’m not on Faerlina and it’s currently full

I made a new Palidan on Faerlina, Energizerjr and sent you a friend request.

I’m in let’s do this, what server?

Faerlina but I don’t know anyone else in this besides Mccdowwell

It’s time for a crusade.

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What server

No mention of server?

Looks like Faerlina from previous comments. Damn older threads.

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Seen it a number of years ago. Ended up letting a few hunters in after a while. Believe I was on Venture Co, Horde at the time.

Indeed! There was also a all druid, that ended up as well letting in a few hunters. Venture Co!!

I like how this gets necro’d every so often. Wonder how it’s doing?