THE PALADIN Guild - Welcome

Inb4 39 paladins BoP themselves at the same time. Tank swap successful.


By the Holy Light!!!

Could be a guild name

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Never played Pally, Wish you accepted us poor druids.

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Well in classic phase 2 you’ll see 40 unfired ancient blades hit the dirt if nothing else.

For me, it’s the Paladin. The best Class. I even ask for extra paladins in the raid and the guild master is so friendly and more than willing to oblige.

One time I asked for paladin buffs and they gave me three. I said, “Wow, three for free!” and the nice friendly guild master laughed and said, “I’m going to call you 3-for-free!”.

Now the guild greets me with “hey it’s 3-for-free!” and ALWAYS give me three buffs. It’s such a fun and cool atmosphere at my local raid group, I go there at least 3 times a week for dungeon runs, 1-2 times for raid nights, and maybe once for world bosses when I’m in a rush but want gear that’s good, fast, and can match my daily warrior needs.


I’m down for this - is it cool that I’d just have him as an alt though until my main farmer gets to 60 and I can make some moolah? I’d still level him, but just not as quickly.


We will allow Guild Members to have their alt Paladins in the guild. We will even help you level your alts via Dungeon power leveling. The Hobbs Way.

We need all the Paladins we can get and are accepting of all Paladin specs.
Ofcourse, Prot and Holy are in demand. We are perfectly fine with everyone being Ret.

Thanks for the clarification, I’d be down to do something like that. I’m happy to do either prot or holy on him.

What about the sisters?

I mean man, its 2019!


I’m definitely interested. I always roll as Holy when I play a Paladin.

Reminds me of the old joke.

10 Paladins walk into Karazhan No one dies!!!

Including the mobs!!

I am maining pally this time around… so yea.

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Hey, I was looking exactly for this. Mainly because I’d like to do some casual RP. I know that one of the part that made Classic great was social interaction… I know that Paladins were not the best class in the game, but I really wanted to be part of a Paladin society, would be awesome… something like: “Tyr’s Hand”, “Warriors of the Light”, “Disciples of Lothar”… any Paladin guild named according to the story. I’m totally in! :smile:

Clan Battlehammer from ED is also forming an all pally guild in classic.
I think they are changing their guild name though.

Would love to join but need to change factions as I have a retro Pally Level 76 with an ILVL of prox 83 Avg. at prox 80 Horde. When could I join on Alliance side, at Level 70? Let me know. Would love to join and level up with you guys. Presently pally is Flagsrup. Thanks!

On August 27th, at level 1, in Classic.

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You’re going to have fun trying to fill those raids.

Our Prot Pally killed The Lurker Below in a bubble, last man standing. Proceeded to ressurect the entire raid.

One of the coolest Ventrilo moments ever!


So who’s going to get Sulfuras? I imagine everyone will want a shot at it.

shouldn’t this bee in the guild recruitment forum??

Yes. Odd, maybe they missed it. Not much activity, maybe OP can ask it be moved over.