THE PALADIN Guild - Welcome

I am for this but you should really add Smite Priests, as after all they serve the light as well.

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Imagine trying to do rag with this comp. Every person has a mana bar and can be fire balled. Literally the entire raid would need a full fire resist set so that every single fireball is resisted or it would blast at least 1/4 of the raid at any single moment

This actually sounds really fun

How so?

Phase 2?

You do know holy shocks and u can melee her.

Holy shocks can do 1.2k + dmg cd I believe is 30secs. 10 = 12k dmg every 30 secs.

They can bubble out of breath.

So, I don’t see a problem only on 2nd last boss on curses in BWL.

Hahahahahhahaaha i see it now… cant unsee it hahahahha