The over-importance of M+ Key runs

There are right at 5 million M+ parses from the last week alone. We could safely equate that to 1 million keys in ONE week.

The overgearing…

Isn’t that basically how it works in Season 4? You kill xx number of Bosses from Mythic which drops currency to upgrade a Heroic piece to Mythic level.

On the surface it seems balanced against Valor upgrades from M+ but it breaks down with a deeper dive. For the vast majority of players getting enough 15’s done to raise your rating in order to cap Valor upgrades is far easier and more accessible than killing Mythic Raid Bosses.

I don’t understand why Blizz always has to make things so obtuse. Why do we need TWO more currencies? We already have Valor in game. Just add Valor drops to Raids with higher numbers coming from higher difficulties and allow all Normal and higher Raid drops to be upgraded.

Yes, it is if you wanna. But let’s face it, the OP said he’s a casual player, just like myself. Casual players don’t tend to spam run anything. I ran 5 keys this first week that dropped, nothing. Killed the fated world boss that dropped, nothing. So unless the vault is kind (HAHAHAHA) my first week of season four will net, flux and anima.

The problem is that normal and heroic raiding gear is worse than mythic plus gear and harder to get. Letting players upgrade normal and heroic gear with valor is a solution. Not hard to miss.

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At the end of an unpopular expansion, using recycled content.

It’s a pretty safe bet that the M+ is popular enough to insulate it from stupid ideas like that guy was advocating for.

We’ll see though, I’ve seen em do some silly stuff.

I do agree that raid rewards should be better and/or more frequent.

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Read the quote. You said tier sets and strong trinkets should exclusively come from raid. That would make raiding required to do M+ effectively. Obviously.

I dont think this means what you think it means.

…what? In what world would I be able to push a key without maximizing my character? If I can do a 15 with 1 legendary, garbage trinkets, and no tier…how high would I push if I had all those things? You would be kneecapping yourself if you didn’t go for all that stuff. (This means you’d be less effective.)

15 unique bosses is 5 per raid and the first 5 bosses of each are pretty much one shots on even heroic difficulty in pugs. It does seem to be about the same to me. But sure you could adjust it.

I’d just like to point out that M+ isn’t only for people that want to push rating or for gear. For some those are secondary at best.

There are also people that like to spam low keys because its fun (reminiscent of wrath dungeon spamming.)

There are also people that like to teach and carry people just because they like the social interaction.

There are also people that just like to spam +15’s even when they are maxed out because they find it fun. I have a friend that ran over 2k dungeons in SL and never pushed his IO and was max gear the entire time. I personally don’t understand this one but there are people out there like this.

I would say it has more to do with the sheer number of mechanics and tuning. In classic you can putz around and do fine in a raid. In retail you have to dance for 10 min straight after falling asleep to the raid lead explaining mechanics for 15 min straight for the 8th week in a row.

Honestly I would love to see raids going back down to just a couple of mechanics that are easily telegraphed and have long casts that don’t require you to be on performance enhancing drugs to be able to succeed in dodging.

Of course this is hyperbole but its done to illustrate how different a fight like Queen Azshara is to Ragnaros in MC. One is designed for people who want a challenge the other is designed for a guy who has already consumed a six pack and just looking to hang out with friends.


Obviously there’s multiple factors. I also think raiding has too many useless mechanics and overlaps have become the difficulty for too many bosses. SL fights were also 1-2 min longer than most expansions, which is bad imo.




You use this word “facts” and it’s pretty clear you don’t understand the meaning. Try the word “opinion” in place of facts to make what you said correct.

You aren’t obligated to do chores if you don’t want to. Nobody has a gun to your head or is going to jump you in the streets with baseball bats if you don’t fill your vault each week. You make a choice. You want the shot at this reward? Here is what Blizzard says is the requirements. Plain and simple. If things are on a vendor, all it’ll lead to is players farming dungeons until they buy said vendor out.

Why anybody would pay to play this game and not want to actually PLAY the game is beyond me…but it is your money.

Keep in mind it is, of course, in the interest of Blizzard to keep us engaged and playing the game. They do NOT want us gearing up too quickly because gear/player power is their biggest carrot given they have pivoted themselves into a e-sport wannabe hybrid competitive MMO. If Blizzard were to go back to a much more grindy arrangement for gearing, you can very much expect those grinds to look much more like ZM mount/pet crafting.

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One of the easiest fixes that never gets enough discussion is simply removing the weekly lockouts from raids.

Heh I really don’t want that. We don’t need to push raids in that direction.

People act this way, and it’s false. People who run m+ get geared in about a month or two, yet still run keys all season long while most raiders quit after they’ve cleared the tier.


All this post makes me think of is that guy yesterday who was saying M+ runners are constantly making it about them.
I’d say a more apt observation is people who don’t run keys making it about “remove M+/gut M+ because I don’t do it.”
M+ is fine.
Buff raid drop frequency if it’s that bad.

Its part of it. M+ is fun on its own but rewards are a draw having more to it is better then having only m+ is fun but has no rewards. Sometimes we have content that is solid but has bad rewards like torghast or content that is bad but has good rewards like warfronts but at the moment M+ is good content with good rewards which is the best case. Good rewards are a part of good content.


No they don’t.

Really sick of all the people on this forum who don’t raid, but consider themselves an authority.

1-2 hours. My casual mythic guild (not even CE sepulcher) cleared heroic in about 90 with about 5 pretty low ilvl alts in the raid.