The over-importance of M+ Key runs

I think more people would raid and play the game if raids were easier of access.
Raiding participation hasn’t gone up since M+ was invented, only mostly down.
Many many raiders have made it a point to say that requirements to raid like farming/unlocking borrowed powers and farming M+ gear was too high requirement for the game when they enjoy more raiding.

It’s not selfishness as I think there’s many ways to fix this. One of them is nerfing M+ loot and I’ve made it obvious that it wasn’t the way I would go as I think M+ works with the amount of rewards a lot.

Let’s agree to just split off both content.


No. Splitting the PVE community is a horrible idea for the games health.


Then the m+ part of the game will keep burning off the rest of the game till there’s no one that want to put up with it outside of it.

There’s a reason why Classic is keeping retail afloat because raiding in it is a lot more enjoyable than retail. And that was splitting the wow community because both parts could not be reconciled. Like we’ve hit at this point with M+.


And your only solution is to reduce the available player base for each activity even more my segregating players based on content preference.

As the subs keep dropping Blizz cannot afford to keep players seperated. Thats the reason they are removing faction divides and connecting AHs

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Both playerbase will be available to the other, you just won’t feel “forced” to do one or the other if you don’t want. Yes it’s a cost that I’m willing to pay to have more fun in the game and bringing back people that don’t like the current situation.

Connecting Ahs is a pretty dumb move btw but that’s not the point.
If anything you’re proving that current statu quo isn’t working if they have to go that far to put crossfaction ingame and that won’t stop the bleeding.

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Well, let’s copy something else from valor then. The rating requirements to upgrade. You want to upgrade to 304 with valor from heroic? Get 15 unique mythic boss kills on fated. 291: 15 fated heroic bosses. 298: all 31 on heroic or higher.


That’s fine with me

Im not against this idea…but M+15s are much easier than most heroic raid fights and definitely easier than mythic raid fights

Shouldn’t the tiers at least be comparable to the difficulty requirements of the system we are copying

I believe the biggest problem is how stingy Blizzard is with raid drops.

Most pieces of raid gear are bad already, while m+ drops gear like candy.


So needing to do M+ to raid effectively = bad. But, needing to raid to do M+ effectively = good? I honestly don’t know what the solution is, but either one requiring the other is bad.


I think the best way to improve raid gearing would be to let us upgrade normal and heroic raid loot with valor like M+. I would raid normal just for fun if this was an option. And now that we can convert M+ gear to tier pieces it doesn’t make sense to limit raid gear more than mythic 0 gear.

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Only problem is, most people are only in it for the easy gear. You remove good gear from M+ and I bet participation plummets

The small ~5% of people doing M+ because they actually enjoy it or to push score would keep doing it, but most players wouldn’t bother

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Not sure where I said that.

I can agree on this

M+ is popular because you can get in a key or 2
If you’ve only got 1-1.5 hours to play

A raid? Not so much

We grown, we busy, we don’t have time for 3 hours in a raid

If we had more raids like VoA, quick in and out and the boss encounter is the focus then GG I’d probably raid. But as it stands it’s just too time consuming to bother with

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The thing is other games have raiding and wow has raiding in Classic booming. So there is a crowd for it, way bigger than what we currently got. There are ways to bring back people into the game and into retail raiding. (without just sacrificing M+ on the altar obviously)

There’s many ways of course to make raiding less time consuming. A couple stuff people have been talking about is more teleports/skips, less trash, no raids with over 10 bosses.



What do Mythic raiders get?

And get rid.
Of the damn.
Spreadsheet bosses.

Mythic raiders still get the very best gear since mythic plus gear can’t be upgraded to the highest level.

Lol, just because you have a bad idea doesn’t mean you need to post it.

I’m so tired of reading “tHe MAjORiTy” when you mean you hate M+. More than 2 million keys were ran last season. I’d say that people like M+.

Welcome to WoW. Before M+ was implemented, you could raid for progression gearing and your weekly chore, and that was about it.

Please provide source for “majority.” Argument reads like “trust me bro!”

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Then you completely missed what the problem is.

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