I do M+ regularly, so do many people I play with it. Almost all of them wish they didn’t have to, and wish we were rewarded through the raiding itself, like we used to be.
Blizzard’s over-tuning of raids, and telling people to gear through M+ instead (which has been going on since Nighthold) has led to raiding withering on the vine. It’s got to stop.
Yea and they could easily cut rewards in half or buff raid loot by twice and people would still do it and have fun in it. It’s just a bit too strong right now. And rather than changing the whole game because of M+ (or destroying its rewards), I think the reasonable option is to contain M+ gear to M+.
The smaller time commitment and the ability to accomodate random playtimes is also a huge part of its popularity.
I also find the faster paced playstyle to be more engaging than the very slow pace of raiding.
Yes, gear is the most important motivator for M+…but it is unfair to ignore its other superior features that make it the prefered content for many players
I think the answer is simply tier sets and strong trinkets coming from raids only for balance. It may be quicker to get gear from M+, but raid gear should be better.
The problem is that rely on tuning and doesn’t solve the time commitment that M+ adds with the vault. Or how it is still way more efficient than any other content.
I got older, had kids, got married, couldnt commit to a raid team, so M+ is the next best option. Drop in out whenever I want, 30 mins to hour or whatever, 1-2 keys etc…
Not really more than half of the raiding population does normal and up with numbers we could get back when we got LFR numbers in dragonsoul. And it’s to be expected they went down with gear being less powerful from it than it was back then.
No it doesn’t. About 40% of the playerbase regularly clears Heroic. The %% that regularly clears the raid on any mode is about 60%. That means that the people who clear Normal and/or LFR, but not Heroic, is only about 20%, which is half the population that clears Heroic.
We have people pretending that reward structure isn’t part of why people like content. M+ is rewarding and it should be, raiding needs to be more rewarding for the effort needed to do it, ie making a roster and managing to get a large group of people to stop failing simple stuff enough to kill bosses.
M+ reward structure has also been messed with a lot over the years, honestly I think it was best when loot rained from the sky but the highest ilvl loot was hard to get. The game is fun when you have the pieces needed to make your character fly ie the right trinkets the right stats the right borrowed power all easily attainable and all probably not quite but close to the right ilvl.
Some people clearly like pvp, but they complain nonstop about pvp gearing, and they should if its got real problems which it seems to. M+ also has people who genuinely like it and despite that it seems more people are upset about m+ having better loot distribution then their own content rather then complaining about m+ itself. Honestly these complaints come off as a silent minority as you see the real complaints come in when pvp has better loot distribution then raid or m+.
Torghast would have been fondly remembered if it had anywhere near the reward structure of visions. Despite giving the lowest amount of loot in its history m+ is still popular for some reason, almost as if people enjoy the content.
Also the people complaining about loot have to not be doing mythic because full mythic clears are the only way to get big pve ilvl this patch. OH NO the m+ players are gearing faster even though mythic raiders are getting 1-3 more 304/311 pieces a week. How tragic for the raiders. Will no one think of heroic?!
I’m not opposed to this idea. This would be better for me lol, now I wont have to stress about getting certain trinkets/gear drops from raids just to do m+. It works both ways