The over-importance of M+ Key runs

If you being annoyed is the negative part of it, I think thats a pretty good deal. You already have a lot of people using different gear set for aoe or single target this is just making it official.

Splitting of both content and lowering weekly requirements is how we make the game grow. Obviously you can disagree, but thats asking for a repeat of bfa and SL.

There are obviously other ways to balance gearing but they dont solve time commitment issues that m+ added to the game and that has made people flee to greener lands.

Idk what the solution is… Though, heroic raiding definitely doesn’t feel rewarding in comparison to M+ and that’s a pretty rough feeling.

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It’s less common to have ST and AOE gear than it is to have one set. Adding another gear sets is just going to exhaust players further, not alleviate it. A lot of players do both raid and M+.

If you can explain how doubling the gear I have to acquire is good for the health of the game and going to reduce the time I invest in gearing then I can see your side, but I don’t foresee a logical explanation for that vision.

All I see it doing is punishing people who do multiple forms of content, rather than rewarding it. Which that’s contrary to their entire philosophy.

BFA and SL aren’t failures because of some lack of extra gear sets to farm, they failed because of the insane lengths players had to go to get what they needed to be competitive, and forget alts. Oh, new alt? Farm two sets of gear. SMH.

Raids needed to drop more loot since Legion, they instead reduced it and then revert it back.

A lot of what they do with raiding is to try and stop gear funneling from world first guilds, it had never worked, they just do more spilts and by week 2 they are fully mythic ilv.

They need to stop balancing the game around that sort of play style.

Unless you’re in a mythic guild, you’re not actually under any pressure to run keys. Any heroic guild that’s requiring you to do keys but doesn’t push far into mythic prog (or at all) is a clown fiesta and you shouldn’t be with them. Find a guild among the large number that only do normal or heroic and don’t require keys. Making people have to get separate gear for m+ and raid just divides the playerbase and makes less people engage with either form of content.

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Try getting this across to the vocal minority of M+ defenders on these forums. M+ should be a side activity, not a primary form of gear acquisition.

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Or just bring back reroll tokens. I don’t know why they ever got rid of them.

Would you rather punish everyone because now they have to do both content? Or let them choose if they want to do both content?

You’re not being punished moreover if you already do both content.

And how does that not relate to m+? If you need to do less to participate in either m+ or raiding it’s a win.

Bonus rolls were better than the vault by far, still don’t understand why they’re gone. Seems like it was mostly a war against raid being able to drop loot.

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Dear god no. I’d much rather have the vault and be able to have some choice than coining on a boss and hoping I get loot and then hoping that loot is what I wanted. There was a science to using your coins to build up the pity timer and it was needlessly complex.

The vault rolls 3 choices of loot from all boss that you don’t decide, bonus rolls lets you get a chance on a specific boss. And the “science” was mostly just statistics on flipping a coin…

That’s actually not true. I get my tier chest piece and I’m done in both content for gearing. I get my weapon and I’m done in both content gearing. I get my BiS trinkets and I’m done in both content gearing. Maybe a raid has the weapon, okay, but once I get ONE I’m done.

Now I have to double all of that. No thanks, never.

There’s solutions that don’t involve doubling the amount of time I spend gearing, which is only and only ever only will be a means to an end of doing content.

They need to continue to iterate on the gearing process. Raid doesn’t give enough loot and needs the ability to be upgraded with valor, plain and simple. Heck, make up to heroic spammable. Who cares. Then the strongest gear period comes from the great vault or mythic raid and the raiders can rejoice by having a slight edge in gearing so they can go back to their raid or die holes they crawled out of.

MORE gearing isn’t the answer though.

Let’s put it this way, if you remove raid gear you’ll gear actually yourself faster in term of bis in M+.

Sure you can say if you did both you’re gearing in ilvl faster.

Same goes for raiding, if raiding gear is only needed for raid then your time to get bis is smaller.

Making heroic raids spammable is not the solution, as that is the problem with M+.
And yes like I suggested before, they have to double the loot from raids to make it more even if their goal is to keep current systems as is.

There’s nothing wrong at all with spammable loot.

I think you’re crazy if you think I’m carrying around two sets of gear on top of farming them. Ridiculous.

I’ll agree to disagree at this point.

There’s a problem if you want to have character progression with gear overtime rather than an arpg season that last 2 weeks.

People are already carrying a lot of gear and to be fair, that doesn’t mean they can’t make a gear sets inventory.

Timegating isn’t content, what an odd take. If you don’t enjoy doing the content outside of gear then it isn’t the game for you.

That’s more an odd take to consider that timegating can’t make content better and more natural.

There’s a difference with the best way to play a game to be to eat 40 meals a day vs eating 3 meals a day.

Raid weekly lockouts make the game better as you don’t need to do more than just clear the raid, and even that is considered too long atm because the main point of an mmo is the social experience not only being able to gear as fast as possible.

It’s rather bad faith to say that I don’t care about anything outside of gear when you can clearly see my achievements points.

As far as I understand you just feel attacked because you see M+ as the holy grail and go on the defensive about it.

There’s more to do in this game than gearing and that is the whole point, let us be done with our weekly gear upgrades quickly and let us do different type of content.

Idk if I feel attacked, but I do Raid and M+ and have zero interest in ever farming multiple sets of gear. Doing raid and M+ is real progression, pushing into 25 keys, getting new bosses down. My numbers going up as a result of gear is the most minimal of gratifying experiences because at the end of the day it’s just math calculations occurring.

You make this sound like a job, not a game.

You mean the social experience of progressing M+ and raid? Anyone saying those aren’t social experiences need to stop pugging 100% of everything and make some friends in the game.

Then why do you want to make gearing objectively worse? Doubling the amount of acquisition of gear required to play the game is always going to be objectively worse.

You know what, why not pay $300 a month to play WoW? It’ll really slow down the rest of your spending by eating up more of your money, that way you can focus on the social experience of working more hours to make up for it.

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There’s no way that anyone can read your post without not seeing why this game has failed recently and will keep failing.

Self-serving egoist logic that just want to push people out of the game.

If you have the time then it won’t be a problem to get multiple set of gear, when you admit yourself that you’re fine with more farming as you are fine with the current situation.

The gear set stuff is just some very minor annoyance, it’s not an argument at this point as that problem can be fixed easily with either addons or them making an inventory only for your gear.


This. I already carry around a run speed set, tank set, PvE st set, PvE aoe set, and a PvP set. Now you want me to carry around another 3 sets of gear? No way.
Also having separate gear for m+ and raids would make there be less engagement in both and make gearing up to do stuff a much bigger grind than it can be now.

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Raids had more engagement before M+ was a thing.
If M+ is that fun and not only for gear then why is it a problem to split it?