The Outland Cup Circuit

My dragon riding skills are fair, lacking to be sure, and so I ask…what is “ascend flicking”?

I’m aware of that, I just need to practice more on that trick. Though, it’s silly we have to use a trick to win gold advanced/reverse.

I was wondering if anyone else had different strategy, but it doesn’t look like it.

what is “ascend flicking”?

If your dragon is pointing upwards and you hit Skyward Ascend, then point the dragon level/downward quickly, you get the momentum boost from a Skyward Ascend, but it’s translated into forward movement instead of upward movent. You go really fast for a long time.

Some people think of it as a flick because they hit skyward ascend and flick the mouse to point up then down, and when they get the timing right, they disturb their trajectory very little while gaining the speed boost.

I don’t have great reflexes or fine motor control, so I take my time a bit more, having my dragon angle up, then hit skyward ascend, then steer downwards quickly. For me it’s more of a quick flip down only, whereas the people that are relatively good can do an up/down flick for an even better experience.

Check youtube or the WowDragonRacing subreddit for descriptions/videos.

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I’ve given up on the cups and the races except to nab the pouches for gold. At launch the extreme lag and mid circuit disconnects were constant and devastating. Ever since then I haven’t been able to get my enthusiasm rekindled. The same happened for the time rifts. I think I did 3 total of those and called it quits after constantly being locked out of end encounters. I haven’t bothered placing better than bronze all expansion, though maybe my hubby will give it a go on my characters and knock out some better times.

I do like the dream surges. Those are about all I have enough interest to do for about a half hour at a time. It’d be cool if they move those around the old world dream gates.

But as for the actual topic - Cups are supposed to be race competitions. I’ve finished about half of the outland circuit just out of curiousity to see what they’re like. Still getting disconnected and lagged out - particularly in Nagrand. So. I’m retiring again. Good luck, Light Speed.

I would love for there to be some sort of leaderboard for each race and course type, see how fast people can get it. Still more of a course than a race, but at least for some people that would give them a reason to keep doing the courses past gold.


Leader board could be fun as long as it doesn’t devolve into bugs and gimmicks like some other games.

Then again, I dunno if it would make the game feel less immersive. Might be better as a fan-made thing through addons instead.


For me, the whole “okay, I got gold, onto the next thing” feels pretty unimmersive to me. When they frame it as a “race,” it feels like it should be something competitive, even if it is just a race against the timer. That’s just how I see it though.

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Group races could be stellar. Man it might reactivate some guild journeys. But it might be all too e-sportish. I’m on the fence too.

I dunno. Beating times and ranking winners has been a thing going back to ancient times, so it’s not so weird.

Seeing “Frostitute” with 6 diacritical abominations come first and “dragussy” second might be worse lmao.

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Thank you!

… because it’s a race?

This cup is pretty easy. If you’re struggling, it is because you’re overcomplicating things or flying into objects.

So update, while the advanced courses aren’t too bad, I can’t quite seem to get the Reverse. I tried though!

I just dont like how they make the races longer and longer. 50 second races are perfect stop with the 2 min races

I completed all of them, I am saying that overall player experience should improve and this should become nice time played not intense “let me get it”.

I just don’t agree that any of this was intense. I got every race by just spamming 1 until I needed to go up, then I just spammed 2. It was super simple and not intense at all lol.

Untrue or share youtube recording for all three peninsula races please.

Which one? The Razorthorn one or the other one?

EDIT: Well here’s both

So person on video using flick, not just up and down.
Thank you for evidence.

At no point in either video does he ever use flick. He simply presses 2 when he needs to go up.

If you think otherwise, please include a timestamp so I explain why you are wrong. Ascending is not “flicking”, it’s a basic mechanic of dragonriding.