The Outland Cup Circuit

Its the same in essence,
you see, it is easy when you looking at this video, but person uses the “up” in unexpected moments and for regular casual player it is not always obvious when.

It really isn’t. That’s why they call it “flicking” or “ascend trick” and not simply just “ascending”.

Ascending is just a basic mechanic of dragon riding.

Which is why you failed to produce a timestamp, right?

Wrong again. He uses skyward ascent when the next ring is higher up than the previous one. Maybe that isn’t obvious to you, but I suspect most casuals could figure out to use the “up” button when the next ring is higher up in the sky than the previous one.

But again, I welcome you to provide a single timestamp. You asked me for the videos, I provided them, I ask you for a timestamp, yet you cannot do that.

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Why people complaining that it is hard then, if it is so easy and obvious.
You know you are wrong, it is fine tho.

The majority of this thread has disagreed with you. Most are saying that they were easy, a pushover, etc.

Nope, there was a few trolls in there, other people (and in other threads) agree that it is not obvious and not pleasant experience.

Ah yes, because everyone with a different experience than yours is trolling. Even though you’re the only one here not providing evidence of your claims.

The reality is you found the races difficult. Your time would better be spent practicing the fundamentals of dragon riding instead of whatever you tried to accomplish with this thread.

I did all races without watching youtube tutorials,
what about you?

Not only did I do this, but I even did all the races without making a thread to complain about how difficult they were. :sweat_smile:

Just jumping in here, but people complain and call everything hard. That isn’t necessarily evidence that a thing is hard, though. It’s all subjective. If enough people are calling it hard it should warrant investigation. At the same time though, it is optional content designed for a subset of players to do if they so choose.

Blizzard likely has the data from these things and if they feel like it, they can adjust difficulties if the % of players achieving gold is too low for their liking.

They might also decide that as long as x% of people who even participated got bronze and for example 50% of those who achieved bronze went on to get silver and 25% went on to achieve gold then the status quo is fine.

It is supposed to be challenging not a tea party with a side of nice weather and cookies, I can call a whaaaaa mbulance if you like lol

And now show me how to to Tyrhold Challenge without flick, I am waiting.

Right? Like, my God I hated Reverse Auchindoun Coaster, that was singularly the hardest course for me out of all the cups so far. However, it’s rewarding when you don’t get gold immediately and keep going through and finding places where you could be doing something better until you get gold. Having to refine your movements to save every little bit of time you can is the challenge.

Still… Reverse Auchindoyn Coaster… I genuinely don’t know what I was doing wrong to have about a 4 second window I was hitting each time, right above 70.000 seconds to under 74.000, and I still don’t know what happened that allowed me to hit under 70.000 seconds. At first I was frustrated, then angry, then upset, then the apathy hit around the 40 minute mark and just kept going for like another half hour.