The Outland Cup Circuit

Who in dev team hates players?
Why do you have to make every race in outland cup intense,
why cant’ it be just a relaxing experience.
Why does everthing have to be intense, prone to failure, is this game for relax or to be stessed out, no wonder millions of players left.
Could please game director do his/her job and fix this? Thank you.


fix what? you mean make it easier? why? go get a fidget spinner.


Its flick…and swish!


Classic is the mode for people who want to relax and enjoy, let’s see if they let people keep chilling in wrath or shove everyone into cata though. Retail is overcomplicated by like 30% now.


What’s wrong with it? It’s meant to be a challenge.
If you want relaxing just fly around Azeroth and farms mats maybe.


There was 2 that were intense, the rest were a pushover.


Would be nice if the quest was retroactive.


You can be absolutely dogwater awful at dragonriding and still get everything except a title and a tabard.

I think you’ll find a way to press through these trying times, OP.


mage tower system redux ?

here we see the skill issue in its natural habitat, driving its owner to ragepost on the official forums and beg for nerfs that are wholly unnecessary and unlikely to be forthcoming


These were easier imo than some of the EK ones and easier than the challenge races where you don’t get any vigor or boosts.

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I feel Outland was easier than EK

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Because it’s supposed to be a challenging race? Although, I didn’t think they were that challenging.


To be fair, if you’re coming in with minimal experience, all the cups are hard.

When I did kalimdor I got my bum absolutely handed to me by the AQ race for a few hours as up until that point I hadn’t done any racing since launch.

It’s at that point I got the speedometer and set to work on doing every race possible. I did the original isles set over a week, the forgotten isle or whatever the next, Zaralek the following week and I’ve kept up with emerald dream and all the old world cups since.

The races are fairly trivial for me at this point because I’ve spent a few hours knocking out every single course on 1-5 different settings at the gold level.

I’m also pretty decent at ascend flicking, which is almost a hard requirement to get gold on some courses.


I was able to get it done with np.

Sucks the most of the reply’s to this post have been negative to the OP. Maybe give them a few pointers on how to get some of them done.

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All you need to do is get through the courses and you’ll earn enough currency to buy all the dragon transmogs.
Rinse and repeat using a few alts and you’ll be able to buy everything for sale, if you want it.

Its Leviosa not Leveosaa


this is me.

I do gold regular, silver advanced, bronze reversed, and don’t worry about doing anything more than that. some I do better in, but if not, no big deal. I got all the stuff.

but seriously now the one in hellfire with all the thorns? that one can suck a turtle shell.


You get back what you put into the world :dracthyr_shrug:

They started with whinge and playing the victim

That one was tricky, but it’s the “fly around in the auchindoun bowl twenty times” one that’s keeping me from all gold.

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