The Outland Cup Circuit

Yeah - I get it. It took me about a race or two to get used to it, but it made it so much easier to go through tight spaces. This is maybe the only thing I’ve proactively used FPV for in WoW, ever?

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I grinded them out in one stream, think I only had issues with a couple of them though.

Maybe I’m just burnt out on dragon riding races, but the outland ones feel longer and the routes are more twisty/turny with more obstacles. Not feeling the races this time around.

I think as people get better at it, they have to crank up the difficulty to keep it engaging. Sort of how raiding in vanilla wow, in retrospect, is SO EASY in terms of mechanics and rotations. Sure wasn’t easy at the time!

I think the two standouts for me in Outland Cup were

  1. Tempest keep, since the scenery was so different and the scope was enormous.
  2. Netherstorm Eco-Dome - that was a long freaking race. Longest ever? Unsure. Going through the domes was interesting for some variation, but I think they could have cut out one of the dome segments and shortened the race by 20% or so.

Oh my God, I spent literally, genuinely over an hour trying to time the Reverse course for Gold on Auchindoun Coaster, all I could think was two things, firstly of this post (lmao), and secondly that I hope the people who decided on that time for Gold always have an itch on their back that’s just out of reach and that they keep dropping their phone between their car seats for the rest of the Outland Cup.

I dragonride in third person, but since the first day of the Kalimdor Cup I’ve done first person for the races. I don’t know why it helps so much, but I’m not complaining.


May I ask if you used any tricks for gold reverse at Auchindoun? It’s pretty hard to get under the timer.

That’s awesome. It helped me a bunch flying in “flight deck” (first person) mode, vs 3rd person, too. I like the more panoramic 3rd person for cruising, but when it’s time to focus and get stuff done, it’s first person for me.

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Dragon riding in old zones makes me feel like Princess Jasmine


I wish I could, I felt like I was doing the same thing over and over again with varying results (sometime just above 70 seconds to over 73 seconds), I watched a video of DanishGamer doing Gold. His time was just over 67 seconds, I felt like I was doing what he was doing well enough, but I barely scraped by after half an hour of trying (since I didn’t watch the video early on)

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I get this energy:

Lol, my husband was complaining about this yesterday. That was nuts, what he was showing me. So Many THINGS to do for it.

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the only one thats been a real pain in the balls has been the auchindoin one but if you can do what i call the flick dive (must be going fast enough to be regenning energy → use the soar up skill while facing up → immediately flick your mouse down so you take the upward momentum and turn it into forward momentum) and you’ll clear it easy

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The only Outland race that was kinda painful to do was the thorn one in Hellfire Peninsula because there’s so many blind turns and arcs.

The ones in Netherstorm were very long, though.


I finished everything with gold in about 3 hours. Yes some are challenging, and a few I got gold on with less than 1 second remaining. Many of the races took several attempts to even get close to gold. That being said I enjoyed myself and was wishing for more once I completed everything.

Honestly if it were any easier you’d see people complaining that it was too easy. There is nothing here that needs to be fixed regarding the Outland Cup, some of the courses are just difficult plain and simple. Keep trying, you can only get better.

Are you flicking your “skyward ascents”? Some races seem impossible if you don’t. It gives you so much more bang for your vigor than “surge forward” does, and Archindoun in particular gives you so many chances in both forward and reverse directions to use the flicks.

If you haven’t been doing the flicks, you’re going to be amazed at how easy things seem once you get it down.

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Ok now I gotta try the Outland Cup. Anything to give me more, challenging content in the land of my first WoW expansion <3


The flicks can easily be a 5, 10, 15 second advantage as you get better!

I don’t know how I feel about the tech being right on the edge of almost required, as it’s not something intuitive to most and you really only learn about it from word of mouth.

I also think once df is over the rotating cups should be more frequent. Or perhaps make them always active at some point.

Expecting people to remember to log in 12 months from now to finish outland cup because they didn’t finish all golds in two weeks is kinda ridiculous.


Yeah, I’m pretty frosty that I thought that Eastern Kingdom races would be there perpetually (I just heard about it via word of mouth), and completely missed it. Hopefully I’ll have a chance again next year, and hear about it then too?

I don’t know how I feel about the tech being right on the edge of almost required, as it’s not something intuitive to most and you really only learn about it from word of mouth.

For me they’re flat out required. Maybe people with better reflexes, steadier hands, and truer racing lines could do these races without the flicks, but I am not those people. I spent probably 90 minutes on Emberflow Flight before finally getting gold before I knew how to flick. That was truly painful, and I think I only got gold w/o flicking cause I cheesed the Bronze Timelock thing to get a headstart instead of waddling over to the cliff.

I just tried it again now that I’m much more experienced, and playing in 1st person, and the best I could do in 3 races without flicking was still 0.35 seconds too slow for gold. When I allowed myself flicking, got golds easy again.

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Ok, so I went back to Shattrath and did all advanced and reversed races for gold, took me 4 - 5 attemps, nothing difficult ( as expect),
but as I stated originally unpleasant experience, don’t want to repeat.
Needs improvement, this needs to attract players not make them running away once completed. So if any of you feel like you accomplished somthing by golding it? Its nothing, sit.

Also there is no need to do any “flicks” just normal dragon operation enough to give gold.

Also update: the blade edge advanced race so far is most difficult, because developer wanted me to guess which green orbs to pick.

Also update: finished all of them.
For the people who are struggling, it is much easier with what these folks describe as flick, but absolutely possible without < that approach would require learn the races and what developers wanted you to do exactly, the “flick” is essentially cheesing.

Overall conclusion: overtuned, the current bronze should be gold, and the bronze should be any time.

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