The Outland Cup Circuit

Wait so races are supposed to be relaxing now?


Not all in game activities must induce stress or to be challenging,
I would say that out of all races in list 70% should’ve been large spans with boosters and easy turning and 20% like medium difficulty and one race most complex.

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I found getting bronze pretty easy on the Outland Cup courses. I’ve also decided that getting silver and/or gold on all just isn’t worth the aggravation. Props to all of you that did it, but I’m saving my blood pressure spikes for other matters.

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I got gold on all the Normal courses. Got enough tokens to get the transmog set. Wasn’t very interested in the title. So I didn’t try to do the Advanced courses. Was fun revisiting outland though. Remembering that first death to a Fel Reaver… Shudders at the sound


Not all in game activities are. These are races, not Sunday drives. Goals to beat timers, not see the sights at a leisurely pace. What you want is something entirely different. And I’m all for something like Sightseeing Tours of the Lands, where you go around through a slow long course and take screenshots or something.

They added a tabard this time around too.

Which is what is probably going to have me beating my face against Auchindoun this week while I wait for queues to pop.

Your achievements updated… were you bragging about getting gold on the normal races?


Fun fact: I didn’t even pay attention to the window and didn’t even realize there was anything but. LOL

I was too lazy to read and never done these before. XD

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I might try it for the tabard…maybe. I don’t use Tabards too often.

I didn’t realize until I got silver and was checking to see which golds I was missing.

I’m only two off which is just… too few to not keep trying to get it lol

I’ve never done an advanced course ever. I’m lucky I can do the normal ones. :grin:

I tried group racing and not a soul joined in over an hour…

Fair enough lol

Kinda wild that they just never did anything with those.

No rewards, no further development, just put in a whole system that everyone looked at once, saw that it was never going to start, and then forgot about for the entire expansion.

Right?! I honestly didn’t even know it made it to live. It was a blast in beta. Then I never heard about it after that.

Huge ball got dropped there.

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Hi OP - if you want to find the easier races, you can check the Outland cup chart in the r/WoWDragonRacing subreddit for races that seem to be more forgiving. I think it was a little rough to put the most difficult reverse race (imo) as the first one you get to when you zone into Outland.

This is one where playing in first person is pretty helpful. It’s one of the only races where I got gold first try for regular/advanced/reverse.

You have plenty of time for wing flicks (ascend, but go straight, for more speed), and first person view takes care of the tricky spots.

In general, first person view is great for tight spaces and tight races. Once someone tipped me off to that, and I saw a video on how to do wing flicks (ascend but go straight for way more speed), certain races went from “this !@#$ is impossible” to getting gold on first or 2nd try for most advanced/reverse/challenge races.

Looking through the WoWDragonRacing subreddit, getting gold for the most part comes down to:

  1. do you have all your glyphs?
  2. do you know how to wing flick?
  3. have you tried this in first person view?
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That’s what happens when you set the tone as OP did.

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Oof. That sounds like motion-sickness conditions, but I might give it a shot.

Is it relaxing.

There aren’t really any tight/hard races.

I was invited to participate in the Outland cup and flew to the spire in SW and decline the quest.

This has to be bait.

Only two come to mind that were intense, the rest were chill. I loved it.