The Outland Cup Circuit

Every time new races get added, it’s like a portion of the playerbase forgets what a race is.

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I see them more as time trials then races since you’re not racing anyone.

Awwwwwww, poor forum trolls, didnt realize I completed almost all of the races on gold from the first attempt (and better at this game than them in everything).
What you fail to realize that this game MUST start catering to utmost casuals if it does not want to repeat the fate of Wildstar.

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I’ve never done them before at all. This was my first one. I didn’t know what to expect. But I got all golds. From what I’m hearing, this one was much easier than other cups. I assumed the fire elementals and magical bombs were supposed to add to the challenge in straightways.

… how does it not already? :face_with_raised_eyebrow:

I actually find the challenge ones easier than the advanced ones (where we are given vigor boosts). For challenge, the only variable you need to budget is your own vigor. With the advanced ones, you never know if the vigor provided means you can just boost immediately or if you have to wait.

That must be on your other account, huh?

Because your achievements on that one tell a different story, dear.

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The only thing I could wonder while doing them is who on the dev team had nostalgia for Superman 64?

I think the Un’goro race was the only “chill and relax” race I have done so far. Though haven’t touched the EK or Outlands races yet.

Does the OP want the dragon flying achievements automatically applied?

Well that’s just a silly thing to say. The game is about to be 20 years old. Their server room could combust on the anniversary date and every part of wow be lost forever, and it could still never be called a failure. It is and always will be a phenomenal success.

Honestly, what gets me more than the weird ego flex was the statement after that:

As if this game was somehow not super casual? lol

It’s not truly casual, player friendly, and respecting my time until the game gives me what I want just by thinking about it. If I have to click “yes, I want the thing,” that’s just a time played metric, and Ion himself is counting those seconds to the investors.


The only bad one this time around is razorthorn rise and thats because the collision hitbox on the thorns is godawful.

IDK what profile tells, I could share screenshot from game I guess.

Sure chief, go for it.

Even if by some fluke you did finish the races, still doesn’t make you less of a heel.

You’re in luck (maybe) I just re-visited the Auch courses to provide some tips for other players, maybe you’ll find my write-up helpful. idk.

If I knew how to record vids I’d make you one.

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Except then they posted this…


It took me two tries to get gold on that one. I just had to cut my corners faster and use Surge Forward as often as I could. That one and Shattrath took me two tries. The others had very forgiving timers for my mistakes. lol


As someone who is at best average at dragon riding all 3 regular, advanced and reverse are completable without much difficulty at bronze level.

Obviously as the expansion has progressed the courses have become longer and more challenging and there isn’t anything wrong with that because it allows the people who are good at it to really test themselves.

They are still doable and all the rewards are still attainable for those of us who aren’t and can’t do them at a gold level.

How was it a not relaxing experience? If you’re not going for the gold achieve, you can just glide slow and lazy through this whole thing.