The other side of Azeroth

The sentence that mentions this is “A handful of ships” and its referring specifically to the Veiled Sea around Kalimdor, which is confirmed to contain Kraken by the Traveler books (point being, very possible the “handful” of ships just got wrecked), and that sentence in itself is a blurb from the Warcraft RPG, which is confirmed to be non-canon. That isn’t to say it’s automatically bad info, because obviously there is stuff in there that IS canon, but not all of it is.

That aside, yeah, it’s totally possible that there is more. The thing is, analyzing maps and globes and seas all means nothing, because Blizzard on multiple occasions has been purposefully vague when asked about this or giving info tangentially related to this (see: The Redshirt question and the language used about pre-Sundering Kalimdor).

The thing is, that can’t be taken as them hinting that there IS an “other side”, because it’s just them covering their butts in case they DO happen to decide to do that in the future. In the same way after WoD’s final raid they kept refusing to confirm if Archimonde was canonically killed in the Twisting Nether or not (because if they did, it would make him canonically perma-dead and they wouldn’t be able to reasonably use him again).

Basically, there’s room for them to do it without contradicting themselves if they really, really want to. But there’s absolutely nothing that confirms its existence currently.

And while that’s the case, I’d prefer they just decide not to do it. Between the map being how it is (if it was intended to be one side, then they would have indicated that somehow, so it’s fairly safe to assume it was intended to be the whole of Azeroth) and the fact that there’s no blatant “holy crap guys we can’t explore the other half of the world because x” lore plot point sitting in the background, it’s pretty clear that they’d have to really shoehorn it into the story to make it work.

They could, but I don’t think it’d be a good way to handle things.

The only thing that bugs me about assuming the map is the whole world and not just one side is the naming of the western and eastern seas. If it were IRL, they’d both just be the Pacific Ocean. But in-game it’s the Veiled Sea and the Forbidding Sea. I think it’s probably just a case of the water around EK being named by Humans and the water around Kalimdor being named by Night Elves (presumably while they were still hyper xenophobic), but it’s still a bit weird.

What is Da Other Side anyway? The other side of Ardenwall?

It is a pocket death dimension of Bwonsandi’s.

Bwonsamdi brings the spirits of any who worship him into his realm. The realm of death is his alone and Bwonsamdi guards spirits well, if a life ends and Bwonsamdi is that someone’s friend, then that spirit Bwonsamdi will surely guide, “Come on through to de other side.”

Flat-Azerothers unite

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I thought they said there wasn’t another side, that the continents just wrap around.


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The only thing on the other side of Azeroth is the Wandering Ilse’s father and four very confused elephants.

Join the club. The more you learn about the Universe, the more you realize that the ratio of what you know to what there IS to know is as near to zero as makes no difference.


My problem is that the more I learn about the universe the more I want to know and I know I’ll never learn everything I want to learn before shuffling off this mortal coil.

That’s not really a problem for my money. Worse would be to still be here and have found out everything, and have nothing left worth learning.

Yeah. It is a sobering realization. I dwelled on it over a few beers strangely enough.


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Is it also visible from the bridge of the Lightforged “starting zone?” The Vindicaar, right?

Interestingly, I think the scale of a human is closer to the size of the observable universe than it is to the smallest unit, Planck length. Something like 10 to the 25th power (universe) versus 10 to the minus 35 power (Planck unit) when compared to “us”.

(Which I know all of the above is included in “the universe”, but from a conceptual standpoint, the above has always blown my mind. The scale of things….)

I believe so…it’s been a bit since I started my Lightforged and I didn’t pay that close attention.

It’s like my favorite Boson Boys song

Catch a Wave and You’re Sitting on Top of a Particle and a Wave

Really catchy. It’s written in all the time signatures, you just have to hear it first…though, strangely, when you listen to it, my cd always freezes at this stupid super position.

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The Heisenberg Uncertainty Principle. We can either know the precise position of a subatomic particle or its speed but never both at the same time.

For example a particle of light, a photon, can behave as if it is a particle or a wave but it will become one or the other when “observed” (measured). Unobserved it is simultaneously in both states just as the cat in the box is simultaneously alive and dead until observed.

It’s fun stuff though I’d be lying if I said I understood the math involved.


Yeah! That’s my favorite album by the Boson Boys! Right after God Does Play Dice

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You are impressively well read. :+1:

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The fact that no one ever goes “west” sailing from Kalimdor to reach the Eastern Kingdoms is enough for me to believe there’s something in the way beyond just ‘storms and monsters’. What we see on the map is what’s commonly referred to as “the known world”. Like how historically for us humans we used to always see maps that showed just the Mediterranean sea, because all folks knew, and maps trying to do drawn random stuff out in the oceans makes no sense. Even when they sailed finally around the southern tip of SA and ended up in Asia they had no idea where they were. Or when they sailed west from Spain and ended up in the Caribbean, again, with no idea where they truly were.

Until someone goes around the planet and actually maps it all, there’s no idea what else is out there. And trying to use the view from a spaceship is the worst way to validate, because it’s so blurry and vague and cloud covered, who knows.

I would think the attempts at implying these new folks come from some continent they got to after leaving the Arathi Empire makes total sense to have likely gone East from the Arathi Highlands and hit this other new land mass, which would then explain the circumnavigation aspect of something being on the other side of Azeroth.

It reminds me a bit of the WoT book series and the exploration to Seanchan that Hawkwing’s son took, leaving that Empire. Or the game of thrones expansion west, etc. It’s such a common theme.

Dunno what happened to said space craft. But supposably the creatures that resides within the forbidding sea is extremely dangerous for sea faring, and those that traveled west of the eastern kingdoms is never heard from again.

Even if there is no land there, something extremely dangerous is.

Also don’t take the “you can see in argus zeroth don’t have another side” arguement seriously. It only shows the northern parts of azeroth there, you cannot see the southern side at all. Plenty of space for land there.