The other side of Azeroth

After the Worldsoul saga they should travel to the other side of the world because I’ll bet that there are lots of landmass and continents over there.


Rumors are we might be going there this expansion

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I watched the whole world spin from up on the vindicaar. There’s nothing on the other side.


You saw what the Vulpera wanted you to see.

The other side is all theirs.


Some of y’all need to understand how maps work :rofl:


We are about to go to the only “other side” of Azeroth there is.

The inside.


What is West of Westeros?

Whatever the author says is there. The world grows larger as more stories are told.


I mean, you are technically right, but we can go to space right now and watch the planet’s rotation and see every side it has to offer.

Could they retcon the planet we’ve watched? Yes.

Should they?

I would argue… no.

What’s the point of letting us see things if nothing means anything and everything can and will be a lie?

There are plenty of places we can go after the Worldsole Saga that don’t need to be some “whole other side of the planet” that somehow was always there but no one ever thought to sail that way. Smaller islands that are hard to see from space. The elemental plane. The Twisting Nether. The other 5 Zereths. Other planets. Other timelines. Etc.


We, as Humans on Earth can.

We have kinda have space ships on Azeroth, but they are under the control of the space goats. There is also magic to contend with.

Fun fact. There are Force users in Star Wars than can use the force to fool mechanic scanners.

Think of the magical Mists that surrounded Pandaria. Are we sure that our eyes/scanners are telling us the truth when we gaze upon Azeroth from afar?


There is no such thing as “the other side” of Azeroth

It shows eastern kingdoms, the Maelstrom and then kalimador

Then repeats


Bro, Azeroth is not plain, so there is no Other side…

Yep. Kalimdor is equivalent to the Americas, Eastern Kingdoms is the equivalent to Europe/Asia. The ocean in the center where the Maelstrom is, is equivalent to the Atlantic. Whereas if you head west from Kalimdor, you will get to the other side of Eastern Kingdoms and that’s equivalent to the Pacific. The map is Azeroth in its entirety. Sure, the equivalent of the Pacific Ocean is there, but there is nothing there. You can see it all from Argus, and you can see it all on the world map. The map “wraps around” from the left side to the right side. There is no “other side”.

These people are like looking at a map of Earth, showing the Americas on the left and Europe/Asia on the right and asking what’s on the “other side”.


I am seeing a whole lot of cloud cover that can hide a whole lotta land.

Remember, magic is a thing. We cannot trust our eyes.

Also, we cannot use earth logic on Azeroth. We have biomes on Azeroth that go from a desolate arid desert right into a jungle that leads right into a snow filled mountain.

In ulduar you can see Azeroth planet on a 3d map rotating… Again only kalimador, the Maelstrom and eastern kingdoms are there

“But but but Pandaria/dragon isles lul”

Both were hidden from the rest of the world at the time

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If the continents we currently see are all there is, then Azeroth is tiny. I mean, our Moon is far bigger.

They have happily and easily retconned large amounts of old content as the need arises; I see no reason why they couldnt do the same for the world maps and visuals.


My point exactly.

I also bring up again Game of Thrones. Everyone in that world knows of Pentos, Essos and Westeros, but none others. Arya asked “What is west of Westeros” and the answer is whatever the author says.

Using logic and science as we understand it means nothing in a fictional world that can be expanded.

We can use Earth logic though. In-game everything is scaled down because taking months to travel to another city would be really tedious. The real Azeroth is just a lot bigger than the game is.

In Northrend they explain that Borean Tundra and Howling Fjord are hundreds of miles away from each other. It’s just depicted scaled-down in game for playability reasons. Because it’s a game, not a geography simulator.


the bottom side of azeroth you mean

all the zones at the bottom of the world map are arid desert or jungle which means an equator

But you cant.

On Earth, the closest thing we have to magic is Chris Angel puttin a glass pane under water and walking on it. On Azeroth, an entire continent was hidden away by clouds.

Ulduar is an old raid from twenty something years ago.

Time changes.