The origin of your character's name?

A side character in a story I was writing in High School, very possibly subconsciously taken from Aric from the movie Willow, though I don’t pronounce it like “Aric” or “Eric.” I had also previously used the name in an earlier online game, and when WoW came out, I re-used the name. If WoW’s Human models hadn’t had their hair-lip at the time of release, I probably wouldn’t have used this name, to be honest.


Something about dragons, deserts, dancing, powers, patterns, dreaming, weaving, and cities of killer ghosts

:dragon: :ocean: :dragon: :ocean: :dragon: :ocean:

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it was a troll female warrior in BC, and i called it sanndy because sanndy cheeks :D, fast forward to BFA my wife said a female troll doesnt look like me and she wanted my character to look more like me or she wont heal me, so race changed to highmountain tauren make it male and shortened the name to sandd and married ingame with a cute nightborne priest that comes behind to heal me every time :smiley:

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My goblin Trixzell just was made up on the spot and sounded very goblin-y

McMurddo for my Kul Tiran is named off of McMurdo from Sherlock Holmes; he was a big, kind of dumb boxer dude who helped Sherlock every once in a while.

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in my language your name its an old contraction for royal bloodline

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My name at the time was Tas, and my miscarried daughters name was gonna be Dina-mae. Thus, Tasdina.


she was named after a particular, less than savory website

I’m a cow, and I’m on the forums.


I smashed together Garrosh and Varok to get Garvash.


Way back in Cataclysm… I had this funny little idea to make a tiny little gnome Warrior with bright pink hair… i was going to make her a Protection Warrior… gnomes always had oversized weapon models, and I thought it’d be funny to be a tiny little gnome tanking giant bosses while stabbing them in the toes… and one thought crossed my mind, “That’s nuts”… and so I made a tiny little pink haired Gnome Warrior named Nutts. And she stayed a Protection Warrior until halfway through Legion when I faction changed her to Undead and Race changed my Worgen Hunter to Gnome, because lets face it, Gnome Hunter is truely nuts… and so Nutts set out in her new life as a Hunter.

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Heh, mine is easy as well. Kiyaris was my Warriors name in Everquest. Been using it since '99 across just about every MMO.


Bloodseer - Just kinda typed what I thought sounded cool. I was 12 and I thought it was the perfect name for an orc shaman. Still do but I am a dwarf now, not an orc.

Rustyus - My dad named two EQ charactees after his kids, using part of our IRL nicknames. When he quit mmos I took the name.

Coldairr - The name of my dads Erudite Mage from EQ. I took the name when he passed to keep his memory alive.


Every once in a while I use MY old Everquest names, both of which were Random names.

Kadark and Jacrabion usually come up at times for characters. I try not to use them that often but they worked.

Side Note: I miss playing Enchanter in EQ, man they were so broken and fun :slight_smile:

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Eh, I like to think myself as a Tech Warrior, since being a Tinker is not an option. So I figured Clockworks would be fitting.

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I named myself in honor of someone who helped me when I started on this account.


Enchanter and Bard. Two classes that have just never managed to have something like them show up in other games. They were really different worlds.

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Boxset by Cocteau Twins ‘Lullabies to Violaine’ - I also have a toon named Violaine as well

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Mom played Bard, but my Enchanter made boat loads of platinum by hanging out in South Ro desert ‘platform’ and mezzing things for people. I just sat there and people would hand me cash.

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Because I am very prideful.

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Setiosiris or how i would have it Seti Osiris named after the pharoh setti and the egyptian god Osiris.

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