The origin of your character's name?


Kyrhyraeth (Pronounced Keer hhyr wathe) was born from Cyhyraeth, who is a Welsh banshee who screams and is heard right before a persons death. I added the K to fit the Death Knight vibe (imo) and added an extra R because I thought it balanced it out well.

I thought it fitting.

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GASP Cas! You’re alive!!! What the hell man?! :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:


That’s my kitty’s name! :smiley_cat:

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I’ve been trying to remember how I came up with this and that info is lost to time. I know I liked the name Kade but why I put Iron at the end I dunno. :person_shrugging:

I do have a couple alts with names I am pretty happy to have. I try to keep character names as fantasy world as I can.

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I…can’t remember.

I like lore

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A few years before wow came out I played some online text based mutiplayer rpg. I don’t even remember the name of it. For that game I came up with this name by taking my name irl and adding a few letters hear and there until I came up with Doranos. Once I started playing wow I reused the name.

my initials

I start out as a fire mage and was into blowing things up and chemistry <fits just right.

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Cazadori = Hunter in Icelandic. Google translate for a random name.

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For me it’s based from the word Baldric (

Since I’m a tank the meaning for my name is that I support the damage dealers and healers.

Thor, protector (and GM :slight_smile: ) of New Dawn ( And whatever other random DPS/Healers I may come across )

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Title of a rap album.

Several other characters are named after music albums. Special to me because they are the soundtrack to the coming of age period in my life.

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You mean a ripped off version of under pressure?

For mine my older brother made it xD. When i was like 11 I used to watch him game and saw the name and loved it. I kinda stole it and have used it ever since in basically every game.

I do feel abit bad about it sometimes lol…

I’ve read conflicting stories that Vanilla Ice did, and did not, have permission from Freddy to use that.

I’m also pretty sure he got sued over it.

I just read up on the story. Yeah, he got sued by Mercury and Bowie, then bought the rights to the song from Brian May (the Isaac Newton looking guy in Queen) because he decided it’d cost him less than a court case with Queen.

Back on my old account I played on Farstriders and there was a guy named Gary. And Gary was in a guild named Hail Gary. And everytime that Gary spoke one of his guildies would say “so says Gary!” And I thought it was hilarious and one day I opened up Wow after deleting that old account and thought “I wonder if Gary is taken?” And it wasn’t.

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