The origin of your character's name?

Lemmie see what y’all got, some of y’all I wonder if you just came up with it between sips of your beer and you drunkenly smacked two words together.

Mine is easy; was my mom’s character in Everyquest 1, she had a half-elf bard. Using the name as it kind of fit with a Draenei.


Dunno, I just thought it sounded cute. :dracthyr_heart:


I identified with the character Moritz from spring awakening. Ive been using it as my name in all games for around 13 years now.

It feels more like my name than my real name by this point.


Some dude’s last name in the end credits of Ogre Battle in big letters. I liked it, I stole it, it’s mine now.

About 2:15 into the video


I pressed the random button on the character creation screen.


When i saw cloven hoof and horns, this was my first thought, but other spellings were taken, so i went with this more pedestrian spelling.


sips coffee

I made a Goblin, and thought Zagg was cool. Short. Golbiny. He is a crazy excitable guy. He embodied my spirit as I entered this behemoth of a game.

He is zaggrific.

But he was my first WoW char. So I grew attached. Well, I met a stranger, who has become a fast friend, who offered to take me on a WoW journey. A guide if you will. I wanted to switch to a higher population server as well, so all was favorable in the eyes of the WoW gods.

But little Zagg was abandoned. I won’t spend money to transfer him. So I used a token and rolled a level 50 undead hunter, named ZaggBag. He even now looks a little goblin like with the Mog he has.

This has evolved into my Panda Monk ZaggFu.

My main crew share the title of my first, and if I ever run into people over the years, my journey has just begun, the tag Zagg_____ will help identify my own lineage of crazy.

As an added bonus, I wanted a single syllable name to make the possibility of voice chat easier for call outs. (Don’t use voice often. Old school text chat is my jam.)

My warrior is named Morzan. He is an orc and just wanted to be different, like the crazy uncle.

Tl;dr - I am crazy.


I actually had to rename my character i think back in Cata cuz it got reported my original name was Btchstab lol


This one was literally one of the random generated ones at creation.

I really like that way it sounded saying it out loud,kinda just rolls off the tongue

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This toon: Guy who wrote the Art of War. Don’t really know why I gave it to a druid, I made this toon like 15 years ago.

My shaman Shocklates was named Cumulonimbus, because that’s the science term for a thundercloud. But people like to shorten words like that to the first three letters, so I changed it to Shocklates. Which is supposed to sound like Chocolates but with Shock instead of Choc.

My mage is Jenesaispas, because I didn’t know what to call her. “Je ne sais pas” is French for “I don’t know”

My monk Rosalyn is named after the babysitter in Calvin and Hobbes

My warlock Zandramas is named after the antagonist of The Mallorean series.

My hunter Izzabeth is just Elizabeth with the El removed and a Z added.

My DK Kriilunaus is the Skyrim shout for Marked For Death (KRII LUN AUS)

My other DK Iceicebaby:

My priest Stacktrace: I was trying to think of a name and saw a programming book so I picked a programming term

My other druid Acerglyn: A mead made with maple syrup and honey is called an “acerglyn”. I also have a level 10 monk named Cyser, which is an apple mead

My Nightborne Priest is Dudebreaux. It’s kind of a joke, a mix of “dude bro” and the fact that so many Nightborne have French names for some reason.

Blumeanie is my rogue. She’s a void elf, so she’s blue, and a rogue, so she’s a meanie. And it’s a reference to the Blue Meanies from the Beatles movie, Yellow Submarine (they were clearly on something special when they made that movie)


It means sexual murder in German but also rolls off the tongue and sounded nice for Undead.

I dunno. I just hit random. I don’t even know how to pronounce it.


Name of villain from the Val Kiilmer move The Saint.


8th grade typing class.

And yes, my drunk pirate crab pet is named Lazy Dog.


is yours just tradition?


. . .


A band

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First character I ever made in Vampire the Masquerade way back in high school in the late 90s. Not sure how I came up with the name, it was for the “assassin” clan and the name just seemed to click for me. Been using it ever since.

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My background in numerous nationalities. Indian German to name a few for example. My wife called me bit of a bitzer. Like bits of everything. So I went with it when I swapped to alliance in BFA. All my toons on alliance have it involved in their name