The origin of your character's name?

:dracthyr_love_animated: BTW, ya’ll don’t be judging me and belittling my character name—like the jerk druid in the world boss party I was in the other evening—because you think I’m some kind of Bezos worshiper when this particular character is from '07 when I deleted my dwarf pally. Plus, I used the name at times since QuakeWorld and Quake II. My 8 other Pharazon (a couple being Pharazôn) and 4 Zimraphel/Tar-Míriel toons have zero to do with those characters portrayal in the Bezos Blockbuster…

…because I haven’t even watched any of Ring of Powers yet and don’t plan to until a completely free day when I can binge watch all of the episodes in a row. It may be great; it may be terrible; I don’t know. So…I have no comment on the writing, acting, etc of the series, and my character name is not a reflection of my like or dislike of the Rings of Power show but instead is from the Akallabêth in The Silmarillion. I have no clue how Ar-Pharazôn nor Tar-Míriel are portrayed in Rings of Power, so negative comments on my name in relation to the Amazon series is meaningless to me at this point and just makes me sad :dracthyr_cry_animated:.

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I was watching super troopers

The source of my character’s name is my huge brain.

I :blue_heart: Rigatoní. :dracthyr_blob_dance_animated:

Actually my characters name came from two, well three sources. Bleed is from Bleeding Love by Leona Lewis and gets the title from the books, Bleeding Earth and Bleeding Violet. The “chaos“ came from my former guild, Colors of Chaos-Aszhara which disbanded before SL launched. It also has a theme with my ex’s night elf Druid. Bleedchaos is my fave toon out of all my 4 toons I main. (2 main, 2 alts)

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Wanted shiva, was taken so I added the end of illidari to it

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Random name generator ftw!

I have three name that I use. Sicinboom is my lazy way of calling my character Boom Chicken in Norwegian. My main character Aphisia, is a really bad misspelling of aphasia, a disorder that affects how you communicate after a stroke, because yeah…I can’t spell worth a crap. I’ve had her since og WoW and she’s a rogue. My third and final name is Bigglesbane. I started this name in Lich King because I had the need to kill Bigglesworth every time I went into Naxx. Its a sickness. LOL

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My name came from an episode of Two and a Half men that was on the TV when I created him.

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Delvar in the Dwarvish dictionary means “To dig”. Which I be a doin with me trusty shovels, while listening to the great tune “Diggy Diggy Hole” by “Wind Rose”.


It’s an actual name that translates to vigilant or watchful. Which is something you need to be if you PuG frequently.

It also sounds like rage. Which is a common emotional state if you PuG frequently.


It’s a comics reference. A mash up of Angrir (a version of the Thing) and Charles Soule who wrote She-Hulk, Inhumans and still writes Star Wars comics.

I used to name my toons after their abilities, and I was a Priest main way back in the day (Shadow Word Pain) everybody called me Pain regardless of what toon I was on (this guy was once called Wrath I believe)

So now for the last few years all of my toons names are some spelling of the word Pain, “Paen” being my favourite/main because it’s the most BElf’ish and weebs don’t message me about Naruto every 20 mins.

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Oh yeah I forgot Bigglebane’s sister Bunnybane. PETA hates me cause I gotta murder the innocent critters. hee hee

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backs away slowly

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My character name for years was a mashup of my first and last name Greneugs. Last year we had a baby, our last one of 5. We had a boy and girl name picked out. We had a girl. I was still madly in love with the boy name and didn’t want it to go to waste so i renamed my toon to Kaedrick.


its a secret


Futurama mixed with a bit of my childhood self being a horrendously bad speller.


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