The origin of your character's name?

It’s derived from an action film wherein a soldier is saved from the brink of death and tasked with killing his savior by his savior; an immortal, possibly demonic, warrior, how allegedly is also Miyamoto Musashi. The namesake is the term for people like him.

Go watch it, it’s awesome.

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Phonetically it sounds like the director’s name. And I’m a shaman.


My friend way back in Vanilla got me into this game and we were going to roleplay that our characters were brother and sister. So he named his Thalassar. And I wanted the names to kinda match, so I managed to get Thallia out of that.

Years later, people started whispering me, asking me if I named her after the Percy Jackson movie. Come to find out that Thalia Grace was turned into a tree in that series. :woman_facepalming:

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was it yer favorite night stick?

The song Sunrise was playing on the radio. Also, my RL nickname is Red.


I thought of having a random in-universe sounding name. Turns out my name is the name of a genus of sea slugs irl. :joy:


My name’s Charlie. And I’m a fox. :smiley:


well uh… look at the 3 words right above

The origin of Brute’s name came from his caregiver when he was still a calfling. His size and heavy-handedness were attributes there.


Stealing your meme!


Edit: My name is simple.

I used to main a mage.


This is the official naming convention for last names for like half the races in the game and a lot of “Fantasy” in general tbh.

Night Elves, Pandaren, Dwarves, Gnomes, Goblins, Blood Elves…
(same for allied race variants where applicable)


In 2019 I decided to consolidate my internet presence a bit, so I changed usernames and made new usernames on all of the websites / platforms I used or might use in the future. This is that name. I don’t remember exactly where it came from. I think I might have been shoving things into an anagram generator? This doesn’t fit anything I would have entered perfectly, but I probably got something similar and messed with a couple letters. It has no particular meaning on its own. I was more worried about getting an identity nailed down that wouldn’t be taken on every 2nd website I wanted to use.

The character itself isn’t played. It’s a forum character. Because before I did this, I’d constantly change posting toons to whatever character / alt I was interested in at the time. I wanted to stop doing that. And since the Main would likely change at least once with each expansion drop, it made sense to use the same name as everywhere else as a standalone thing.


“Brave as a bear” it’s German. I can’t believe I got it the German in me is happy.

Especially on such a populated realm and where people save names to sell (:roll_eyes:).

While taking an optics class was relearning the susceptibility tensor and it just fits with shamans using electricity :zap:

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Rabdomizer and added an a at the end of it.

"Tony is a boy’s name of Latin origin, first uttered as Antonius. Associated with the famous Mark Antony—great lover of Cleopatra—Tony’s meaning is thought to be ‘priceless one.’ "

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“WTH is a High Tauren Monk?”

“It’s a moo-nk”


Named after the Grimoire in the original Charmed. It was the demonic version of the sister’s Book of Shadows.

Early on naming was hard for me. Everything good was taken, meaning any existing fantasy character I liked.

I wanted Vixen. Gone. Six, from BSG, gone. Then I thought combine them. Sixen. Gone, evidently Sixen was a DK starting zone tester and that name was used up most of the realms I wanted to be on. So I added the extra “n”. In hindsight, probably should have been an extra “x”. But that may have been gone too. Can’t remember now.

Illyana Nikolìevna Rasputin. Aka Magik from the X-Men comics

My DH is named Magik and I have an Illyana