The origin of your character's name?

I clicked random name generator until it came up with something that looked like a name.

It is based on the “nether” half of twisting nether, where chaos reigns!


Before Beta I planned on being a dwarf warrior with flowing red hair/beard. I wanted a name that had a combination of Magma and Death in the name. Eventually deleted the dwarf and kept the name.

This is one of the few instances where I took a randomly generated name. However, I did retroactively write it as the name of the sword she canonically carries; an heirloom originally won by the founder of her lineage.

It’s an anagram for Molach.
It’s also the name of a serpent from the Aladdin animated series from the 90s.

I’m named after the greatest fighting game character ever made, Garuda from Street Fighter EX


Named after my first ork warboss in 40k

Donny Iris

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My characters name is sort of how I’d imagine the name “Andrew” would be spelt in Common, since English is obviously not a language spoken in Azeroth. As for cultural origin, I based it on the names British figures in medieval times were given, Andrew being a well known one, I was gonna try and make it a variation of William Marshal, a famous historical knight, but I settled for Andramore since it would fit better and is easier to remember.

Kind of a simple name. Back in BC i decided to make a draenei mage. Just used the word mage for starters, as has been done before. I race changed to void later after finally getting around to playing the character.

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Wanted the word khan and tao in a name. Sort of based him on the redheads that used to live in china before they were wiped out.

See Tarim mummies

Made the name around 18 years ago for a D&D game and really never gave up the character. The full name is Asheru Swiftwind and shes always been a type of druid.

Prester John was a “historical” character (maybe) who did some “stuff” in the “Far East” in the eleventh Century or maybe a little later. Seems like an interesting character.
Another possible (probable) inspiration was the fantasy character “Prester John”, subject of several novels I read in the late 60s, a lapsed Priest or Monk who was huge in size, sort of a backslid religious (not so much) “Conan the Barbarian”.

Named after a beloved cat that passed away


I named him after Walker Boh the one-armed druid in the Shannara series.

Yes, I am not a druid but the druids in the Shannara lore do not change forms and as Walker Boh was known as the Dark Uncle, with a smattering of elf blood, the Belf Warlock seemed to be the best fit for me.


Gaffgarion, I named myself as such in homage to Goffard Gaffgarion from Final Fantasy Tactics. Twas a character that I did like upon my time there. Of course Gaffgarion is the last name, not necessarily the first when considering this character. If the option to allow last names as an option were available, I would add the first name as well.

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This is the name of my old rogue twink on my old account, who farmed many an innocent soul in lvl19 WSG.

Thought it was a cool rogue-y name back in the day… so kept it moving forward lol

It just sounded like the perfect orc name when creating my shaman.

Name of a deceased god in a book.

Whenever someone is killed, I will be there…

Whenever someone ninja looted, I will be there…

Whenever someone makes npc’s repeat there dang voice lines over and over, I, will, be, there…

For I am Who, as in “Who did it?”

(I also just thought it would make for some funny conversations.)